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Deleted member 1

You can't ask a lynch mob to beat up random people. First, Trump has never been hit with a tomato and second, this is one of umpteenth examples of him asking for fights.

It was in the context of his stating that a threat had been made that groups of people planned to show up to attack him with tomatoes. It wasn't a random statement.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Yea, I don't get it. I honestly don't get how all the these things he's said or done is ok in the Trump book but would lead to years of crying if Obama had done anything like it. Let's just take a tiny example:

Easily seen as race-baiting, but presented to a Trump supporter 'well, he's African American isn't he' - not racism.

If Obama had tweeted out 'Out great white President Bush hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Wallstreet!' the crying would've been endless.

I can literally do this with everything Trump says.
How is that racism? Obama ran under the Change banner, he was supposed to be the great unifier, and Donald pointed out that he wasn't exactly living up to the expectations that he was going to calm racial tension in the states.

The Wallstreet thing is an unfair example. That's a much bigger mess to clean up than a bunch of thugs causing physical damage to people and property.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
SNIDELY WHIPLASH @SNIDELY WHIPLASH, I'll say this about the "racist" tweet you keep referencing. The only person who actually campaigned to fight for true criminal justice reform was Bernie Sanders. At a recent debate, Sanders said all police killings, regardless of race, would warrant an automatic DOJ review from his Administration.

Could Obama not enact such policies if he's so sick and tired of unjust racial profiling? And could you not entertain the idea that Trump was only trying to start a debate with that tweet? I'm still sitting here waiting for actual proof that he's a racist.


Feb 16, 2015
How is that racism? Obama ran under the Change banner, he was supposed to be the great unifier, and Donald pointed out that he wasn't exactly living up to the expectations that he was going to calm racial tension in the states.

The Wallstreet thing is an unfair example. That's a much bigger mess to clean up than a bunch of thugs causing physical damage to people and property.
See, this is what I mean. It's never good for the gander, there's always an excuse.

Trump tweeted an image that made various statistical claims, including that blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. Almost every number in the image is wrong. The statistics on white victims are exaggerated five-fold. The police-related deaths are off as well.

If Obama tweeted ANYTHING about whites statistics he would be the most hated man on planet earth, much less lies of this order.


Feb 16, 2015
SNIDELY WHIPLASH @SNIDELY WHIPLASH, I'll say this about the "racist" tweet you keep referencing. The only person who actually campaigned to fight for true criminal justice reform was Bernie Sanders. At a recent debate, Sanders said all police killings, regardless of race, would warrant an automatic DOJ review from his Administration.

Could Obama not enact such policies if he's so sick and tired of unjust racial profiling? And could you not entertain the idea that Trump was only trying to start a debate with that tweet? I'm still sitting here waiting for actual proof that he's a racist.
You can wait a decade but in your world he'd have to be sitting in someone's yard with a burning cross. Also, the word 'racist' wasn't used, I said that Obama would be destroyed if he did the same thing, both of us know this.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
See, this is what I mean. It's never good for the gander, there's always an excuse.

Trump tweeted an image that made various statistical claims, including that blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. Almost every number in the image is wrong. The statistics on white victims are exaggerated five-fold. The police-related deaths are off as well.

If Obama tweeted ANYTHING about whites statistics he would be the most hated man on planet earth, much less lies of this order.
It's not an excuse, it's reasoning.

The numbers of that image are probably off, but the message is 100% true: the biggest threat to black lives are other black people, not the police or whitey. That's just a fact.

Should he have retweeted that image without fact checking? Of course not, I can agree there. But racist? Why is he racist?


Feb 16, 2015
Well show me the others. Let's talk about them.
I'm not so impressed thus far that Trump is inciting riots.
They are in chronological order in the video I posted, including a part where Donald says 'are you Mexican? Are you Mexican?', out of the blue'.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Again, I DON'T understand this. It was racial by virtue of Trump making it racial not the reaction to what he wrote.
Sorry. I re-read your post. You're right in stating the Wall Street collapse put us where we are today, which is arguing about race. I thought you meant to say the lending was done with racist intention.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Obama has addressed problems in the black community, including violence, drugs, absentee fathers, ect. Rev Al has addressed them. Just about every black talking head has addressed them at one point. But as soon as a white guy says the same thing, he's a racist. It's just ridiculous. Liberals throw around the word "racist" and "racism" to the point where they lose their power and meaning.


Feb 16, 2015
Obama has addressed problems in the black community, including violence, drugs, absentee fathers, ect. Rev Al has addressed them. Just about every black talking head has addressed them at one point. But as soon as a white guy says the same thing, he's a racist. It's just ridiculous. Liberals throw around the word "racist" and "racism" to the point where they lose their power and meaning.
You mean when someone posts blatant lies about stats to millions of his followers and his followers even when confronted with the lies simply change it to somehow Trump is the victim? That it's just a case of him 'pointing it out' not a case of being irresponsible?

Must be nice to on that end where you can just do that. Can Obama just do that?

Can Obama shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and still get a vote? Or is that just words nobody should think twice about?

Deleted member 1

They are in chronological order in the video I posted, including a part where Donald says 'are you Mexican? Are you Mexican?', out of the blue'.

Really broseph?

Is 9 Minutes of a Rachel Maddow edited version.
I got as far as the statement that you cite here. And I use an excellent example of why that video it's not useful at all for the conversation.

