How often do you work out?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
And what's your training routine look like and consist of?

I was training 5-6 times a week, but I've cut it down as the volume was wearing me out, I was feeling like shit and I wasn't recovering as well as I'd have like to have been. So...

Mon: Chest & Back. Supersets consisting of 8-12 reps per movement for 4 sets. I do three of those (12 sets total).

Tue: Off

Wed: Legs & Shoulders. Same principals apply due to me wanting to get in and get out of the gym.

Thu: Off

Fri: Arms. Same principle also applies BUT there's a LOT of "drop sets" to be done on this day as my arms can handle volume, and I do LOVE that pump in them!

Sat: Just a general catch-up on stuff I might be neglecting, and a day where I use for conditioning. Just a day to sweat and work the CV system, really.

Cycling Sprints
Rowing Intervals
Kettle/Barbell Complexes
Ab Work

Sun: Off

So it's mainly a bodybuilding routine in the week and what I used to do when training Boxing etc on the weekend to keep one foot in that world and to just generally work the heart.



Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
I had the same thing. I reduced intensity and it's much better. I was sick of training tbh. Now I love it again.

Generally, my week looks something like this:
M: Jiujitsu
Tu: 1hr bike ride
W: Strength, jiujitsu
Th: 1hr bike ride
S&S: Off

I try to do yoga every day but I've been slack for the past few weeks.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
M: Muay thai, 1 hour
Tu: Football, 1 hour (very light)
W: Muay thai, 1 hour
Th: Off
F: Muay thai, 1 hour
Sa: Football, 1 hour (serious)
Su: Well deserved rest

sometimes I do some extra stuff on saturday morning like biking but more often than not I'm dead from sparring friday night. I used to lift on tuesday and thursday too and honestly I don't know how I was able to do that on top of real life stuff. as the years go by I care less and less about soccer and will eventually dropping it altogether I think.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
Supersets consisting of 8-12 reps per movement for 4 sets.
Where do you live? this is the classic lifting program where I'm from (Brasil) which I never see mentioned among first world/developed people. most people do three sets actually.

when I was reading about work out schedules I learned that this setup mostly makes you fatigued doing bad reps at the end of the sets without much gain. I guess it's strictly a bodybuilding setup?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
Where do you live? this is the classic lifting program where I'm from (Brasil) which I never see mentioned among first world/developed people. most people do three sets actually.

when I was reading about work out schedules I learned that this setup mostly makes you fatigued doing bad reps at the end of the sets without much gain. I guess it's strictly a bodybuilding setup?
1) UK

2) Yes, it's strictly a bodybuilding set-up as I rarely use compound exercises (I just don't find them that effective or safe for Hypertrophy) and I only use Isolation lifts (I know tons of BB'ers use and used Compounds, but they're for strength IMO).

No, it's the opposite way around for me. When my chest is getting worked, my back is resting, and vice-versa. And I've weirdly always felt stronger working out like this instead of just doing a day dedicated to one body part.

3 sets works fine for me, but I find that I reach both mechanical and muscular failure with 4 (but I'm not totally annihilated). 4 sits just right with me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
I had the same thing. I reduced intensity and it's much better. I was sick of training tbh. Now I love it again.

Generally, my week looks something like this:
M: Jiujitsu
Tu: 1hr bike ride
W: Strength, jiujitsu
Th: 1hr bike ride
S&S: Off

I try to do yoga every day but I've been slack for the past few weeks.

How do you feel not having a day off in the week? Do you crave the weekend or do you manage fine with that volume up until Friday?

Also, what form of Yoga are you doing and have you noticed any benefits? It's on my "to do" list (the healthy list) that I made up for this year.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Started back in the gym a couple of weeks ago. Hitting it Monday thru Friday. My goal is to burn 600 calories every time I step in there, which I've been able to do so far. Then I try to get a 2 mile jog in he evenings, 3 days a week.

Was having knee problems for several months, which sidelined me from any real activity. Gained about 20 and need to get that off ASAP. As soon as I do, and get some flexibility back, I'd like to start in some BJJ classes. We'll see how it goes.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015

How do you feel not having a day off in the week? Do you crave the weekend or do you manage fine with that volume up until Friday?

Also, what form of Yoga are you doing and have you noticed any benefits? It's on my "to do" list (the healthy list) that I made up for this year.
I used to train 7 days a week, which was just brutal. Then I'd train hard all week and pray for the weekend. Now I don't feel fatigued, so it's no issue. If I feel rough, I simply don't train.

