Is this man with a gun "retreating"?

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Old man takes a gun to his neighbors house demanding some music be turned off. Music was off by then, but maybe was loud earlier.

Cameraman is pissed off that the guy "trespassed" with a gun. Says fuck off and go ahead, 'shoot me fucker', gets the dog on him while instructing his (friend?) to get the guy and get the gun away from the gunman.

Turns out the gun was just a flare gun.

Gunman is not charged.
Gunman is now suing for assault.
Court charges against cameraman state that the old man was already retreating, thus it was unlawful to sick the dog or his friend on the guy.

Is he retreating? Did cameraman have an obligation to let him go?

I have my thoughts but wanted others to weigh in first.

member 1013

Fuck that guy

If you wanna brandish a fire arm you have to live with the consequences. A flare gun would still fuck some one up. He escalated the situation and brought it on himself.

No sympathy, no mercy. Wanna be tough guys like that can suck on my dick.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
He wasn't there to negotiate, but to intimidate. Brought what appeared to be a deadly weapon in a concfict that could've been resolved differently. A gun often chamges the dynamic for the worse. This case is one of those examples.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I'd have called the dog off and helped restrain the dude, but other then that I'm down with it.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Where does this take place?
You come to my house with a gun uninvited...... You're probably going to get shot.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
The great white north, but lets not worry too much about what the local laws are, just what people THINK should be the outcome
Fair enough.
Its bullshit, that old fuck came to another person's house and brandished a firearm because of music. He's lucky he's not dead. Any lawsuit by the old man should be immediately thrown out and he should be in jail for brandishing a firearm for intimidation purposes. (I think that's a law)

member 1013

Fair enough.
Its bullshit, that old fuck came to another person's house and brandished a firearm because of music. He's lucky he's not dead. Any lawsuit by the old man should be immediately thrown out and he should be in jail for brandishing a firearm for intimidation purposes. (I think that's a law)
Pointing one at some one is a serious offense up here. A guy got charged because he fired into the air over the heads of some guys that napalmed his house, lmao. (charges were dropped)


Man on the silver mountain
Dec 1, 2015
Seriously? Someone pulls a gun on you and you wouldn't do what ever you could to make sure it's not used on you.
Where we come from, it's not something that happens. I have no fucking clue how i would react, i probably wouldn't be able to do shit because I wouldn't have a gun


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Seriously? Someone pulls a gun on you and you wouldn't do what ever you could to make sure it's not used on you.
Ye I would up to and including my dog attacking him, although in reality my dogs would have already retreated to a safe distance by then:). What I wouldn't do is film myself encouraging my dog to continue the attack when the person had already been subdued. Doesn't look good.

Edit- They'd kill my dogs for that here.


I'd have killed him myself, fuck letting the dog do it. I'd watch his soul slip out of his body with a grin. Pull out a weapon, better be ready for go time.

member 3289

If that video actually did occur in Canada the poor dog would be put down. No free bites up here, making me skeptical that it's in Canada as someone else said I believe
I think here it depends on the state or county but most dogs would not be euthanized if it's the first bite.

I know someone whose pitbull mix bit a kid in the face and gave him 17 stitches and the dog didn't get euthanized, only quarantined for 10 days and then released.

If it happens again the dog is done though.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Getting the old man still pointing a gun at him even while the dog was attacking?
Given the old man was struggling with his friend at the time he'd have been better served attempting to disarm him, rather the relishing in the dog biting his leg which is a very low value target, in that situation.

member 3289

Two things:

1. The guy entered someone else's property with a gun. The gunholder was the only one who knew it was a flare gun. He definitely should have been prepared to deal with the consequences.

2. He WAS retreating and looks like he would have left the property if the dog hadn't been sicced on him, but you can never be 100% sure of that, so I don't consider the cameraman's actions excessive.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Very interesting. Old man was clearly wrong to intimidate with a deadly weapon. He's lucky to be alive honestly. That said, the property owner shouldn't have gotten so brazen when the guy turned around. How stupid can you be to send your dog towards someone with a fucking gun?!? If his first inkling was self-defense, he would have let the dog go the second he saw the gun, not when the confrontation was ending. He waited for a cowardly opportunity to strike for revenge.

I also learned by watching this video that I need a dog. I don't think my cat would step for me like that. lol