General I bought my first gun TME

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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
politely disagree about racking a shotgun.
I think that keeping a round chambered is a better option (seen soooo many people short-stroke or mis-stroke under pressure)

and I want the intruder to know that I have a firearm when it goes Boom. Not a second before. Noise points both ways, just like a light.


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
politely disagree about racking a shotgun.
I think that keeping a round chambered is a better option (seen soooo many people short-stroke or mis-stroke under pressure)

and I want the intruder to know that I have a firearm when it goes Boom. Not a second before. Noise points both ways, just like a light.
This is for my wife, not me. She needs the deterrent sound.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
That's one stray hardball vs 12 stray hardballs if I miss with the shotgun. Personal preference, I guess.
00 buck is actually 9 pellets rather than 12. Having said that, have you ever seen the spread of 00 buck at home defense distances? It's about the size of a fist.

I have a 3 yo, who sleeps in a different room - so I can't take a purely defensive posture.
Also, a handgun is easier to retain while using the second hand for lighting or shielding.
In that very understandable position, you and your wife should probably be moving to the 3 year old rather than retrieving them and be out in the open any longer than is necessary. You definitely need a weapon mounted light. Fuck that flashlight bullshit.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
00 buck is actually 9 pellets rather than 12. Having said that, have you ever seen the spread of 00 buck at home defense distances? It's about the size of a fist.

In that very understandable position, you and your wife should probably be moving to the 3 year old rather than retrieving them and be out in the open any longer than is necessary. You definitely need a weapon mounted light. Fuck that flashlight bullshit.
Plot Twist - we have an infant, so rather than have the wife try and coral her and a weapon on the move - she takes the shotgun and the baby and falls back to the MBR. I also sleep in the guest bedroom (i get up really early for work-outs) frequently, which puts toddler on the path to the MBR.

I prefer the flashlight over the weapon mounted light because I'd prefer to be able to hit an intruder with something hard that's not my firearm. :)

The important take-away from these discussions (IMAO) is that you need to understand your circumstances, have a plan, and practice that plan from time to time.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
What a stupid question
are you surprised that gun-related murders are higher in a place where guns are more common?
are there countries which have a higher rate of murder, or other violent crimes, than the US - even if firearms are harder to legally obtain?

look at Brazil and Mexico, if you want a point in the right direction...


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I prefer the flashlight over the weapon mounted light because I'd prefer to be able to hit an intruder with something hard that's not my firearm.
Fuck that shit. Reasonable people don't break into homes. If an intruder is that close to you it's because he's trying to end your life and should getting hit with a bullet instead of your flashlight.

is that you need to understand your circumstances, have a plan, and practice that plan from time to time.
Fully agree.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
A shouldered short barreled shotgun only protrudes about a few inches or less passed the end of your lead hand; about the same as a pistol. It also wields a ton more stopping power. In a home defense scenario I also have no intention of patrolling around my house. My advantage is that I'm familiar with the layout of my home, and that I have the police coming over to back me up. My disadvantage is that I don't know the mental state, or how the intruder might be armed. I don't want to confront him/her unless I'm forced to. Take my shit, it can be replaced. Lives can't, and you don't want to go down the stairs to find 4 armed guys waiting for you. In a home defense scenario my job is to keep my family safe, and wait for the cavalry to arrive.
Its the swing time it takes, my hunting shotguns are useless around corners. May as well use them as a bat at that point


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Respectfully disagree.

Aside from convenience of storage I can't think of a single instance a pistol is superior to a shotgun or a centerfire rifle for the purpose of home defense.

If it is equipped with a laser, it can be aimed at a targets around objects and in awkward positions due to the fact that you don't have to maintain a proper sight picture or cheek weld.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

Half the powder is burned in the first 2-3" of the barrel, so velocity doesn't suffer much. From what I've been told, you gain less than 10fps per inch of barrel after a certain point anyways.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
If it is equipped with a laser, it can be aimed at a targets around objects and in awkward positions due to the fact that you don't have to maintain a proper sight picture or cheek weld.
1) That's true of any firearm. 2) If you're in a circumstance where those positions are relevant you fucked up a long time ago.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

Half the powder is burned in the first 2-3" of the barrel, so velocity doesn't suffer much. From what I've been told, you gain less than 10fps per inch of barrel after a certain point anyways.
I know it requires 18 inches to be completely burnt, which is why barrels don't usually go under 18.5", not sure about the fps per inch though. Sounds a little low, seems like it'd have to be more like 100fps for the math to work out.