Conor McGregor: more dojo, less Ido (Portal)

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Does this argumentation suppose or assume you know how much time MacGregor has spent on movement training as opposed to technique and technical sparring? Does it suppose or assume you know his body and recovery time better than he does?
Honest questions friend.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Honest questions welcome. Of course I am to only assume the actual amount of time McGregor spends on movement, I believe he brings Portal in to the fold around the last two weeks of a training camp, so that said maybe around 25% of his time, pure speculation. I understand that the use of Portal is basically like a strength and conditioning coach. What I do know is the amount of emphasis Conor places on movement. I don't discount the benefit of Portal, but as Joe Rogan spoke about Holm this week, I'd love to see Conor fall in love with jiu-jitsu. He's got good jj, but not exceptional. So my article is really surrounding the romance that he has with movement, whether it is misplaced, and whether he needs to have this same romance with jj if he is to compete with bigger guys.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Let me clarify: goofy is good. You are going beyond goofy into straight up UG-level attention-whoring-trying-way-too-hard lame.

I've never made a post like this on this board. Hopefully never will again.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Let me clarify: goofy is good. You are going beyond goofy into straight up UG-level attention-whoring-trying-way-too-hard lame.

I've never made a post like this on this board. Hopefully never will again.
Wow, OK, certainly didn't think I was trolling, just trying to create discussion that's all. Sorry if I have aggravated you.


Wow, OK, certainly didn't think I was trolling, just trying to create discussion that's all. Sorry if I have aggravated you.
Maybe create discussion by first identifying facts. The discussion you're trying to generate is one based on assumptions. Assumptions are fine to an extent but when we are talking about something as physical as a training programme, it is rather pointless to be supposing what an athlete is or isn't doing and then remedying it. I consider that gossip best left to young ladies.

Edited because, as Splinty pointed out, I was kind of cunty with the first draft. Apologies T @tommyfretwell.
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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
@blank LurkenLikaGherkin @imanottashora

What up guys? Why so hostile?

I'm pretty sure there's about 10 other posts in the last week discussing whether Conor is gonna ditch ido and what role "movment" has for a guy with so little ground focus.

I just read the OP article. What rubbed you guys so wrong? Maybe I'm missing it.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
@blank LurkenLikaGherkin @imanottashora

What up guys? Why so hostile?

I'm pretty sure there's about 10 other posts in the last week discussing whether Conor is gonna ditch ido and what role "movment" has for a guy with so little ground focus.

I just read the OP article. What rubbed you guys so wrong? Maybe I'm missing it.
I'm with splinty, the guy is just trying to throw some ideas out there and it's not gossipy IMO. Give him a break, this reminds me of the time I asked the UG (my one and only real post over there) and I got hammered for asking whether it was worth seeing Robbie vs nick 2 with Robbie on the rise and Nick in hiatus/retirement. You would have thought I asked everyone if they are losers and still live in their mom's basement.


Splinty @Splinty
It's a bit silly:
"Hey guys, I was having a conversation with myself and developed a plan on what Connor needs to do to solve the problems I think he has."

yeah negative on that one Charlie.

Besides, my response was hostile how?
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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Splinty @Splinty
It's a bit silly:
"Hey guys, I was having a conversation with myself and developed a plan on what Connor needs to do to solve the problems I think he has."

yeah negative on that one Charlie.

Besides, my response was hostile how?

We make assumptions to have conversations about the sport all the time.
Your first post was good.

This was pretty hostile to someone that just signed up:

Maybe create discussion by first identifying facts. What you were doing is called gossip. Are you an immature woman? If you are then it's to be expected, if not then leave it for the ladies, eh.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Agreed. I will edit that.

For what it's worth. Conors camp has expressed a similar sentiment as you highlight in your question -- Conor does lots of hard contact sparring.

But with that said, I'm not sure who is training Conors standup, ground game, etc.
Nate Diaz holds onto his bjj training and his top 10 boxing partners. You know who they are because the subject monopolizes training interviews.
The OP seems to highlight something I agree with...the work will follow the mindshare.

I still dont know if I'm being put on...what has ido done for conors game that has him parading ido so publicly?


For what it's worth. Conors camp has expressed a similar sentiment as you highlight in your question -- Conor does lots of hard contact sparring.

But with that said, I'm not sure who is training Conors standup, ground game, etc.
Nate Diaz holds onto his bjj training and his top 10 boxing partners. You know who they are because the subject monopolizes training interviews.
The OP seems to highlight something I agree with...the work will follow the mindshare.

I still dont know if I'm being put on...what has ido done for conors game that has him parading ido so publicly?
My suspicion is that it's new and more of a break from the tire flipping than GSP's gymnastics and so it has garnered more gawkers and derision. Some people just can't accept there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Is he really breaking new ground as much as he is continuing down the path a little bit further than those who had previously broken the early mma-training mould?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Welcome T @tommyfretwell. Seems like movement coaches are becoming the new rage of MMA. Condit's working with one, although the guy he's working with seems more focused on strength, balance, hand eye coordination exercises. This Portal guy comes off as sort of a snakeoil salesman to me, but WTF do I know right? :)


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
Thanks for the welcome guys, some a little friendlier than others, but I won't dwell :)

Wild @Wild I've seen Condit's guy, MovNat, I quite like. His seems more interesting to me, all real nature type sh*t, balancing on logs whilst wielding a bow and arrow!

Anyway thanks again for the welcome, I won't be deterred at making future conversations.


Nov 15, 2015
This is just another fancy article saying "Conor lost therefore he suckz"....but in 'clever' prose.

Some good points made, some not so good.
The point about jits is not so good. It's clear Conor is more than proficient on the ground.
It's like saying Big Nog sucks because he got tapped by Mir .... bad jits wasn't what lost Conor the fight.

It was (like you said) head hunting... then getting tired, then panicking and instead of flowing, head hunting harder then getting tagged, which threw his jits out the window.. Jits looked good in round 1 with the sweep, near guard pass & G&P.

Only good thing to come out of it for sure is his coach has been silenced for a bit. He was sounding like a dick there for a while...


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
I don't see anything goofy, or any UG-level attention whoring here. Not sure where that's coming from. The OP's post was good. The thing is, there are plenty of grappling-specific movement drills built into BJJ. We've all seen Rickson's training routine in Choke. If anything, training with more high-level BJJ would improve Conor's movement on the ground.

That being said, I don't think it's fair to use Gunner's loss to Maia against him. He lost to a better, more decorated, more experienced BJJ fighter. I doubt 8 weeks of more BJJ/less movement would've changed that. Gunner beat bigger black belts in the past. It's a testament to how great Maia is on the ground.

Either way, it was a good article T @tommyfretwell. Thanks for sharing, & welcome to TMMAC.
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First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
@blank LurkenLikaGherkin @imanottashora

What up guys? Why so hostile?

I'm pretty sure there's about 10 other posts in the last week discussing whether Conor is gonna ditch ido and what role "movment" has for a guy with so little ground focus.

I just read the OP article. What rubbed you guys so wrong? Maybe I'm missing it.
Hard for me to believe this isn't a FS style troll. Some people enjoy that more than others.