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Deleted member 1

Hillary Clinton's pandering to black people just won't stop


"You know people are gonna say 'She's pandering to black people...'"
"okay, is it working?"

Now lets be clear, there was NO hot sauce in that purse. Its as transparent as her adopted accents and vernacular when she gives a speech in a black neighborhood. But I'm sure there will be now and it'll be promoted again soon.

I know Trump and others are all sure they are gonna take her down a notch in the general.
But damn, this is genius level politicking and she is still kicking around after 20+ years. Even a terrible run as secretary of state hasn't made her miss a step.

Gonna be a tough election.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The main thing I've learned about this election is the mainstream media is truly a gross institution. They take no shame in the fact their only purpose is to divide. When was it exactly that "news" became a euphemism for opinion?


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
So he doesn't commit to anything, but I'll use the polls and his demographic breakdown to make some estimates:

Over 50%

Under 50%
6,7,9,15,19,20,21,22, 23,24,25

Might not get 1st place


Total up for grabs: 95

14 State win
13*3 = 39
11*2 = 22

= 75

75/95= 78%

If following the 538 tracker, that would be a good showing for Trump.
I also think we will see a handful of those 45% polling ares sneak over the 50%. So maybe 78-80 delegates will be won.

That journalist is referencing the Optimus Poll throughout the article. Only poll I see that has Trump at less than 50% statewide. Says it only has a margin of error of 1%. Not sure how the fuck that's possible.

New York GOP Polls 2016: Trump Is Primary Favorite

Still doesn't account for 14% of undecided voters that Trump will likely win the majority of considering he's a goddamn New York success story!


Nov 3, 2015
We already brought in the nobel peace prize winning citizen of the world to that pushes for Europe to take an increasing multilateral lead in places like Ukraine, Lybia, etc.
How'd that work out? More debt, more war, stagflation...

I care only about the US fixing its debt, pulling back from the middle east, reducing our obligations for perpetual war, and reinvesting domestically.
Try not to let your German sensibility color your view of a primary candidate.
Why not? Why shouldn't I care about my side? I could say the same thing.
Try not to let your US-American sensibility colour your view of a primary candidate. This is especially more important since he does not try to get me to vote for him, but you guys. I'm sure you can follow my thoughts here.

If he is on vid saying you are taking care of our military needs and you are supporting us, that tells me that he either doesn't know what he is talking about, or that he warps things to use them as facts like any other crooked politician. And something about his demeanour makes me trust him even less. He acts like a fanatic. Fanatics are never good. He probably isn't, but who knows.

And he already has shown that he is willing to push bullshit ideas like the wall, most likely to cater to a certain group of voters.
I know that I'm not getting a balanced view of his appearances, but some things you can't just procure.
He said that the wall is going to cost 4 Billion, then 10 Billion, then 12 Billion, in different speeches. So either he just spits random numbers, or he says stuff as if he is sure, without knowing what he is talking about.
He also said the Mexicans are gonna pay for it. Yeah, right.
Because otherwise you are going to strong-arm them and what, make an embargo or something? (This is what he insinuated). What kind of shit is this? This can't be real.

You probably already talked about this wall bullshit in here, but yeah. Weird.

Deleted member 1

Why not? Why shouldn't I care about my side? I could say the same thing.
You should. That's why you have your elections. You didn't elect Merkel to do what's best for America did you?

I'm sure you can follow my thoughts here.
Of course I can.
But what does the popular "The US shouldn't be the world's policeman" look like? Well it might very well look like telling others they need to handle things we manage and extricating ourselves from agreements that send us to war so often.

If he is on vid saying you are taking care of our military needs and you are supporting us, that tells me that he either doesn't know what he is talking about,
We are the teeth of NATO at this point. BY far. Lets not begin to delude the situation that NATO is anything other than a way for members to use the USA as a shield and the USA to use NATO to maintain sole hyperpower status. That also leads to more spending and more war.

1.2% isn't 2.0% and nuke maintenance or otherwise doesn't change the fact that those are still defense spending and it still falls to less than 2/3rds of the agreed amount.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
fucking lol @ Ted Cruz in his yarmulke trying to get the Jewish vote in the west side of Manhattan and Brooklyn districts.


Deleted member 1


Sleepy doc wont get picked and he's not a good pick anyways, but that made me laugh


Nov 3, 2015
Of course I can.
But what does the popular "The US shouldn't be the world's policeman" look like? Well it might very well look like telling others they need to handle things we manage and extricating ourselves from agreements that send us to war so often.
Nope, those were not my thoughts. My thoughts were that his campaign is geared to show itself in a way that looks good to you guys (real or not), and that by looking over the edge it may be easier to see if shit stinks.

We are the teeth of NATO at this point. BY far. Lets not begin to delude the situation that NATO is anything other than a way for members to use the USA as a shield and the USA to use NATO to maintain sole hyperpower status. That also leads to more spending and more war.
The NATO has its pros and cons, but to insinuate that we especially are abusers is pretty ironic given that we were 'lead' into it.

