If Bisping was to retire after the GSP fight...

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Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
Possible goat because he beat a guy who beat Fedor (but is really 1-1 with that guy and the Fedor fight was 5 year prior)?

Is this one big troll thread?
He should be 35-2, not 30-7. Rashad loss was BS. Sonnen,Wand, Belfort and Hendo were on TRT or banned substances when they fought Bispjng. So those 5 losses aren't legit. Out of the two losses he avenged the loss to Rockhold and would smash Kennedy if they rematched

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
He should be 35-2, not 30-7. Rashad loss was BS. Sonnen,Wand, Belfort and Hendo were on TRT or banned substances when they fought Bispjng. So those 5 losses aren't legit. Out of the two losses he avenged the loss to Rockhold and would smash Kennedy if they rematched
Was TRT allowed during some of those fights? I can't remember. Either way the issue I have with that is Mike signed the contract. He made a point of calling out suspected or proven cheats yet agreed to fight (obviously thought he'd beat them) and came up short. He knew full well what he was up against and lost so I can't agree about them not being legit. Then you add the Rashad fight being a split, him being 1-1 with Luke then assume he'd beat Tim who has a win over him....Too much to consider if you compare his resume to a guy like GSP. If he can beat Georges I don't see it helping his case much more. He's smaller, formerly retired and 3+ years away from fighting. Between this and rematching Dan in his retirement fight I just don't get this claim.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
Not goat but this is a legit list of incredible accomplishments, slight context required but great list
Emphasis on the slight, methinks. Like, MONSTROUS AMOUNTS. It's a list of finished warriors.

There has NEVER been a title holder milk a belt like Bisping. Matt Serra was a better champ.


Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
Was TRT allowed during some of those fights? I can't remember. Either way the issue I have with that is Mike signed the contract. He made a point of calling out suspected or proven cheats yet agreed to fight (obviously thought he'd beat them) and came up short. He knew full well what he was up against and lost so I can't agree about them not being legit. Then you add the Rashad fight being a split, him being 1-1 with Luke then assume he'd beat Tim who has a win over him....Too much to consider if you compare his resume to a guy like GSP. If he can beat Georges I don't see it helping his case much more. He's smaller, formerly retired and 3+ years away from fighting. Between this and rematching Dan in his retirement fight I just don't get this claim.
Let's say we fight and I bring a sword. You're like "Fuck this chump with his sword and shit, I'll beat your ass sword or no fuckin sword, bitch!" and I cut you up and wallop you as a result. Are you truly gonna say "I got fairly beat because I fought him knowing he had a sword" or "That little bitch can only beat me with a sword, if the playing field was even - as it should've been - I probably would've whooped him good!"??

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Let's say we fight and I bring a sword. You're like "Fuck this chump with his sword and shit, I'll beat your ass sword or no fuckin sword, bitch!" and I cut you up and wallop you as a result. Are you truly gonna say "I got fairly beat because I fought him knowing he had a sword" or "That little bitch can only beat me with a sword, if the playing field was even - as it should've been - I probably would've whooped him good!"??
I wouldn't call you out for using a sword in fist fights then accept to fight you under those same circumstances, that would be retarded. If for some reason I did accept the fight knowing you have a sword and you diced me up I'd only have myself to blame for biting off more than I can chew.


Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
I wouldn't call you out for using a sword in fist fights then accept to fight you under those same circumstances, that would be retarded. If for some reason I did accept the fight knowing you have a sword and you diced me up I'd only have myself to blame for biting off more than I can chew.
You're right, bro. I don't think Bisping is the GOAT, but he certainly did alright in his career and imo has been able to keep his game strong for a long time. I mean just look at how quickly guys like Rashad and Machida have regressed and they're a similar age.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
You're right, bro. I don't think Bisping is the GOAT, but he certainly did alright in his career and imo has been able to keep his game strong for a long time. I mean just look at how quickly guys like Rashad and Machida have regressed and they're a similar age.
I agree with this. Until we can agree on the definition of goat it'll always be a pointless argument. Mikey has lasted for a loooong
time but I think once he stops he's gonna have some of the worst issues with his health.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
underrated. over-sold.

he's always been far better than anyone gives him credit for, but I think the overt push the UFC gave him hurt his legitimacy in the eyes of most casual fans.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
underrated. over-sold.

he's always been far better than anyone gives him credit for, but I think the overt push the UFC gave him hurt his legitimacy in the eyes of most casual fans.
Name me his best win pre-Rockhold?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
Then i would say Rockhold is his best win, orherwise i would say Anderson Silva.
BEFORE that win, who was Bisping's best win. Hell, even before his reign as cha,p or against Hendo, Silva etc, what was his best win?


Bisping is GOAT
Oct 19, 2015
Ok Combo @Combo we can find many ways to make fighters not sound as good as what they are. For example tell me Jacares best win aside from Mousasi?

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Then i would say Rockhold is his best win, otherwise i would say Anderson Silva.

Are you reasonable enough to agree that was nothing near a prime Silva? His last win before that fight was against Bonnar, then he got KO by Chris, had his leg snapped by Chris, had his whole dick pills fiasco after a weak showing against Diaz ( who's a LW/WW on a 2 year layoff and 2 fight losing streak) which had him side lined for a year, then he turned 40 and had Mike as close to a KO as you can get when he celebrated too early.

I find it a tough sell for anybody to peacock round after beating that version of Anderson.


Bisping is GOAT
Oct 19, 2015
Are you reasonable enough to agree that was nothing near a prime Silva? His last win before that fight was against Bonnar, then he got KO by Chris, had his leg snapped by Chris, had his whole dick pills fiasco after a weak showing against Diaz ( who's a LW/WW on a 2 year layoff and 2 fight losing streak) which had him side lined for a year, then he turned 40 and had Mike as close to a KO as you can get when he celebrated too early.

I find it a tough sell for anybody to peacock round after beating that version of Anderson.
I get what you are saying but what if i said was the Silva that fought Weidman the first time was he in his prime?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
Ok Combo @Combo we can find many ways to make fighters not sound as good as what they are. For example tell me Jacares best win aside from Mousasi?
Hang on a minute, he had like TWENTY FIVE fights before he won the belt in the UFC. I'm not trying to make him look bad, I'm only asking who people think was his best win prior to the big names.

I think his win over Kang was really good, especially at the time. Akiyama & Stann, too.