Dana White: 'It's looking like Jon Jones did not' knowingly take drug flagged by USADA

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Luke Thomas from MMA Fighting has honestly had the most level headed point of view out of anyone else I have read or listened to in the MMA-sphere. If this whole USADA thing is going to work, there needs to be due process for the athletes. When you come right out and publicly say "they've been flagged for a potential violation", they are often times seen as guilty in the court of public opinion (especially someone with as shakey a past as JBJ). Once you get branded with the "doper" tag, it never really goes away.

As far as the whole "yeah but you should KNOW what you're putting into your body" argument...yeah, I get it...to a point. Truthfully, I can barely understand what I put into my body. Are these guys supposed to be chemists? Maybe someone like Jon Jones should be able to afford to have people around him who can explain what he can and can not take, but the average fighter can not.

If you're making the argument that he should have disclosed every supplement he was taking so USADA could let him know if it was OK, that makes a little more sense. Let's keep in mind that your average MMA fan (including myself) has had zero interaction with USADA, and have no idea of helpful or not helpful their offices may be in answering fighter questions. It's easy to forget that anti-doping agencies have a somewhat questionable history of integrity (just ask boxing fans about USADA).

The bottom line is this:

1) Jones was guilty in the court of public opinion before any real evidence became clear. Is his personal history poor? Yes. Does this mean that he is automatically guilty? No.
2) Fighters deserve due process.
3) None of us REALLY know anything.
4) None of this renders moot the fight that Jon Jones is arguably the greatest talent that this sport has ever seen.
I'm always torn on Luke Thomas. He does tend to have level headed and logical takes, and I enjoy his podcast. But he also seems quite the fan of himself and only willing to interact with his "fans" if it benefits him in some way.


Don't be scared, homie
Apr 1, 2016
I'm always torn on Luke Thomas. He does tend to have level headed and logical takes, and I enjoy his podcast. But he also seems quite the fan of himself and only willing to interact with his "fans" if it benefits him in some way.
That's interesting, I've never gotten that impression from him but I mostly just follow his FB feed and listen to podcasts here and there. Jon Snowden is the coolest MMA journalist on the planet though, as far as down to earth dudes.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
That's interesting, I've never gotten that impression from him but I mostly just follow his FB feed and listen to podcasts here and there. Jon Snowden is the coolest MMA journalist on the planet though, as far as down to earth dudes.
Yes Snowden is. He's great.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Luke Thomas from MMA Fighting has honestly had the most level headed point of view out of anyone else I have read or listened to in the MMA-sphere. If this whole USADA thing is going to work, there needs to be due process for the athletes. When you come right out and publicly say "they've been flagged for a potential violation", they are often times seen as guilty in the court of public opinion (especially someone with as shakey a past as JBJ). Once you get branded with the "doper" tag, it never really goes away.

As far as the whole "yeah but you should KNOW what you're putting into your body" argument...yeah, I get it...to a point. Truthfully, I can barely understand what I put into my body. Are these guys supposed to be chemists? Maybe someone like Jon Jones should be able to afford to have people around him who can explain what he can and can not take, but the average fighter can not.

If you're making the argument that he should have disclosed every supplement he was taking so USADA could let him know if it was OK, that makes a little more sense. Let's keep in mind that your average MMA fan (including myself) has had zero interaction with USADA, and have no idea of helpful or not helpful their offices may be in answering fighter questions. It's easy to forget that anti-doping agencies have a somewhat questionable history of integrity (just ask boxing fans about USADA).

The bottom line is this:

1) Jones was guilty in the court of public opinion before any real evidence became clear. Is his personal history poor? Yes. Does this mean that he is automatically guilty? No.
2) Fighters deserve due process.
3) None of us REALLY know anything.
4) None of this renders moot the fight that Jon Jones is arguably the greatest talent that this sport has ever seen.
If a test pops hot, do we get to discus it otherwise in a courtroom? No. That is why they call it a test. This is not circumstancial or anecdotal evidence.

If the USADA is to work, then we need to go by the test. Or we need to abandon the USADA era, quickly.

So if we choose for Jones right now, it should mean we abandon USADA. We can't have both without looking utterly ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
when the fucking hell has
dana white been a.....
honest source?
he fucking lies so much and has for well over a decade.
lets beleive him now lol.
fucking tards gonna tard....