Are we using the USA as a shield against Russia, or is the USA using us as a shield and buffer against Russia? Both would be too simple. And would Russia even be as antagonistic as it is now if not for the big threat right outside its backyard? Would European-Russian relations perhaps be very different? Its speculation. But I can assure you that for many years people wanted better relations with Russia. Ukraine kinda put a hold to that for now. But would Ukraine have happened without Lybia and more armament across Europe? Its all a clusterfuck.

I don't think we have such different views on it honestly, but I see that you are trying to underline simple statements by Trump with substance. The substance has to come from him though, and I fear that its lacking there.

1.2% isn't 2.0% and nuke maintenance or otherwise doesn't change the fact that those are still defense spending and it still falls to less than 2/3rds of the agreed amount.
Well, the problem is, I can't give you specific numbers, most of the money used for this is well hidden in budgets all over the place. Its very unlikely it would amount to the 0,8%, but I'm pretty positive it would go over the 2/3 with it.
But really, I brought the nukes up since we don't want them here and its our biggest gripe with the situation, not the money or even your troops, nor other NATO-troops.

Deleted member 1

the wall is dumb as hell. a 30 ft wall only makes a market for 31 ft ladders

The Case for the Border Fence

Austria raises 'migrant fence' on Italian border

San Diego Fence Provides Lessons in Border Control
Before the fence was built, all that separated that stretch of Mexico from California was a single strand of cable that demarcated the international border.

Back then, Border Patrol agent Jim Henry says he was overwhelmed by the stream of immigrants who crossed into the United States illegally just in that sector.

"It was an area that was out of control," Henry says. "There were over 100,000 aliens crossing through this area a year."

Today, Henry is assistant chief of the Border Patrol's San Diego sector. He says apprehensions here are down 95 percent, from 100,000 a year to 5,000 a year, largely because the single strand of cable marking the border was replaced by double — and in some places, triple — fencing.

The first fence, 10 feet high, is made of welded metal panels. The second fence, 15 feet high, consists of steel mesh, and the top is angled inward to make it harder to climb over. Finally, in high-traffic areas, there's also a smaller chain-link fence. In between the two main fences is 150 feet of "no man's land," an area that the Border Patrol sweeps with flood lights and trucks, and soon, surveillance cameras.

"Here in San Diego, we have proven that the border infrastructure system does indeed work," Henry says. "It is highly effective."

Rancher Carol Kimsey, who lives in a valley near the Pacific Ocean on the U.S.-side of the fence, says the border barrier has improved the quality of life in the area.

"It was pretty seriously bad," she recalls of the prefence days. "They were tearing up everything. They'd just go through fences. They didn't care."

Kimsey says life is more peaceful now, despite the Border Patrol helicopters circling nearby. This is still an active smuggling route, especially for drugs. A stretch of border where there's only one fence is referred to as Smugglers' Gulch. The Border Patrol is moving forward with plans to add a second fence there as well as along the last 3.5 miles to the ocean, which had been held up by years of litigation over environmental concerns.

Hillary supports a border fence as well.

You're getting a fence dawg.


Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I like fences and electronic surveillance a lot more than a concrete wall. Drones with IR cameras at night is a good idea imo. I think the wall is impractical if it's a 30 ft high concrete wall. The 3 layer fence idea looks good.

Deleted member 1

I like fences and electronic surveillance a lot more than a concrete wall. Drones with IR cameras at night is a good idea imo. I think the wall is impractical if it's a 30 ft high concrete wall. The 3 layer fence idea looks good.

Itll never be a wall like many keep imagining or we photoshop for memes. The entire focus is "the art of the deal". It's intentional initial hyperbole to draw a center point on immigration and a barrier, which is what the border patrol asked for (and is why the border patrol Union broke tradition to endorse Trump as their first and only candidate endorsement)

And with it, the entire election has been shifted to go where Trump wanted. He has done this with every subject.

The focus on construction details has only been here and there in response to reporters of- the-cuff, never offered, never posted official like any official positions. The wall remains only a general immigration position.

1. A nation without borders is not a nation.There must be a wall across the southern border.

The less than perfectly political savvy Trump sometimes hinting of build material or exact height should be taken for what they were. Off the cuff blow offs of reporters.

The focus is on the subject, the theme. Look at the detail to every single other aspect of his immigration proposals. All referenced, rather focused.

Immigration Reform

Build a wall...moves on to the rest.
And yet the " big beautiful wall! " is a central theme in everyone's mind.
Likewise ,when he stated "the wall just got 10 feet taller!" Only John Oliver was stupid enough to say, "okay so based on that comment, we can now know he is planning xxx height wall".
This is how he works. Low energy Jeb! Lil Marco! The wall!
Saying that visas or other remittances will be used to fund it is not as sexy as "we'll make Mexico pay for it!"

Trump is running as an exec. The easiest thing would to simply use the bully pulpit as he has already done to have the Republican Congress fund the ALREADY approved double fence that got stalled. That would secrue the border to the greater than 90% (based on border apprehensions) most Republicans have required before they will talk immigration reform (the great bulk of trumps plan, but nobody talks about because THE WALL is simple imagery for a campaign)