I've just been blocked on fb by another head of a local club, why?!?

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Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The only step left is to brag to the 2 friends you sit with at lunch time. Too bad the low functioning autistic one will be staring at some fly on the wall and the other one is too occupied stuffing his face because he's in all likelihood morbidly obese. Still you'll tell the story.... they just won't listen. I'd say get some better friends, but little Timmy you can't. Middle and Highschool is just gonna be the rough patch in life and you'll have to accept that. If you're lucky maybe one day you'll be able to get an ugly girlfriend who was just as much of a loser in highschool.
I like looking at ants.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
What kind of retard has to check their record to see if it's clean? You're a goddamn pedophile i'm calling it.

Admins give him a pedo tag. Sort of like the one you have for first 100 but instead of an honorary band it's more of a dunce cap to say *track my IP and come fuck me up*
no i'm not

fuck off

it was because of two incidents that happened in hospital in 2009

fuck you and everyone who knows you too!

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
less forum more real life...your not gonna get into any club here except the redneck club...Bunch a southern Gentlemen up in this bitch


I got blocked on FB for 24 hours just now.
Some super-lame metro/Bieber inspired fashion page appeared on my homepage so my comment was:
Why is this faggotry - (f-a-g-g-o-t-r-y) appearing on my home page?

Apparently you can call for the death of all Caucasians and promote hatred against men or better yet combine the two but daring to label ugly effeminate clothing as "faggotry" is going too far.
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graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I also just missed training tonight, so i could focus on my masters preparation studies for next year sept. such is life!