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
also its real simple.
if its banned and it shows up on a test,
you fucking failed.
i dont care how it got there.
its in your system and its banned.
if we want to make loopholes like
" omg it was a supplement,omg i didnt know,omg some assholes nurse i fought gave me a opened water bottle".
fuck that shit.
if a banned substance is detected in your test imo.....
good bye.
fuck the reason i dont care.
man up and fight clean or kick rocks.
Feb 28, 2015
also its real simple.
if its banned and it shows up on a test,
you fucking failed.
i dont care how it got there.
its in your system and its banned.
if we want to make loopholes like
" omg it was a supplement,omg i didnt know,omg some assholes nurse i fought gave me a opened water bottle".
fuck that shit.
if a banned substance is detected in your test imo.....
good bye.
fuck the reason i dont care.
man up and fight clean or kick rocks.

when I read these posts I felt like it was supposed to rhyme. Visually looked like it was gonna be a poem ha

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
sure it just happened to time up perfectly with his bulking up phase and powerlifting

gee whiz what a coincidence

Golly Heck Martha

told u he was clean

Jimmy Wilde

Jun 21, 2016
when the fucking hell has
dana white been a.....
honest source?
he fucking lies so much and has for well over a decade.
lets beleive him now lol.
fucking tards gonna tard....
Absolutely. This is business plain and simple. They want him on the NYC card.

What the fuck?

"He didn't take the supplement we thought. He took some other garbage that had the same shit in it as the first supplement was believed to have had, so yeah we're going to exonerate him because it's good for business." - Baldfather's Read Between the Lines Statement

Jon is a god-fearing, ethical man that would absolutely never put a drug in his body that would actually benefit him. He only puts illicit drugs into his body that will eventually kill him because he is an admitted junky. What a wonderful human being and a pillar of his community. Did you see his unbelievably inspirational speeches to da childrens of ABQ? He is so authentic when he, basically, says I regret what I did because I got caught and lost a bunch of Sponsorship money and my Championship Belt.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If a test pops hot, do we get to discus it otherwise in a courtroom? No. That is why they call it a test. This is not circumstancial or anecdotal evidence.

If the USADA is to work, then we need to go by the test. Or we need to abandon the USADA era, quickly.

So if we choose for Jones right now, it should mean we abandon USADA. We can't have both without looking utterly ridiculous.
i agree, it should be clear cut.. pass=fight fail=suspended. I think the USADA is doing to good of a job by nabbing the cheaters its hurting the UFC starwise so they are trying to find ways to let guys slip thru the cracks. Whats funny is hate him or love him Bispeng never pops hot nor does alot of other fighters, thats because they take the time to watch what is going into their body.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
And another thing that is suspect is when they say so and so looks like they took the PED unknowingly, thats bullshit, the fighter is responsible for whatever he/she puts on or in their body.

member 603

And another thing that is suspect is when they say so and so looks like they took the PED unknowingly, thats bullshit, the fighter is responsible for whatever he/she puts on or in their body.
I'm all about a clean sport, and ultimately about the long term health of the fighters.... That being said, I've also seen reps for supplement companies sell fighters into their products, claiming that they're all natural, or whatever other sales pitch they have. They also pay out sponsorship dollars to the fighters, so of course fighters jump on that opportunity to get extra cash.

I agree that fighters in all sports have to do their own due diligence as to what they're taking, but unless they're paying for labs to test everything they take/eat, they'll never truly know.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
And another thing that is suspect is when they say so and so looks like they took the PED unknowingly, thats bullshit, the fighter is responsible for whatever he/she puts on or in their body.
Don't agree. If you get duped by some company, don't agree.

Like I've said before, maybe usada perverts sitting at home waiting to look at the next penis could provide testing of every supplement.....the industry is very much open to contamination......


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
i agree, it should be clear cut.. pass=fight fail=suspended. I think the USADA is doing to good of a job by nabbing the cheaters its hurting the UFC starwise so they are trying to find ways to let guys slip thru the cracks. Whats funny is hate him or love him Bispeng never pops hot nor does alot of other fighters, thats because they take the time to watch what is going into their body.
That cold hard policy they implemented so proudly, we see withering away before our eyes as loophole after loophole, excuse after excuse, allows us fans, and the organization to look the other way when it pertains our favorite fighter.

I saw Jon Jones' comeback as something positive, I had forgiven him as a fan. Daniel Cormier made sure of that. There is always a way back for these guys to become a fan favorite once again. But when time after time fights are canceled, doubt are casts on records, and each and everytime the fans intellegence is being mocked, I'd rather see a very simple implementation of these guidelines THEY decided to implement.

As a Pride fan, I have learned to look the other way. But at least they did not pretend to have an organization that oozes crisp, clean, righteous fighters while trying to convince us otherwise. I am ok with Bones fighting as it is still his division, I just can't pretend to believe all these vague justifications that really diminish the legitimacy their drug program. It does the opposite.

