Conor thinks he doesn't get paid to promote?

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15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
'I do not yet get paid to promote.' is something Conor said as part of his explanation for his current situation.

So, is he being intentionally dishonest to attempt to help sway public perception his way or is he an absolute moron?

He gets a % of his events revenue, his promotion directly increases his pay, more promotion = more pay. In the hood it's called 'points on the package', in business world 'commission' or 'incentive compensation'.

A lot of different words have been used to describe his ruthless unabashed promotional work he has done in his UFC run, bottom line is it has been effective, no matter what anyone thinks of his tactics/style. He is either intentionally Lying or horrifically stupid, no other possible explanation for that statement.


Top dog isn't my desire, it's just my design.
Apr 19, 2016
I'm sure if he bothered to read his contract he would find the section that references promotional/media work. Sorry Conor, just because we can't see your contract it doesn't mean we'll buy all your BS.


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
He understands that self-promotion made him rich, especially through PPV sales. I think he meant that he doesn't get paid at the time that he promotes. Rather, he gets paid months later, after the fight.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
He promotes his fights, but the UFC take the big cut of everything and as the promoters isn't it their job to promote the fights? If they need him to promote it, shouldn't he get paid for his time, or be allowed to promote it in his own ways?

I think there should be some give and take, between both sides, and if the UFC are willing to shell out a lot of money for promotion it would behoove McGregor to bend to their wishes some. However, the UFC should also be willing to bend some for someone who has done what they have asked of him to such a high degree.

In the last 8-9 months, McGregor has taken two extremely short notice fights to save big cards, which collectively earned the UFC $82.5million in ppv revenue alone. That isn't including all the other revenue sources and another whole event which did 1.2mil buys. He's earned some special treatment from the work he has put in.

That work has also put him into a place where he can draw attention to his fights through different means to usual fights, as evidenced by the 170k+ retweets he got from his retirement tweet. He can get the message out there, but I believe this is not about promotion to the UFC, despite what they say.

This is about power of their fighters, they don't want to bend to McGregor, as that will give other fighters an example to point at when they are demanding more. However, how many are ever going to bring in the numbers that McGregor has brought in, or be able to use other avenues to promote their fights? Not very many, and that should be leverage enough that the UFC only need to make concessions with the top guys - regardless of whether they should be making more concessions generally(they should).

I believe there is some middle ground to be had here, which would be the most beneficial for everyone involved, because currently there are no winners in this - only losers. McGregor loses out on his UFC 200 payday and chance at redemption against Nate; Nate loses out on his even bigger payday against McGregor, that he should be favoured to win; the UFC lose out on having their biggest star on their biggest card of the year; and the fans lose out on seeing McGregor and Diaz throw down. At the moment the UFC are cutting off their nose to spite their face.
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Top dog isn't my desire, it's just my design.
Apr 19, 2016
The middle ground will remain exactly that - middle ground. The UFC will not budge on this due to their own corporate arrogance. They know they hold a current monopoly on MMA in the west and they will believe that any movement will weaken their position. Therefore, nothing will change.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
He understands that self-promotion made him rich, especially through PPV sales. I think he meant that he doesn't get paid at the time that he promotes. Rather, he gets paid months later, after the fight.
UFC Promotion made him rich / promoting himself in conjunction with their PR machine, self-promotion made him a Cage Warriors fighter on welfare.

"dance with the one the one that brung ya"


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
He promotes his fights, but the UFC take the big cut of everything

They also provided 100% of the capital to put those events on, lol

Conor or any other fighter is welcome to not sign with the UFC & put their own $ up to finance their own event and get the big cut also

In the last few 8-9 months, McGregor has taken two extremely short notice fights

He took short notice Opponents, not fights - none of his fights have been short notice, 2 of his last three opponents are the ones who took short notice fights


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
The middle ground will remain exactly that - middle ground. The UFC will not budge on this due to their own corporate arrogance. They know they hold a current monopoly on MMA in the west and they will believe that any movement will weaken their position. Therefore, nothing will change.
Tonight the UFCs former flagship network TV star will be fighting on basic cable for one of the largest media companies in the world....

stop with the 'monopoly' nonsense


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
If just fighting gets you paid the Jose Aldo would have been making Conor money 5 years ago. Chael got the Silva fights, Rashad fight and Jones fight because he talked not his performances in the octagon.


Feb 24, 2015
He promotes his fights, but the UFC take the big cut of everything

They also provided 100% of the capital to put those events on, lol

Conor or any other fighter is welcome to not sign with the UFC & put their own $ up to finance their own event and get the big cut also

In the last few 8-9 months, McGregor has taken two extremely short notice fights

He took short notice Opponents, not fights - none of his fights have been short notice, 2 of his last three opponents are the ones who took short notice fights
Name another professional sport where the promoters or owners pocket the amount of money (percentage of profits) that the UFC does? Not even Bob Arum takes as big a cut as the UFC.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
It explicitly states in his and everyones contract that he doesn't get paid for promotion, outside expenses.

