I think there's some trolls here. These people create threads about race, religion, politics (hot topics) & then sit back and wait for the shitstorm because they know we have some here that are drawn to those topics, like a moth to a flame. And we have some that can't, not respond. And we have some that can't control themselves when discussing these topics.
I also think there's some people that enjoy drama here. These people usually enter those topics ^^^, instead of avoiding them.
I think there are some that complain about all of that ^^^, that could avoid most of it by simply 1) using the ignore feature, or 2) refusing to respond to trolls, personal attacks, etc
I think there are some that complain about all of that ^^^ but will be all over our ass if we start banning people, locking threads, etc. Accusing us of censorship, lack of transparency, etc.
I think there's some people that talk shit about wanting a forum for respectful discussion, but they don't want that at all, because they're guilty of name calling, baiting, personal attacks, etc as well.
I dont think we're letting the site become "ruined". I think this stupid shit it pretty well confined to Off Topic, and could be immediately resolved by the parties involved. The trolls could stop trolling. People could stop responding to trolls or use the ignore feature (trolls dont troll where they don't get a reaction...they either stop or move on). People could stop name calling, making personal attacks, etc. If someone is called a name or personally attacked, they could use the report button instead of reacting poorly themselves. Etc, etc, etc.
Why should I spend 16-18 hrs a day chasing people around Off Topic to babysit? People have to become part of the solution first, if they want things to change.