Monday Night Raw

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Okay folks, I'm off to bed. But I wanted to take a second and thank everyone here who took the time to contribute to our inaugural Monday Night Raw thread.


Quod severis metes
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'd say unlikely, because he calls the matches like they're fights. On a personal note, I love him.
This and Cole is a Goldberg twitter and marketing guy they want in there who doesn't rock the boat and is Dunn's choice too.

Mauro should at least get a couple of the lower card at WM matches they used to do it a long time ago with Gorilla and Vince swapping and Vince doing the main events.


Mar 7, 2016
This and Cole is a Goldberg twitter and marketing guy they want in there who doesn't rock the boat and is Dunn's choice too.

Mauro should at least get a couple of the lower card at WM matches they used to do it a long time ago with Gorilla and Vince swapping and Vince doing the main events.
Mauro is great, he adds to Smackdown that's for damn sure.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I personally like that he does it. It lends legitimacy to what we're watching. It isn't what Vince wants though.
The couple matches I saw, he seemed to struggle recalling the name of moves. Don't know if it was nerves or what, but it just kinda felt he was trying too hard to make the calls.

But hey, he just started. Dude is a mastercraft. He'll find his niche. I keep seeing him hint on Twitter that he's Smackdown for life, but I think he's just trying to toe the company line.


Mar 3, 2015
Sorry I couldn't watch live... But once I watch I will still add to this thread. I like it here, can do everything a blue does with out paying. I like the auto updates. Hopefully it continues to grow.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Sorry I couldn't watch live... But once I watch I will still add to this thread. I like it here, can do everything a blue does with out paying. I like the auto updates. Hopefully it continues to grow.
Glad to have you here. With a strong core group it can only grow. Less than a week old and our first raw thread had almost 250 posts. I'm not trying to be boastful, I'm just stoked at the early support were already receiving.


Feb 22, 2015
HHH is close to being in my top five all time. So him having the belt is ok with me. He is a legend. So him working with these guys will only raise their stock if done correctly.

Dean needs that belt so Him and Rollins can feud it out when Seth returns.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
HHH is close to being in my top five all time. So him having the belt is ok with me. He is a legend. So him working with these guys will only raise their stock if done correctly.
Trips was really growing on me in his Authority role. It was the perfect parallel to him moving up the actual WWE corporate ladder. But then he gets inserted as the surprise #30 2016. That spot could have gone to someone so much more worthy.


Quod severis metes
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Never been a fan of HHH he's bland adequate to he was serviceable as major heel to me but I he never got pop nor heat out of me under any persona just shoulder shrugs and hoping for someone else to talk with his grumbling and spitting and politics based persistence.

He's just not what this company needs wrestling to move on for me and only has the belt to put over another lazy bad idea that shouldn't be a face in Reigns. He needs to be an exec and the Authority needs to end as major heel stable. All the respect I don't want legends involved in this anymore, that formula is a crutch that lets them get away with neglect, because they know they can always pander to the old instead of working harder to get new fans. I agree with most of what Cornette says on the topic bitterness aside.

When he, Orton and such were all ruling the early 2000's is when I couldn't watch anymore. He just doesn't interest me nor does Orton.

It's stale, and Steph's voice makes my dick shrivel up. They have to move on from this as much as they do from Cena, the longer they rely the harder it will be to transition to change. The same old "AUthority rules and you need to respect my authoritah" is lazy now. Favs are subjective, I get he's a legend in the same sense a lot of guys are that people debate but he's a conflict of interest obstacle to the the major brand if he's wrestling. He should be vouching for the new talent and working in as many ideas to use them as possible and backing off being the major heel.
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Mar 3, 2015
I don't mind HHH, I think he's truly trying to improve the buissness. He does a good job playing his role.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I don't mind HHH, I think he's truly trying to improve the buissness. He does a good job playing his role.
I feel like he had all the momentum in the world on his side. Even the smarks loved him and the job he did down in NXT. And the match with Sting made sense, being legend vs legend and all. But WWE Champ? Again?

Just seems like the total wrong move to make when a huge percentage of their fan base is growing tired of seeing the same old faces in rotation. They have a perfect opportunity to send someone like Kevin Owens or AJ Styles to the stratosphere, but instead they sell HHH vs Roman as the premiere match at WrestlMania...



First 100
Jan 15, 2015
AJ Styles is well-seasoned. He doesn't need a series of warm up matches with Chris Jericho to hold the strap. He should have burst on the scene and destroyed everyone. Won the Rumble and headlined WM against Brock.



Quod severis metes
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I don't mind HHH, I think he's truly trying to improve the buissness. He does a good job playing his role.
I'm fine with everything but trotting out 3 times a month to say the exact same thing as last week and remind people that they "Haven't reached for the brass ring" and Vince involving himself speaks to him not being enough for the old man either, which he'll never solve with CHANGE but just turning up the same dial higher.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
My last complaint for the night. Compare that previous gif with this one. It's everything that's wrong with WWE.

See you all next Monday :)