Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Apr 18, 2015
I'm rooting HARD for Trump. He's an asshole, but I hate the heavy handed liberal propaganda comparing him to Hitler, trying to shame his supporters, ect, which completely trivializes the atrocities the Nazis committed. It's nonsense. Who's better? Hilary (who by all rights should be indicted by the FBI) or Bernie, who's trying to play Santa Claus to a bunch of entitled 20-somethings who want old man Bernie to tuck them in and tell them everything is going to be ok.

Give your vote to Trump and let the chips fall where they may IMO
Suddenly all your posts over on Cageside in favor of Zuffa make sense.

Deleted member 1

Student graffiti wall graffiti'd

People losing their shit


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Leader of the free world?

If Trump didn't know how ( and he does dammit) he would hire a great team, an expert team, to pour the shit out of that beer.

Deleted member 1

Guys Trump needs 50%+ in NY

Please join in givng no dollars to this campaign. If we keep giving no money, we will make America great again.

There's no phone bank, no PAC. Just memes and hats.