Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
lol @ this "anarchist". Keep fighting the power big guy. Check out his "Fuck the Police" button. lolol. That mother fucker would be the first to call police when shit goes down.

Hahahaaha reminds me of this stand up bit I saw by this Malaysian (I think) comedian. He was talking about the anti-police movement and said "If you're saying 'fuck the police', you're probably the reason why there are police!!!"


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
I've read through the thread mostly, maybe 2/3rds through or so. I have some thoughts.

I consider myself in the center, but I hold a hybrid of conservative and liberal beliefs on very specific issues. Overall, I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative, but even that doesn't perfectly describe me. Nonetheless...

I think it's unfair to paint Trump supporters as all idiots or all racists, but he is definitely pandering to stupid people and racist people in his campaign with his communication with the public (tweets, statements at rallies, etc.). Because of this, it's understandable why liberals will associate him with racism and populism. Regardless of what his supporters will say, at the end of the day Trump must be accountable for any message he puts out for public consumption because this is a campaign for the president of the highest office of our country, a country which solicits votes from the very same public that these tweets/statements/excerpts are purposefully made available to. Remember, Trump is asking for our vote to make him the most powerful person in the free world; that job carries serious responsibilities.

Having said that, the media carries a liberal bias in my honest opinion. I know many liberals dismiss this as nothing more than conservative whining, but I think this bias is true regardless. It is likely due to the profession of journalism and the type of personality that such a career attracts, more so than any major agenda at work. And this media has tried repeatedly to cover Trump's most outlandish statements/facial expressions/etc. and paint him as a crazy Hitler figure, which is misleading even if you can give examples of similarities between the two.

Trump's a lifelong real-estate broker, not to mention he's in his 70's. If he was truly as racist and misogynistic as the headlines painted him to be, I would imagine he would have demonstrated those awful qualities long before now in a way that was meaningful. That's pretty irresponsible of the media to make such overt comparisons to Hitler, who killed thousands of people, but they do it for the same reason the media does almost anything: to get as many viewers/readers/mouseclicks as possible so they can drive up the price they charge to advertisers when they want to run an ad or a commercial. In other words: the media does it for money. For profit. Same as the Democratic and the Republican party. Same as churches. Same as businesses. Same as families.

If I can give Trump credit for anything, it's that -- for all the mistakes he has made on this campaign to alienate certain people -- he isn't apart of the Democratic-Republican oligarchy that has dominated mainstream politics and lead us to the path we are today. Assuming he's lucky enough to win the Presidency, I am almost of the opinion the country is better off electing him and impeaching him if he goes too crazy, rather than elect an establishment candidate like Hillary. At least it will create a change in a country that was once a democracy but is increasingly an oligarchy.
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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I've read through the thread mostly, maybe 2/3rds through or so. I have some thoughts.

I consider myself in the center, but I hold a hybrid of conservative and liberal beliefs on very specific issues. Overall, I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative, but even that doesn't perfectly describe me. Nonetheless...

I think it's unfair to paint Trump supporters as all idiots or all racists, but he is definitely pandering to stupid people and racist people in his campaign with his communication with the public (tweets, statements at rallies, etc.). Because of this, it's understandable why liberals will associate him with racism and populism. Regardless of what his supporters will say, at the end of the day Trump must be accountable for any message he puts out for public consumption because this is a campaign for the president of the highest office of our country, a country which solicits votes from the very same public that these tweets/statements/excerpts are purposefully made available to. Remember, Trump is asking for our vote to make him the most powerful person in the free world; that job carries serious responsibilities.

Having said that, the media carries a liberal bias in my honest opinion. I know many liberals dismiss this as nothing more than conservative whining, but I think this bias is true regardless. It is likely due to the profession of journalism and the type of personality that such a career attracts, more so than any major agenda at work. And this media has tried repeatedly to cover Trump's most outlandish statements/facial expressions/etc. and paint him as a crazy Hitler figure, which is misleading even if you can give examples of similarities between the two.

Trump's a lifelong real-estate broker, not to mention he's in his 70's. If he was truly as racist and misogynistic as the headlines painted him to be, I would imagine he would have demonstrated those awful qualities long before now in a way that was meaningful. That's pretty irresponsible of the media to make such overt comparisons to Hitler, who killed thousands of people, but they do it for the same reason the media does almost anything: to get as many viewers/readers/mouseclicks as possible so they can drive up the price they charge to advertisers when they want to run an ad or a commercial. In other words: the media does it for money. For profit. Same as the Democratic and the Republican party. Same as churches. Same as businesses. Same as families.

