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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'll give one last answer because you asked, although I don't think you believe I'm reasonable or an alternative viewpoint, I think you view me as an opponent.

Presented with one point your answer was 'he could've been sued'.

Presented with another point your answer was: 'Wallstreet collapse was not causing racial divide in our country'

Should've know then we were playing teams and trying to be rightfighters instead of trying to figure out where people's heads were at. Nothing is more emotional than spending time spinning excuses for bad behavior instead of being real about it.

I could do this pretty much anywhere, endless pages of points nobody is really listening to that devolves into passive aggressiveness and stupid loose alliances of posters & mods bagging on each other.

Maybe people didn't realize that I was completely serious when I said I didn't want to come here and do this. It's about peace of mind. I'm not here to be somebody's fictional liberal enemy. I don't have time for it.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

Deleted member 1

Hey do you reckon there are weak candidates all round this election?

They are all weak except Trump. That guy is high energy, bringing yuugggee crowds. Just a lot of great folks, you're gonna love it.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
They are all weak except Trump. That guy is high energy, bringing yuugggee crowds. Just a lot of great folks, you're gonna love it.
Cant wait to hear him address the UN General Assembly thats for sure, might wake the bums up.

We might send Paul Hogan or James Packer or maybe both while theyre drunk.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Yous are gonna vote for this toe rag aren't yous, pfft for fucks sake.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Yous are gonna vote for this toe rag aren't yous, pfft for fucks sake.
Nope, I plan on voting independent as a form of fuck you to this whole shit show.
We've got the left preaching peace and unity and acceptance and saying no to walls..... And then they go and build walls to block people who are peacefully going to listen to someone speak who the left doesn't agree with. It's beautiful.
And then the right is, well, the right.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Nope, I plan on voting independent as a form of fuck you to this whole shit show.
We've got the left preaching peace and unity and acceptance and saying no to walls..... And then they go and build walls to block people who are peacefully going to listen to someone speak who the left doesn't agree with. It's beautiful.
And then the right is, well, the right.
I recomend the marijuana smokers party or recreational fishing party. Those are my go to no hopers.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Please do, this is not the president you want.

I'm aware, I just think the rhetoric from the left on this is hilarious. It's so hypocritical all around I like to just stand in the middle and watch and laugh. It amazes me that how if you don't agree with someone on one piece of policy you are automatically labeled as the exact opposite on any and everything that point forward. This whole all or nothing politics is ridiculous. And it's both sides.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Left right who cares? I'm sure you guys think I'm on the left, ye as far as taxation and public spending go. But I'd merrily sentence that bitch who scalded the kid to death. It's all divide and conquer, left/right, race, rich/poor all of it beautifully executed divide and conquer.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Left right who cares? I'm sure you guys think I'm on the left, ye as far as taxation and public spending go. But I'd merrily sentence that bitch who scalded the kid to death. It's all divide and conquer, left/right, race, rich/poor all of it beautifully executed divide and conquer.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Left right who cares? I'm sure you guys think I'm on the left, ye as far as taxation and public spending go. But I'd merrily sentence that bitch who scalded the kid to death. It's all divide and conquer, left/right, race, rich/poor all of it beautifully executed divide and conquer.
Not sure about the Emerald Isle but down here there is no real left/right politics, many people are anti migration pro gay marriage, socially progressive yet hate socialism, pro middle east military intervention pro letting all the refugees in etc etc etc etc

I know that this is about America but thought it might useful to those who might think the rest of the world is strictly left/right.

You cant even count on any large minority voting for a certain party here except maybe the Lebanese due to them having construction on lockdown but thats changing as their grand kids move into the corporate world in big numbers.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Not sure about the Emerald Isle but down here there is no real left/right politics, many people are anti migration pro gay marriage, socially progressive yet hate socialism, pro middle east military intervention pro letting all the refugees in etc etc etc etc

I know that this is about America but thought it might useful to those who might think the rest of the world is strictly left/right.

You cant even count on any large minority voting for a certain party here except maybe the Lebanese due to them having construction on lockdown but thats changing as their grand kids move into the corporate world in big numbers.
We're exactly the same, the vote is so diverse here we haven't managed to form a government a month after the last general election. They're meeting Tuesday to fix that hopefully.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
LOL really?

Give you guys a chance to govern yourselves .....

Ye we had like ten parties and boatload of independents that split a backlash vote amongst them. Hahaa no one said we'd govern ourselves but fuck having any other cunts try.

Edit Anyway governments don't run countries, civil servants do.
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