General John2054 megathread: my name was just mentioned on live uk national radio, cool huh?!

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graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I've been a month without my depot/injection, and i am feeling a damn sight better. I really don't want to go on it again, like hell i do. We will see what my consultant psychiatrist says on Tuesday...

PS i've been on these drugs for 12 years now, and like hell they work. Like hell they do. They only mess up my breathing, and screw my head up as well. Like hell i need them!!!

Deleted member 1

I suspect this will end badly. Talk with your doc.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I suspect this will end badly. Talk with your doc.
i've got a 6 monthly appointment with him, which was supposed to be mid month, brought forward to tues. I don't see how they can put me back in hospital if i am not a risk to myself or others, and no i don't consider what i have done so far, to warrant that. We will see what my shrink says.

Deleted member 1

i've got a 6 monthly appointment with him, which was supposed to be mid month, brought forward to tues. I don't see how they can put me back in hospital if i am not a risk to myself or others, and no i don't consider what i have done so far, to warrant that. We will see what my shrink says.

Probably shouldn't self discontinue medications. Can be pretty dangerous.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Probably shouldn't self discontinue medications. Can be pretty dangerous.
okay, but i've been on them for 12 years, and you know, the last time i asked my nurse to confirm that i had been doing well for the last six months, and deserved to have them reduced, by a little bit, he said 'no you haven't' and, in my opinion, they shouldn't be.

I have just been through a difficult period with my wife leaving, so i am bound to be stressed by that. But as long as i don't lose it and start shouting, and get a good nights sleep before hand, i think the odds are 80 to 20 or 70 to 30, in my favour of staying off them. We will see what happens on tues, but by god, i have been ready for a long time. And i am more ready, when i am off meds. Sorry if this doesn't appeal to you, but really, it should be my decision, i think i deserve this.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
Fuck pharmaceuticals. Everything out there has side effects like heart palpations, cancer and death.

Just smoke a fucking bowl of the dankest sativa you can get.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
If it's not too personal, what were you on?
zuclopenthixal, also known as clopixal i think, 100 mg injection in my bum every 2 weeks. Which has been reduced from the hospital dose i was on, of 200mg, at the start of 2012. But i've done with this little by little approach. Plus they can't tell me that i have no insight, because i did my dissertation in Schizohrenia (and got 68% for it). Come on!


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Mighty dangerous. Hope things go okay man.
i take chinese meds as a prn, when i feel down, or psychotic now. And, unlike the western meds, they actually do seem to work, without the side effects!!


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
It always best to let mental patients make their own decisions when it comes to medical advice.what do doctors know anyways .what is the worst that could happen?


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
It always best to let mental patients make their own decisions when it comes to medical advice.what do doctors know anyways .what is the worst that could happen?
okay i get that. but the fact is that they can't put me back in hospital, without carrying another mental health act assessment. At the moment, i have my own house, feed the cat, and go for coffees with my dad. Sure you may not like this, but i haven't liked being on drugs for the last 12 years. And i can't get better when i am on them. The only way i will be able to get better, is if i am off them. Plus my family have left me. Don't you think i have already suffered enough?


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
It always best to let mental patients make their own decisions when it comes to medical advice.what do doctors know anyways .what is the worst that could happen?
they also deemed me as too well, to get any benefits, on my last assessment, so if i am too well to take their money, then damn sure i am too well to take their needles!


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Do you think being off your meds has anything to do with your wife leaving you or are you in denial of that

Deleted member 1

i take chinese meds as a prn, when i feel down, or psychotic now. And, unlike the western meds, they actually do seem to work, without the side effects!!
I hope the Tiger semen cures what is burdening you.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
they also deemed me as too well, to get any benefits, on my last assessment, so if i am too well to take their money, then damn sure i am too well to take their needles!
You should see what your doctor has to say.he obviously knows more about this than either of us


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Do you think being off your meds has anything to do with your wife leaving you or are you in denial of that
That isn't the reason. I know what the reason is, at least, one of the reasons is because she blames me for her high blood pressure. We've agreed to not divorce, and we are going to review it in 6 months. I'm hoping to bring that forward.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That isn't the reason. I know what the reason is, at least, one of the reasons is because she blames me for her high blood pressure. We've agreed to not divorce, and we are going to review it in 6 months. I'm hoping to bring that forward.
It is not doing you any favors


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
It is not doing you any favors
that was caused over the last four years she has been here, when i have been drugged up in this time. I am coming off them now. At least i am feeling a lot better already, and you know, my wife asked me why i wasn't shouting at her any more, a few days ago, when she was back here. And that was when i was off them.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
that was caused over the last four years she has been here, when i have been drugged up in this time. I am coming off them now. At least i am feeling a lot better already, and you know, my wife asked me why i wasn't shouting at her any more, a few days ago, when she was back here. And that was when i was off them.
But you obviously improved while on them. Yes?