Dana White denies ESPN report of organization’s sale

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Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
I don't think the critics have any idea how much Dana does, and when he's NOT doing it and neither is his replacement, gonna be a shock to the system and most fighters are really gonna suffer. Also Dana does have a lot of connections and forged relationships in the industry regardless of his personality, which is something else I think is too often overlooked.

I would never vote for Coker over Dana......
People are going to hate your last sentence re: Coker vs Dana, and though Mr. Egg has pissed me off over and over, I totally agree. I think the hate of Dana and mainstream MMA has made Coker get held up as a saint promoter, but look no further than Kimbo being scheduled for another fight two months after testing positive for steroids in a fight where his opponent nearly died to see that all promoters are about the same thing.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
And you just finished the most profitable year in the company's history.

The sport is as popular as it ever was, and it is gaining notoriety in the mainstream. I think it is an extremely good time to buy.
But I'm sure a smart investor would wonder... is the UFC at the peak of a roller coaster year and on the way down? Profits came from having their two biggest draws firing on all cylinders... Ronda had 3 fights and exploded in popularity during the year. Conor also had 3 fights, including his year end PPV extavaganza with Aldo that did crazy numbers.

It was those two that did the heavy lifting... if they're not around for whatever reason, it'll be a big blow to revenue!

Royce Nelson

Iron sharpens something
Dec 31, 2015
I'm worried about all the PPV's being played at a weird time instead of the standard if some foreign company buys it. If I can't watch fights on Saturday night I don't watch.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I'm worried about all the PPV's being played at a weird time instead of the standard if some foreign company buys it. If I can't watch fights on Saturday night I don't watch.
lol how funny would that be if the Chinamen bought it and just brought it over to China full time? Chinese announcers, graphics, just strictly for the Chinese and we'd have to stream it at 6am in the morning.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
But I'm sure a smart investor would wonder... is the UFC at the peak of a roller coaster year and on the way down? Profits came from having their two biggest draws firing on all cylinders... Ronda had 3 fights and exploded in popularity during the year. Conor also had 3 fights, including his year end PPV extavaganza with Aldo that did crazy numbers.

It was those two that did the heavy lifting... if they're not around for whatever reason, it'll be a big blow to revenue!
That's a great point. I think the sport as a whole is growing substantially, but Conor and Ronda did create quite the bubble last year. 200 and MSG will generate huge numbers this year as well.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
I'm worried about all the PPV's being played at a weird time instead of the standard if some foreign company buys it. If I can't watch fights on Saturday night I don't watch.
I thought about this, but from what I am seeing the brand will stay American on the surface. I think it would be a huge mistake to take it to a foreign market where it is not nearly as established. The big bucks for MMA are in the US, and you gotta want the big bucks if you are gonna pay $4 billion.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
It could be that they are looking to sell shares of the company. I could see them partnering with another firm to help break into new markets such as China.


TMMAC's Most Handsome Artist
Jan 26, 2016
fuck it, sell the company and let's see how "great" MMA is once zuffa are no longer running the show.

undercard fighters can get $500 while 1 fighter in the main event earns 30+mil and his opponent 10+mil.
and women go back to fighting in ... well where did women fight in MMA before the UFC made it popular?


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
In high school, the marching band that I was in went on a trip to Los Angeles for a few days. There were 4 guys total in my room, and myself and two of them were planning on smoking weed the entire trip... and we did. We brought about an eighth and would sneak out on the balcony to smoke. The 4th guy in our group was one of our best friends, but we knew we couldn't tell him. For his own good, we kept it from him for the entire trip. Eventually, a room of girls got caught with weed on the trip and they told on us. Because he was the good kid out of us 4, the one we did not tell was the one who the teacher spoke to and he said "Mr. Adams, if they were smoking in the room, don't you think I would have known? Do you think I would have let that happen?" That conversation exonerated us completely.

This is kinda what I think might be happening here. Dana is the kid they couldn't tell for his own good.

Royce Nelson

Iron sharpens something
Dec 31, 2015
lol how funny would that be if the Chinamen bought it and just brought it over to China full time? Chinese announcers, graphics, just strictly for the Chinese and we'd have to stream it at 6am in the morning.
I honestly wouldn't watch mma anymore. Part of the fun with fights for me is getting together on Saturday night with friends. No fun streaming fights at 3am.

Royce Nelson

Iron sharpens something
Dec 31, 2015
I thought about this, but from what I am seeing the brand will stay American on the surface. I think it would be a huge mistake to take it to a foreign market where it is not nearly as established. The big bucks for MMA are in the US, and you gotta want the big bucks if you are gonna pay $4 billion.
This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for making me feel better lol.


Posting Machine
Dec 30, 2015
Oh you want no pickle on that McDouble? Go fuck yourself and your dollar.
Customer: Excuse me sir, I ordered Mcnuggets, but instead I got a double cheese-burger.
Dana: This is the burger business, things like that happen all the time.
Customer: But I don't want to eat a cheeseburger...
Dana: Listen, you think I don't want every customer to get what they order? But this is how this industry works. It is what it is.

Customer later that day goes and tweets:
@DanaWhite Good job fucking up my order today #wherearemymcnuggets #givepeoplewhattheywant
Dana: Even your 3 followers don't give a shit what you think moron.

Customer goes into Mcdonalds next day. As soon as he receives his mcnuggets and sits on the table a store clerk approaches him.

Clerk: Sir, Dana would like to speak with you in the back alley.
Customer: I just received my mcnuggets, can it wait?
Clerk: I'm affraid you have to go now sir.

In the back alley

Dana: Fuck you moron, you're out of here.
Customer: What?
Dana: Go eat at burger king, see how that goes...
Customer: Why, what did I do?
Dana: Steve says you're too negative.
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