Oh you want no pickle on that McDouble? Go fuck yourself and your dollar.
Customer: Excuse me sir, I ordered Mcnuggets, but instead I got a double cheese-burger.
Dana: This is the burger business, things like that happen all the time.
Customer: But I don't want to eat a cheeseburger...
Dana: Listen, you think I don't want every customer to get what they order? But this is how this industry works. It is what it is.
Customer later that day goes and tweets:
@DanaWhite Good job fucking up my order today #wherearemymcnuggets #givepeoplewhattheywant
Dana: Even your 3 followers don't give a shit what you think moron.
Customer goes into Mcdonalds next day. As soon as he receives his mcnuggets and sits on the table a store clerk approaches him.
Clerk: Sir, Dana would like to speak with you in the back alley.
Customer: I just received my mcnuggets, can it wait?
Clerk: I'm affraid you have to go now sir.
In the back alley
Dana: Fuck you moron, you're out of here.
Customer: What?
Dana: Go eat at burger king, see how that goes...
Customer: Why, what did I do?
Dana: Steve says you're too negative.