I started following Yoga For BJJ. They have a free workout on Youtube:

The benefits I get are that I feel peaceful and relaxed at the end of it. I think my flexibility is improving but I haven't been doing it very long.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
I used to train 7 days a week, which was just brutal. Then I'd train hard all week and pray for the weekend. Now I don't feel fatigued, so it's no issue. If I feel rough, I simply don't train.

I started following Yoga For BJJ. They have a free workout on Youtube:

The benefits I get are that I feel peaceful and relaxed at the end of it. I think my flexibility is improving but I haven't been doing it very long.
Would you class your bike ride as active recovery?

Thanks for the vid.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
M: Jiu jitsu Gi
W: Jiu jitsu Gi
T: No Gi+ wrestling drills and lots of wrestling sparring
F: Jiu jitsu GI
Saturday: Jiu jitsu Gi and no GI +wrestling drills and lots of wrestling sparring
Sunday: Open mat GI which I never miss.

I try to do as much yoga as I can in between but I've also been slacking on this too. Was doing a lot of cardio about a month ago (mainly running outside) but I was getting injured/tired and was performing poorly on the mats so I cut it out. I might start cycling when I have more time though


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
M: Jiu jitsu Gi
W: Jiu jitsu Gi
T: No Gi+ wrestling drills and lots of wrestling sparring
F: Jiu jitsu GI
Saturday: Jiu jitsu Gi and no GI +wrestling drills and lots of wrestling sparring
Sunday: Open mat GI which I never miss.

I try to do as much yoga as I can in between but I've also been slacking on this too. Was doing a lot of cardio about a month ago (mainly running outside) but I was getting injured/tired and was performing poorly on the mats so I cut it out. I might start cycling when I have more time though
No strength work?

Your washing machine must love you! Hehe


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
No strength work?

Your washing machine must love you! Hehe
Not really. I should because being stronger/bigger will help my game but I'm pretty lazy with everything else i just want to roll lol. Here's a pic of me atm.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
I really do want to get bigger and stronger because im like a stick but don't feel like putting the effort into doing so. I need to make more time for it. And yeah my washing machine is always on! Lol


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
In an average week, I'll bike 40 miles and lift two days with some miscellaneous grappling, striking, or basketball mixed in.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 20, 2015
Monday, Wednesday, Friday I lift as well using the Starting Strength program, adding abs and pull-ups.
Tuesday, Thursday I run (3 miles on treadmill)
I take the weekends off unless I need a make up day.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
Work out 2-3 times a week. It's a DUP set up.
Monday : 5x5 work out Squat, bench and some accessory exercises.
Wednesday : Hypertrophy. Front Squats, Slow eccentric bench and some accessory.
Friday. Power. Squats, bench, I either do waves, contrast or strength speed. Low volume day obviously.


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
Generally I work out for 3 days in a row and rest 1 day. Pretty basic circuit training. Usually I pick 5 exercizes that target whatever muscle group I have planned out the week prior. So I plan next weeks workouts this week. Every day is leg and core day. I start with dead lifts (trap bar, easy sets of ten @ 120lbs, every workout day) do said 5 excersizes and then finish with 2 min planks or some landmine exercises for the core (i forget what its called). I repeat that
3-5 times. For cardio I have been spending some time on the bag but nothing like I should be doing. I use a Polar H7 heart rate monitor to keep my heart rate up into my target zone during my circuit training.

I do this all at home by myself. Ive built a nice little gym in the last year. Sometimes I wish I werent such an introvert and could find someone to workout with but I cannot find it in myself to join a traditional gym. I have joined BJJ clubs in the past but injuries have always prevented me from pursuing it the way I really want to.


Active Member
May 15, 2015
Depends on the week. Ideally 6 or 7 days. It's all resistance training except for the kickboxing class I teach.


Jun 2, 2016
Normally I try do at least 4-5 days of different exercise. Not to good with routine so I just do mix of things thru out the week from Weight lifting, Resistance training,Mma Heavy Bag, and Running.
I just recently took up skateboarding again and have yet to fall and break something so I'm pretty happy about that. :D


Active Member
May 17, 2017
5 days a week, with Saturdays and Sundays being my active recovery days.

Back when I was training for my first bodybuilding contest, I'd work out twice a day and have only 1 day of was pretty brutal and may have done more harm than good so I toned it down.


Nov 19, 2015
As I'm not training grappling at the moment (Had a injury that I'm recovering from) I just lift three times a week, do some cardio after (15-30 minutes) and then do a dedicated roadbike session once a week, which is 60-120 minutes.