“Fighter shall cooperate and assist in the advertising, publicity, and promotion of (i) the Bouts, (ii) any and all rebroadcast of the Bouts in any media whatsoever, (iii) other UFC bouts, (iv) other UFC events and broadcasts, and (v) the sale of UFC merchandise, including making appearances at a reasonable number of press conferences, interviews and other sponsorship and promotional activities (any of which may be telecast, broadcast, recorded or filmed) at times and places reasonably designated by ZUFFA, without additional compensation therefore. For such promotional activities, ZUFFA will arrange and pay for Fighter’s reasonable travel, hotel and meal accommodations“.

From ErikMagraken @ErikMagraken 's thread on the subject.

McGregor / UFC Spat and “Reasonable” Promotion | The MMA Community Forum


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Name another professional sport where the promoters or owners pocket the amount of money (percentage of profits) that the UFC does? Not even Bob Arum takes as big a cut as the UFC.
Mainstream U.S team sports?.....all of them

Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys for about 150 million < 30 years ago, they are now worth 4 billion, he played zero downs, Aikman and Emmitt get fuck all of that 3.85 billion

Arum is a 50/50 or 60/40 split co-promoter usually, and he pays pennies to 90% of the fighters on his cards.

....but this whole comparison/analogy is ultimately pointless, MMA is not boxing or MLB/NFL/NBA


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
If just fighting gets you paid the Jose Aldo would have been making Conor money 5 years ago. Chael got the Silva fights, Rashad fight and Jones fight because he talked not his performances in the octagon.
I think we agree but you mean 'sold' not 'talked', no one gets paid to talk.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
He promotes his fights, but the UFC take the big cut of everything

They also provided 100% of the capital to put those events on, lol

Conor or any other fighter is welcome to not sign with the UFC & put their own $ up to finance their own event and get the big cut also

In the last few 8-9 months, McGregor has taken two extremely short notice fights

He took short notice Opponents, not fights - none of his fights have been short notice, 2 of his last three opponents are the ones who took short notice fights
Every other sport owner provides the capital to put on the events, but through legislation and collective bargaining we, as a culture in the west, have come to the general, accepted, agreement that a roughly 50% split of revenue between talent and capital is the optimal revenue share. It is nowhere near that currently in the UFC. As far as Conor being welcome to not sign with the UFC, that currently isn't true due to the Champions Clause which would trap him in his contract with UFC until he lost his title.

Short notice opponents or fights, it doesn't matter. No fighter is obligated to take those replacement fights, and as such taking those fights is doing the UFC a favour to keep the show rolling. Why should billionaires get everything their way?
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Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Also the Conor taking short notice fights or moving up weigh classes is laughable. Everyone seems to fail to mention Conor was training for a fight at 155 so he moved up one weigh class as did Nate.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Mainstream U.S team sports?.....all of them

Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys for about 150 million < 30 years ago, they are now worth 4 billion, he played zero downs, Aikman and Emmitt get fuck all of that 3.85 billion

Arum is a 50/50 or 60/40 split co-promoter usually, and he pays pennies to 90% of the fighters on his cards.

....but this whole comparison/analogy is ultimately pointless, MMA is not boxing or MLB/NFL/NBA
MMA is not boxing, or any other league, so Zuffa deserve to take 85% of the revenue. Get out of here with that bullshit. Isn't it funny that whenever Zuffa want something their way and feel they need public opinion, new accounts turn up which take the Zuffa party line about how everything should be their way.
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15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Every other sport owner provides the capital to put on the events, but through legislation and collective bargaining we, as a culture in the west, have come to the general, accepted, agreement that a roughly 50% split of revenue between talent and capital is the optimal revenue share.


MMA is not boxing, or any other league, so Zuffa deserve to take 85% of the revenue. Get out of here with that bullshit.

Your thoughts on Viacom's revenue distribution? The International hedge fund billionaire that controls the ownership group pf WSOF? Thai business dude that runs One? I accept your critique on Zuffa splits, it needs improvements, and that is occurring, your thoughts on the others?


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
It was only a matter of time before we had paid posters show up. Sad.

The paid poster smear when you can't discuss the topic - that dates back to MMA forums circa 2004'ish, didn't know people still did that

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
In the past when did he complain?

If he won, he would be at every interview and event and screaming how great he is........


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Just stop the dick swinging contest, and let the motherfucker fight already. This shit's ridiculous, and both parties are going to lose something out of it. Say we worked it out, Conor will do the commercial in NY, Turkey, Zimbabwe or where the fuck ever. Just get it done.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Short notice opponents or fights, it doesn't matter. No fighter is obligated to take those replacement fights, and as such taking those fights is doing the UFC a favour to keep the show rolling. Why should billionaires get everything their way?

It is super commendable of Conor, but his 'brand' and mystique takes a bump for doing it also - he is a smart dude, he likely is aware of how much shit JJ took from the UFC and fans for not fighting Chael on short notice. I hate Conor*, but not pulling out of either event took some of my ammo away, for sure. He didn't need to do it but it benefited him with his reasonable detractors and it maybe added to the sales and his points.

*In the internet/sportsfan way, not as a person of course


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Just stop the dick swinging contest, and let the motherfucker fight already. This shit's ridiculous, and both parties are going to lose something out of it. Say we worked it out, Conor will do the commercial in NY, Turkey, Zimbabwe or where the fuck ever. Just get it done.
Come on dude, don't be such a mark.