General Saddam Hussein...

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graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Please read this:::

My point was that Saddam is brought up a lot as a 'ruthless' dictator who didn't care about anything but money and power, however this is is not the case, as he cared for Iraq greatly and this is shown when he made education obligatory and complimentary. Furthermore, a number of schools were built in every city, and at least one was built in every village in the country. He also strengthened the Iraqi economy when he nationalised oil. Saddam also helped the poor and middle-class families, especially government employees who were given small pieces of land for them to build houses on, which was complimented by loans specifically tailored for that purpose. Houses and apartments were also given to gifted students and college professors. Every student that graduated from University would be gifted a brand new car.
Basic healthcare was free for everyone, and generally dirt cheap for anything that requires more than a simple visit to the doctor. Medicine prices were heavily discounted by the government. Things like birth control pills were made available, usually for free, for Iraqi women. Kids were vaccinated door-to-door by the government. Medical care reached 97% of the urban population and 71% of the rural population. Mortality rate was 50/1000 LB, infant mortality was 40/1000 LB. Hospitals were built in every city and the Iraqi healthcare system was known to be of very high quality, Iraq was actually about to gain developed country status, versus being a developing country. Additionally, a committee that answers to Saddam himself was initiated to evaluate cases that needed medical attention outside the country, and patients were flown to destination countries and treated all on the government's expense.

Back when Saddam ruled there was also a greater freedom of religion. Christians were allowed to practice openly. Western missionaries were generally tolerated and enjoyed a great deal of protection. Saddam's best friend Tariq Aziz who was Christian served as the foreign minister then deputy prime minister.

All of these luxuries are now gone and no longer available to what's left of the citizens of Iraq. And by no means am I saying that Saddam was a 'perfect' ruler as he was not evidently shown by the inhumane chemical attack against the Kurds. But I still strongly believe that Saddam was the reason Iraq thrived and developed.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
I can say that Iraq was less of a concern than after sadum


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Please read this:::

My point was that Saddam is brought up a lot as a 'ruthless' dictator who didn't care about anything but money and power, however this is is not the case, as he cared for Iraq greatly and this is shown when he made education obligatory and complimentary. Furthermore, a number of schools were built in every city, and at least one was built in every village in the country. He also strengthened the Iraqi economy when he nationalised oil. Saddam also helped the poor and middle-class families, especially government employees who were given small pieces of land for them to build houses on, which was complimented by loans specifically tailored for that purpose. Houses and apartments were also given to gifted students and college professors. Every student that graduated from University would be gifted a brand new car.
Basic healthcare was free for everyone, and generally dirt cheap for anything that requires more than a simple visit to the doctor. Medicine prices were heavily discounted by the government. Things like birth control pills were made available, usually for free, for Iraqi women. Kids were vaccinated door-to-door by the government. Medical care reached 97% of the urban population and 71% of the rural population. Mortality rate was 50/1000 LB, infant mortality was 40/1000 LB. Hospitals were built in every city and the Iraqi healthcare system was known to be of very high quality, Iraq was actually about to gain developed country status, versus being a developing country. Additionally, a committee that answers to Saddam himself was initiated to evaluate cases that needed medical attention outside the country, and patients were flown to destination countries and treated all on the government's expense.

Back when Saddam ruled there was also a greater freedom of religion. Christians were allowed to practice openly. Western missionaries were generally tolerated and enjoyed a great deal of protection. Saddam's best friend Tariq Aziz who was Christian served as the foreign minister then deputy prime minister.

All of these luxuries are now gone and no longer available to what's left of the citizens of Iraq. And by no means am I saying that Saddam was a 'perfect' ruler as he was not evidently shown by the inhumane chemical attack against the Kurds. But I still strongly believe that Saddam was the reason Iraq thrived and developed.
And now the cunt is dead. Guess how Kurdistan and northern parts of Iraq are doing?

The only problems in Iraq right now is down to Isis and Syria. And I hate to say it but Muslim extremism.

However I will agree the country was far more stable with him at the helm, it wasn't to the benefit of the people living there


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
And now the cunt is dead. Guess how Kurdistan and northern parts of Iraq are doing?

The only problems in Iraq right now is down to Isis and Syria. And I hate to say it but Muslim extremism.

However I will agree the country was far more stable with him at the helm, it wasn't to the benefit of the people living there
Can i just say that i didn't write this, it was from someone who is actually from iraq. He also said in an earlier post that (American) soldiers, went from door to door, rounding up an executing the Iraqi men. I suppose you would call that liberation as well? Or maybe you are calling him a liar right? (jeez)

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Can i just say that i didn't write this, it was from someone who is actually from iraq. He also said in an earlier post that (American) soldiers, went from door to door, rounding up an executing the Iraqi men. I suppose you would call that liberation as well? Or maybe you are calling him a liar right? (jeez)
I highly doubt American soldiers went door to door executing men, no way one of them hasnt cracked and confused to it by now.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I highly doubt American soldiers went door to door executing men, no way one of them hasnt cracked and confused to it by now.
Here is his first post:::

I'm not saying that Saddam did not oppose certain people of Iraq, however those who happily lived under Saddam (majority of the country) endured a greater suffering when the US invaded. I guess it depends on whether you're sunni or shite as you may see this differently i.e. shite vs Saddam. But I believe that Iraq was a much more developed country when Saddam ruled. My grandfather was Kurdish and was appointed the head of the ministry of agriculture by him when he ruled meaning that Saddam did not directly oppose the kurds but this still does not make his actions acceptable. I do agree that Saddam made some horrible mistakes which result in the deaths of thousands but one could say the same when Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulting in the deaths of 250000+ on the first day excluding the thousands more that died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.

