There is actually a credible argument that insurance premiums would have risen higher without Obamacare. Boomers are starting to hit the age ranges were they get more expensive healthcare treatments, while also being such a large age demographic, and that cost is being pushed onto the average consumer driving costs up. If there were less people with insurance then those costs would be spread to fewer people and, hence, higher costs. Not that I think Obamacare is a great solution.Obamacare isn't any more affordable. People pretend Obamacare didn't take grocery money out of peoples hands...
I've also heard that insurers are allowed to make a certain % of profit, which means they don't have any incentive to keep costs down, because the more it costs the more they can charge. Add in all the middle men, being unable to negotiate drug prices, and there are a multitude of reasons why health insurance costs are rising in the U.S. Without changing the whole system then Americans will continue to spend abnormally more than any other OECD country on healthcare.

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