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TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
But to go back and pick up one of those guys that he already crushed is going to diminish his entire campaign platform – hope and change we can believe in. Most interesting VP pick ever, but I have the feeling it's going to be super underwhelming.
It's all good. In 2008, Joe Biden's presidential campaign lasted for 1 state in which he got <1% of the vote. 7 months later and he's selected as Obama's running mate.

I'm cool with him picking an "establishment" politician. There's simply more democrats than republicans in the country. We can't afford the GOP to be divided come general election time.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
It's all good. In 2008, Joe Biden's presidential campaign lasted for 1 state in which he got <1% of the vote. 7 months later and he's selected as Obama's running mate.

I'm cool with him picking an "establishment" politician. There's simply more democrats than republicans in the country. We can't afford the GOP to be divided come general election time.
It makes sense on that level, but it's going to slightly alienate independents like me who jumped ship from a more liberal platform.

Deleted member 1

It makes sense on that level, but it's going to slightly alienate independents like me who jumped ship from a more liberal platform.

Trump can't get any of his plans done other than executive orders like Obama if he cannot negotiate with the Congress.

Why would Kasich alienate you other than the fact that he ran a terrible campaign?

He's a business focused domestic oriented moderate Republican. He's not going to come in screaming about abortion and gay marriage to you.

He's going to eat a disgustingly large slice of pizza and then talk to you about Ohio factories.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Why would Kasich alienate you other than the fact that he ran a terrible campaign?
Trump choosing him after campaigning against "politics as usual" would be a flip-flop. I understand he needs to do it be safe, but he really needs to go outside of the original 17 who ran, otherwise he risks looking like a hypocrite.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
But after all we've seen for the past 10 months, you'd consider Kasich or Rubio to be a good pick for that spot?!? VP of all positions?? Surely there are many more qualified for the job than those two.[/
Trump choosing him after campaigning against "politics as usual" would be a flip-flop. I understand he needs to do it be safe, but he really needs to go outside of the original 17 who ran, otherwise he risks looking like a hypocrite.
Kasich has actually been a pretty good GOV for Ohio.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
But.....Keep your eye on Jim Jordan (R) from Ohio. Ex Wrestler. He's still fit as hell. Fits right into Trumps "Fuck you, we're America" angle.



First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Kasich has actually been a pretty good GOV for Ohio.
I don't know anything about the guy really. He didn't make enough of a splash during the debates to compel me to research him. I mean, even if the guy is a competent politician, it's going to look really bad for Trump to go back on his own words.

Deleted member 1

Does he honestly need it though? He has all the momentum in the world while Hillary is still struggling to clinch the nom.
Yes in the popular vote. Not in the electoral. Tons of states are slightly blue.

Republicans are a minority and only Trump excitement with Hillary malaise has this so close. Republicans need to reset their platform. Trump might be the man to do it...that also pisses a lot of people off.

Alao of note, When I read Freakonomics they said that money doesn't just buy a win. But it moves races a few points. So in this race, money matter a lot. There are like 14 States in play. It's a huge swing year.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Does he honestly need it though? He has all the momentum in the world while Hillary is still struggling to clinch the nom.
Bernie likely saved that $100 you donated to him. He'll be donating it and his other leftover campaign money to the democratic national committee who will then use that $100 to help get Hillary elected. Good job.