>On the times that /r/the_donald reaches the front page, [people are confused](
Visited /R/The_Donald Not sure if Trump supporters, or people making fun of Trump supporters. - Futurama Fry | Make a Meme).
We speak in memes and with **HIGH ENERGY** because debate is useless since most had their minds decided against Trump from the get-go. But, I'll try anyway since we are getting a lot of newcomers lately.
**The discussion is sabotaged before it even begins**
Here are only a few examples of the shit we have to read every day:
* HuffPo posted a picture with Don [mid-wave to look like a Hitler salute](
HuffPo goes Donaldphobic • /r/The_Donald).
* The Don is [again compared to Hitler](
The moment of truth: We must stop Trump).
* The pundits continually claim Trump's ["ceiling" is never going to get higher](
Remember how everyone said Trump has a "ceiling", he can't go any higher? • /r/The_Donald) so he can't win. But, then it goes higher and he wins. So the MSM claims THIS is his new ceiling. Repeat until white house.
* [Polling agendas are everywhere](
This shows how bad the NBC/WSJ poll is. • /r/The_Donald).
* Reddit removed [this thread from /r/all](
Trump: As president, I would prosecute Clinton • /r/The_Donald), where the Don says he'll prosecute Hillary. She's being investigated by the FBI for crimes, but Reddit has an agenda: can't let conservative airtime wash out the Bern.
So not only do we have to listen to everyone calling Trump "Hitler" (and by extension, that means we are Nazis in their view!),
but even the very place we gather to discuss is against us. We absolutely *want* to discuss, but discourse with someone labeling you a Nazi right out of the gate means that is an impossibility.
**Why do we like the Don?**
* He's socially liberal, fiscally conservative: no more religious-right or Tea Party shit that us conservatives have to be embarrassed about. He's an electable libertarian, ~~like Ron Paul without the gold fetish~~ (EDIT: it was pointed out that this isn't a good analogy).
* He doesn't want or need special interest groups funding him: Isn't this our *dream* for politics? To get people like the Koch brothers out of policy making? Well, the guy is sitting right in front of us!
* He's not a career politician: no backroom deals or terrible compromises because you owe this person or group a favor. Isn't this what we want?
* He's anti-war: Again, isn't this what we all want?
* He's anti TPP, another Reddit pain point
* He's pro-woman: This is what equality *actually* looks like. His #2 for a long time was a woman. His daughter is running his businesses while he's stumping, and not his older or other sons. There's no grand speeches on someday-maybe-kinda-doing-something-*oh-god-look-at-the-time*. Can you do the job? Great, go for it. He's a believer in women.
* He's so goddamned talented he does it against all odds: Billionaire. Dems hate him. GOP hates him. Media hates him. *It doesn't matter*. Jeb! spent $125 million to come in last place. Trump, with everyone against him, spent $25 million to establish a dominant lead. Instead of attack ads, 7% of his budget went to...[hats](
Trump, king of free media, finally bankrolls campaign - GOP leader lent his campaign $12.8 million, but spent it in highly unconventional fashion ("about $450,000 ― or nearly 7 percent of all Trump’s fourth-quarter spending ― went towards hats") • /r/The_Donald). *He destroyed the Bush dynasty with a Twitter account and baseball caps*. Holy. Fuck.
**The Great Wall of America**
Look in the sidebar for better explanations on this one. The TL;DR version is: Yes walls work as shown by Israel and Hungary, and Mexico will pay for it as they have no leverage. Mexico depends on the US economy vastly more than the other way around. The Don merely has to say "We're going to re-visit NAFTA to bring manufacturing back to the US" and the Mexican government will pay for it if he lets the issue drop. NAFTA eliminates tariffs between MX/US, which means [US companies or US-facing companies (partial list)](
Global Companies succeeding with Mexico Manufacturing | TACNA Services) are taking advantage of Mexican costs of manufacturing and reaping US rewards.
This is pointless to debate, but here's a small go.
"Undocumented immigrants" or whatever you want to call illegal aliens today are never called one thing: "American citizens". The duty of the government is to look out for its' people. It's not racism, it's the damn job description. The people that are here legally *do* have the title of "American citizen" and the Don isn't harboring any resentment towards them. The policy is only forward-looking. Why not build The Great Wall of American on the Canada side? Because they aren't coming across the border illegally (at least in large numbers as evidenced by hockey not overtaking the NFL in popularity). (And because we want them to bring over poutine into our culture and they still haven't, but the Don will fix this plz plz plz)
Islam. Name the last Taoist/Buddhist/Hindu/Xtian/Jewish/etc religion or government that preaches mass murder. Iran (run by the Ayatollah and clerics) chants "death to america". All the people beheading and bombing constantly mention their reason for doing so: "God told us to". Religions that advise killing over cartoon drawings are dangerous. Ignoring it doesn't make the problem go away.
**How is the Don 360 no-scoping everyone?**
Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) does a wonderful piece on how [Trump is stumping the shit out of people](
Scott Adams Blog). When you look at it logically, he's bringing nukes to knife fights. Everyone can recite his policies and quips like "the wall" and "low energy" because he's brilliant at anchoring. Meanwhile, other candidates can't distinguish themselves from one another. Bernie and Hillary are currently going back and forth claiming the other person copied them.
[Why we are the domreddit](
These things and more are all points we'd like to talk about with people. But first, you have to stop calling us Nazis or no one gets anywhere.
EDIT: Thank you for my first gold. Gold conducts electricity. Very high energy.
EDIT: Thanks to you, I'll now be taking [*golden* showers](
View: http://imgur.com/KLB8u4j