You state that he does that for some reason...
A quick Google search shows the constant attempt to make that whole scenario about race or something.

But it's not random at all. Just like it wasn't Donald Trump randomly asking people to beat up people that disagree with him.

Instead, quoted from Washington post :

Trump spoke, he lamented interruptions to his message about how he'd keep jobs in the United States.

Trump was describing how he would react to companies such as Carrier moving air conditioner production to Mexico when he was interrupted by commotion in nearby bleachers. The crowd was jeering at an apparent protester.

“Are you from Mexico?” he repeatedly shouted at the woman as she stepped down from the bleachers.

With context it's all quite normal and obvious. Here is Trump discussing why it's bad for these jobs to move to Mexico and someone starts cheering and heckling him. he then asked them if they are from Mexico?

I'm sure I could do the same what event after event in that video given the source. As I said earlier I've been watching The Big Three networks and fox for upwards of 12 hours a day for the last week. I've learned very quickly that Rachel Maddow Rivals anybody on the Fox News staff for absolute bias and faux journalism. This is just another example.


Feb 16, 2015
its a racial thing only if he says so. just go take a look at my Baltimore Ravens thread for proof.
C'mon man. Can you just call someone stupid without connecting the dots to where he comes from? Does everything a minority does have to be connected some greater problem with his upbringing? Somehow to you 'you can't take the ghetto out of' is just peachy and says nothing.

To me if somebody else said 'you can't take the trailer out of' X person you would totally get it.

Deleted member 1

See, this is what I mean. It's never good for the gander, there's always an excuse.

Trump tweeted an image that made various statistical claims, including that blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims. Almost every number in the image is wrong. The statistics on white victims are exaggerated five-fold. The police-related deaths are off as well.

If Obama tweeted ANYTHING about whites statistics he would be the most hated man on planet earth, much less lies of this order.

I don't actually see much of a problem with the earlier tweet. There is and has been a huge sentiment in the black community that Obama has forgotten them. Cool-headed Obama has often come across as apathetic and with the bailouts of banks and America Recovery Act there was little-to-no Focus on the black community. So in the height of the highest racial tensions in Baltimore I think the other reason anyone has a problem with that tweet is because it came from a rich white guy.

Is really no defense for the other tweet. Other than the fact that you have to remember you're on Twitter and it's the internet. And that's about as serious as I take people posting infographics on social media. But no I don't see anything to defend there at all.


Feb 16, 2015
Really broseph?

Is 9 Minutes of a Rachel Maddow edited version.
I got as far as the statement that you cite here. And I use an excellent example of why that video it's not useful at all for the conversation.

You state that he does that for some reason...
A quick Google search shows the constant attempt to make that whole scenario about race or something.

But it's not random at all. Just like it wasn't Donald Trump randomly asking people to beat up people that disagree with him.

Instead, quoted from Washington post :

Trump spoke, he lamented interruptions to his message about how he'd keep jobs in the United States.

Trump was describing how he would react to companies such as Carrier moving air conditioner production to Mexico when he was interrupted by commotion in nearby bleachers. The crowd was jeering at an apparent protester.

“Are you from Mexico?” he repeatedly shouted at the woman as she stepped down from the bleachers.

With context it's all quite normal and obvious. Here is Trump discussing why it's bad for these jobs to move to Mexico and someone starts cheering and heckling him. he then asked them if they are from Mexico?

I'm sure I could do the same what event after event in that video given the source. As I said earlier I've been watching The Big Three networks and fox for upwards of 12 hours a day for the last week. I've learned very quickly that Rachel Maddow Rivals anybody on the Fox News staff for absolute bias and faux journalism. This is just another example.
LOL, all anything in that video does is post exactly what Trump has said, which is telling his supporters to commit violence and talking about how violence needs to be committed. If you believe there is context there then you are pretty much alone in that belief, especially if you have been watching a lot of TV as you say you have. Literally everybody including his own party has told him to stop it.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
C'mon man. Can you just call someone stupid without connecting the dots to where he comes from? Does everything a minority does have to be connected some greater problem with his upbringing? Somehow to you 'you can't take the ghetto out of' is just peachy and says nothing.

To me if somebody else said 'you can't take the trailer out of' X person you would totally get it.
Does every thing a white person does have to be racist all the time.

You sound scared man, that must suck.
Apr 3, 2015
C'mon man. Can you just call someone stupid without connecting the dots to where he comes from? Does everything a minority does have to be connected some greater problem with his upbringing? Somehow to you 'you can't take the ghetto out of' is just peachy and says nothing.

To me if somebody else said 'you can't take the trailer out of' X person you would totally get it.
listen man, he was doing ghetto shit. I have never once seen a white guy in a residential neigbourhood on an atv or a dirt bike that wasnt ghetto as shit. and you cant deny that 90% of people that ride those in the city are black.

you are attaching the word black to the word ghetto. and that is wrong and uber racist of yourself.

and no I wouldnt "get it" because I dont care and dont think that way.

I dont think racially about anything. I wasnt raised in the USA where you guys talk about racism and your differences to such a nauseating extent it hurts my ears and eyes.

in places not like america, we just be, we just are. is he a black guy? no, just a guy. we dont attach race because we have never felt the need to feel different. no slavery, no nothing.

we are all HUMAN. which is why I didnt think you would or should get your panties in a twist when I post the truth.

have a great day friend. its early, your day can still be incredible.