As an Iraqi who fled from the war, I know first hand how violent and terrifying it was to live there, there was a period where US troops broke into houses taking the men away from their families to execute. Both my parents and what's left of my family both agree that they felt safer when Saddam ruled Iraq. But we have gone astray from the question, my point was that the reason 93% of young Iraqis see the US as a threat may be because they have either experienced the brutality of the war first hand or by having a lack of family. Their fear of the US is more than justified and is due to the less than justified war.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Can i just say that i didn't write this, it was from someone who is actually from iraq. He also said in an earlier post that (American) soldiers, went from door to door, rounding up an executing the Iraqi men. I suppose you would call that liberation as well? Or maybe you are calling him a liar right? (jeez)
Lol. I'm sure they just went around saying hey are there any men home, yes, boom!

The good parts or Iraq these days appreciate the war and thrive from the lifestyle they now enjoy


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Here is his first post:::

I'm not saying that Saddam did not oppose certain people of Iraq, however those who happily lived under Saddam (majority of the country) endured a greater suffering when the US invaded. I guess it depends on whether you're sunni or shite as you may see this differently i.e. shite vs Saddam. But I believe that Iraq was a much more developed country when Saddam ruled. My grandfather was Kurdish and was appointed the head of the ministry of agriculture by him when he ruled meaning that Saddam did not directly oppose the kurds but this still does not make his actions acceptable. I do agree that Saddam made some horrible mistakes which result in the deaths of thousands but one could say the same when Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulting in the deaths of 250000+ on the first day excluding the thousands more that died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.

As an Iraqi who fled from the war, I know first hand how violent and terrifying it was to live there, there was a period where US troops broke into houses taking the men away from their families to execute. Both my parents and what's left of my family both agree that they felt safer when Saddam ruled Iraq. But we have gone astray from the question, my point was that the reason 93% of young Iraqis see the US as a threat may be because they have either experienced the brutality of the war first hand or by having a lack of family. Their fear of the US is more than justified and is due to the less than justified war.
He talks about Sunni and Shiite, yet references a Kurd, who have the statue of the virgin Mary in their capital and love the heeesuuus....


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
He talks about Sunni and Shiite, yet references a Kurd, who have the statue of the virgin Mary in their capital and love the heeesuuus....
I just told you, this was not me writing it, but an Iraqi, who has had to flee iraq, because of the state the country is now in after the invasion. try reading, and rereading his posts next time, okay? you might learn something!


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I just told you, this was not me writing it, but an Iraqi, who has had to flee iraq, because of the state the country is now in after the invasion. try reading, and rereading his posts next time, okay? you might learn something!
Well I'm trying to tell you that it's horseshit stirred up by an idiot with bad intentions. If he left it's because he was connected to people that the free government would want to have a few words with. At least that's my guess


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Well I'm trying to tell you that it's horseshit stirred up by an idiot with bad intentions. If he left it's because he was connected to people that the free government would want to have a few words with. At least that's my guess
no, it's written by a civilian who is fleeing a state of war, you and your country imposed on him!

I marched against the war, several times, but britain also attacked iraq with the us and others, so we are also partially to blame!


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
no, it's written by a civilian who is fleeing a state of war, you and your country imposed on him!

I marched against the war, several times, but britain also attacked iraq with the us and others, so we are also partially to blame!
Get the fuck out of here pussy.

U didn't March. U whined. You whined because that's all you can do. Complain about shit you know nothing about.

I'm from both countries you just implied, and for whatever made up reason war was declared I think it was absolutely worth it to rid the middle East of the shit hole tyranny and chance to give people a normal life.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Get the fuck out of here pussy.

U didn't March. U whined. You whined because that's all you can do. Complain about shit you know nothing about.

I'm from both countries you just implied, and for whatever made up reason war was declared I think it was absolutely worth it to rid the middle East of the shit hole tyranny and chance to give people a normal life.
No you fuck off. Congratulations i am your worst nightmare


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I recommend you all chill with the personal attacks if you want to continue this discussion.
Get the fuck out of here pussy.

U didn't March. U whined. You whined because that's all you can do. Complain about shit you know nothing about.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I recommend you all chill with the personal attacks if you want to continue this discussion.
Actually i have been banned from nearly other martial arts forum on the net, because of my active opposition to the war. Great minds think alike i guess. See if i care. I am not the only one, who was and is, against it even now...


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Actually i have been banned from nearly other martial arts forum on the net, because of my active opposition to the war. Great minds think alike i guess. See if i care. I am not the only one, who was and is, against it even now...
It has nothing to do with your opposotion to the war. I think the Iraq war was a mistake, stupid, and disastrous for the local people, and the stability of the midlle east. But don't be a tard about it. That is probably something you may want to look into. Disagree with some restraind, and see how people ar emore willing to give you a listen.