How is holly fake? it sounds like to me you're bitter over Holly destroying Honda..I never cared what ppl thought about me...shes a primadonna that's use to getting her way and when she don't she gets pissy...Rousey would get her while face ripped off charging Valentina like she does..How has she evolved since her loss? can she get better training at a gym that's been getting its ass handed to them because Count Chocula is to worried about painting portraits on the wall of himself being a FRAUD? Honda COULD be champ againn but not if she don't make a change...She did help get women's mma in the ufc and that's cool..But don't act like she's the greatest thing since Bo Jackson because she's not...She is a gifted athlete that came at the right time..
Her own bitterness and stubbornness are her worst enemy...I respect that you stand behind your fighter during the lows
...But do really think she's been better staying with Edmunds gym that's been getting pounded worse than Lisa Ann?
If ppl being disrespectful to their opponent is ok with you. then why is Holly fake? cuz she didn't let Honda bump her chest at her trying to intimidate somebody? If you ask me Honda has self esteem issues and trys scaring her opponents into being timid..And when Holly put her hands in Honda's face she literally got a lump in her throat taking and was so pissy cuz she couldn't intimidate Holly...That real Mean, fake nice tough guy shit only works If you are fighting a mental midget..and It backfires on Mental Midgets when they don't get their way...
p.s I can't help but think this could be trolling, I could be wrong