General John2054 megathread: my name was just mentioned on live uk national radio, cool huh?!

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Yuki Nakai's Eye

Slow in the head, Quick in bed
Sep 2, 2015
Look it's none of your fucking business who, or what i sleep with, and how, how not i pay for them, OKAY??
Makes endless threads and posts about seeing hookers then suddenly has a problem with other people talking about it.

Has been off his meds for weeks and he can't stop laughing.

Seems legit


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
My thoughts are that he's a troll and some people are biting way too hard. I don't take ANYTHING he says seriously. Either enjoy the stories or ignore him.
The way I look at it is johns threads are like a dog shitting on your sidewalk. If some stupid neighbourhood stray shits on your walk once in a while it's no big deal. But if that same dog repeatedly shits on your walk everyday then all the other dogs start coming from all over to shit up your house since they think it's cool to do so.

I just don't like the idea of the stink of all this shit rubbing off on the rest of the forums but to each their own.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
The way I look at it is johns threads are like a dog shitting on your sidewalk. If some stupid neighbourhood stray shits on your walk once in a while it's no big deal. But if that same dog repeatedly shits on your walk everyday then all the other dogs start coming from all over to shit up your house since they think it's cool to do so.

I just don't like the idea of the stink of all this shit rubbing off on the rest of the forums but to each their own.
Okay you fucker, look ill come clean. I just paid that pro for a home visit, which cost extra. and we didn't even have sex, just listened to music. Is that good. Also earlier i went to my other friends address, you know the one i called fat, and now we are back on. just not as lovers. Just as friends with benefits. And i like the way she drives.

What else? I saw my consultant today, and he said i was treading a very fine line between sanity and hospital. but fuck him. The he smiled at me, the cheeky bugger! he knows the score.

thanks for listening, and GOODLUCK!


My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
My thoughts are that he's a troll and some people are biting way too hard. I don't take ANYTHING he says seriously. Either enjoy the stories or ignore him.
What constitutes being an asshole is subjective and no one will ever agree on everything…which is why it’s ultimately at the Admins discretion. If we think you’re being an asshole, baiting, trolling, fighter bashing – then you’re likely going to have your account temporarily or permanently suspended.
Community standards were championed by Wild @Wild to stop this type of shit, not encourage it.
At least the hive mentality of the UG/OG would have sorted this out swiftly with VTFD to freeze oblivion.

I'm calling for his head on a spike.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Community standards were championed by Wild @Wild to stop this type of shit, not encourage it.
At least the hive mentality of the UG/OG would have sorted this out swiftly with VTFD to freeze oblivion.

I'm calling for his head on a spike.
i think the reason why i am still here, is because they like hearing what i am getting up to, plus i am an honest guy, as they can tell from my pictures, OKAY>?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i think the reason why i am still here, is because they like hearing what i am getting up to, plus i am an honest guy, as they can tell from my pictures, OKAY>?
no one gives a fuck about you.get over yourself


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
#'s tell me John's threads are good. Big league good. Winning actually.
im seeing one of my girl's today. im just waiting for her aunt to go, then i can go round. i don't know what to do though. Any suggestions?


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Remember what I told you about girls who smoke?

You should start working on her Aunt, I bet she is a good fuck.
i used to smoke, so i can hack it. Actually i think didi is a virgin, so i am going to have to be careful with her, right? nice booty though. nice and round! black gyals, can't beat em!


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
There's a circumcision joke in here somewhere.
As far as I can tell john is a Hindu or a Jehovah witness.

I'm not sure what either of those religions do to thier peckers tho ...