If I can give Trump credit for anything, it's that -- for all the mistakes he has made on this campaign to alienate certain people -- he isn't apart of the Democratic-Republican oligarchy that has dominated mainstream politics and lead us to the path we are today. Assuming he's lucky enough to win the Presidency, I am almost of the opinion the country is better off electing him and impeaching him if he goes too crazy, rather than elect an establishment candidate like Hillary. At least it will create a change in a country that was once a democracy but is increasingly an oligarchy.
Damn. Strung the words together much better than I could. Very well said.

Deleted member 1

DONALD TRUMP: We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center. It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, okay.

But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.

But when I look at a guy like Lindsey Graham, you’ll end up being over in that war forever, you’ll start World War Three.

8 years of Obama. One Nobel Peace Prize. Years of Hillary as state department head. How's our current Middle East policy?

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
DONALD TRUMP: We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center. It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, okay.

But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.

But when I look at a guy like Lindsey Graham, you’ll end up being over in that war forever, you’ll start World War Three.

8 years of Obama. One Nobel Peace Prize. Years of Hillary as state department head. How's our current Middle East policy?
God damn right it was the fucking Saudis, the House of Saud is the devil incarnate, pure fucking evil.

How Bush/Obama justified ousting secular Sadam while supporting Wahabi Sauds is beyond any reasoning.

Im glad people are waking up.

Those who know.................... KNOW!

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
22 year old Vutu's heart broke when I saw those 3 people jumping to their deaths from the WTC, I went to sign up with the Aussie army the next afternoon (only to get knocked back due to asthma), I thought "yes lets fuck the Saudis up for killing our brothers and sisters"

Then they said were going to A-stan.... I was like WTF???!!!


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Obama campaigned so hard against the establishment for his first election. Transparency and change. Remember? Makes you wonder what kinda classified forces are at play that the ol' Prez gets to hear about in his first debriefing.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
22 year old Vutu's heart broke when I saw those 3 people jumping to their deaths from the WTC, I went to sign up with the Aussie army the next afternoon (only to get knocked back due to asthma), I thought "yes lets fuck the Saudis up for killing our brothers and sisters"

Then they said were going to A-stan.... I was like WTF???!!!
Afghans are fucking savages and I do not like them. If they laid off the boy-fucking I might have some respect for them as fellow fighters, as it is I do not. However the house of Saud are even worse and I'd gladly cut the throat of the lot of them in the halal fashion.


Nov 15, 2015
I've read through the thread mostly, maybe 2/3rds through or so. I have some thoughts.

I consider myself in the center, but I hold a hybrid of conservative and liberal beliefs on very specific issues. Overall, I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative, but even that doesn't perfectly describe me. Nonetheless...

I think it's unfair to paint Trump supporters as all idiots or all racists, but he is definitely pandering to stupid people and racist people in his campaign with his communication with the public (tweets, statements at rallies, etc.). Because of this, it's understandable why liberals will associate him with racism and populism. Regardless of what his supporters will say, at the end of the day Trump must be accountable for any message he puts out for public consumption because this is a campaign for the president of the highest office of our country, a country which solicits votes from the very same public that these tweets/statements/excerpts are purposefully made available to. Remember, Trump is asking for our vote to make him the most powerful person in the free world; that job carries serious responsibilities.

Having said that, the media carries a liberal bias in my honest opinion. I know many liberals dismiss this as nothing more than conservative whining, but I think this bias is true regardless. It is likely due to the profession of journalism and the type of personality that such a career attracts, more so than any major agenda at work. And this media has tried repeatedly to cover Trump's most outlandish statements/facial expressions/etc. and paint him as a crazy Hitler figure, which is misleading even if you can give examples of similarities between the two.

Trump's a lifelong real-estate broker, not to mention he's in his 70's. If he was truly as racist and misogynistic as the headlines painted him to be, I would imagine he would have demonstrated those awful qualities long before now in a way that was meaningful. That's pretty irresponsible of the media to make such overt comparisons to Hitler, who killed thousands of people, but they do it for the same reason the media does almost anything: to get as many viewers/readers/mouseclicks as possible so they can drive up the price they charge to advertisers when they want to run an ad or a commercial. In other words: the media does it for money. For profit. Same as the Democratic and the Republican party. Same as churches. Same as businesses. Same as families.

If I can give Trump credit for anything, it's that -- for all the mistakes he has made on this campaign to alienate certain people -- he isn't apart of the Democratic-Republican oligarchy that has dominated mainstream politics and lead us to the path we are today. Assuming he's lucky enough to win the Presidency, I am almost of the opinion the country is better off electing him and impeaching him if he goes too crazy, rather than elect an establishment candidate like Hillary. At least it will create a change in a country that was once a democracy but is increasingly an oligarchy.
With you on most all of it except the 'vote him in & impeach him' part...