Dude I'm not kidding after 2 hours I told her nah she needs to figure it out. I don't know wtf she ate (I'm one of those guys that doesn't like to acknowledge that women even shit) yeh anyway she went to bed and she's mad at me because I pointed out it smells nicer at San Diego zoo.
I'll tell you a secret or two that my wife would kill if I mentioned to anyone.
my wife once took a shit and like 15 minutes later I went to take a piss, lifted the seat and there was a entire whole mushroom floating....she left a fucking floater that was a untarnished mushroom!?!?!?! how the fuck does that happen?!
another time we were in NOLA and she was so drunk / hungover that in the morning she was throwing up in the toilet so badly she ended up shitting her panties lolololol <---- this was with endless lols for me!