And yeah, if Bisping pops, abandon all hope....


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Cant wait till Brock is vindicated and all is right in the world once again. The internet scientists will still hate but who really gives a shit what some truck driver has to say about whats allowed or not.

I expect Jones and Brock to be issued a full and formal apology from usada in the very near future.


Don't be scared, homie
Apr 1, 2016
If a test pops hot, do we get to discus it otherwise in a courtroom? No. That is why they call it a test. This is not circumstancial or anecdotal evidence.

If the USADA is to work, then we need to go by the test. Or we need to abandon the USADA era, quickly.

So if we choose for Jones right now, it should mean we abandon USADA. We can't have both without looking utterly ridiculous.
Actually, we can. All we know from the test is that he was flagged for a potential violation. After the test comes the investigation. I guess it would be nice to have a test that would inconclusively tell us that someone cheated and would render an investigation unnecessary, but that is not how things work. In no sport with anti-doping testing are punishments handed out without some form of investigation. For us to, as you put it, "go by the test" would be to dish out draconian punishments without due diligence. No other sport does this, nor should they. It is entirely possible for someone to get popped on a test for reasons other than cheating.

Furthermore, the idea that we simply need to trust USADA to do the right thing or abandon the USADA era seems a little extreme. It's good that they are taking actions to clean up the sport, but that does not mean that we can not be critical of USADA. In fact, we should be critical of them. I don't blindly trust any organization. If we want the sport to get better, we need to pay attention to what they are doing and hold them accountable.

The fact is, putting Jones on blast like they did without having all of the facts in order caused a lot of people to assume guilt. His reputation (which is not great to begin with, his fault) may have taken unnecessary damage because of these allegations. Now maybe Jon Jones does not deserve our sympathy...but think of all of the other fighters who do. This is not just about Jon Jones. This is about the other fighters down the road who may not be able to afford good legal counsel who may have their careers ruined through no real fault of their own, all because USADA was reckless with it's information.

Nothing is ever black and white.


Apr 18, 2015
I will never buy the tainted supplement story, but I don't really care about peds much anyway.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Actually, we can.
And in come 3 paragraphs explaining why a test is not really a test.

If we know that some supplements MAY contain estrogen blockers (haha) then why take supplements? That is then a risk you as an athlete take. Oh you say, you have a headache? Be careful what you take! The list of banned substances is ridiculously large, and ANYTHING you take may trigger a positive test.

He was flagged for estrogen blockers, what other information do you need?
His reputation (which is not great to begin with, his fault) may have taken unnecessary damage because of these allegations
So you'd we should see these positive test more like an allegation than a test?

All I see is that we are asked we change our perceptions of these "allegations" if the outcome of these "allegations" somehow were not entirely beneficial for the UFC. We need to accept these tests only when they give us the go ahead?

The thing is, I was fine with the pre USADA era. But taking on the USADA has definitely meant that more stringent testing would lead to situations like this. And so Pandora's box was opened, excuses, dad bods, allegations, canceled title fights, and my favorite of them all, tainted supplements.

Questioning these tests will have certain concequences, it will lead to excuses, decrease in legitimacy of these (costly) tests. Those funds would be well spent on fighter pay. Questioning allegations however, is perfectly the most logical thing to do. But tests aren't allegations. Tests may be bad, or hit and miss, but that would only mean, they should not ever be used until there are more secure and waterproof tests out there. They wanted to clean the sport, not kind of clean the sport.
No other sport does this, nor should they.
But they do. And they were proud to do so. This type of testing is unprecedented. So now that they pride themselves of having the most stringent testing in the sports world, deal with the concequences. I will not ever believe a tainted supplement story.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I'm all about a clean sport, and ultimately about the long term health of the fighters.... That being said, I've also seen reps for supplement companies sell fighters into their products, claiming that they're all natural, or whatever other sales pitch they have. They also pay out sponsorship dollars to the fighters, so of course fighters jump on that opportunity to get extra cash.

I agree that fighters in all sports have to do their own due diligence as to what they're taking, but unless they're paying for labs to test everything they take/eat, they'll never truly know.
true, but the fighters know they are held to a higher standard, if they are willing to put something in their body based on word of mouth they deserve a suspension


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Don't agree. If you get duped by some company, don't agree.

Like I've said before, maybe usada perverts sitting at home waiting to look at the next penis could provide testing of every supplement.....the industry is very much open to contamination......
like i posted above, if you are willing to put something in your body based on word of mouth, you take your chances. If you test positive, your test positive and are guilty, then you sue the company for your 2 years worth of revenue.