huh a more global view by going to school in the same county/state?
I know. They have the same program in high school that is accelerated,
From their site:
"to develop active, inquiring, and knowledgeable lifelong learners who achieve high standards and who make a difference through intercultural understanding and respect.
As an IB school, we develop students who demonstrate the attributes of the IB learner profile. “The attributes of the profile express the values inherent to the IB continuum of international education: these are values that should infuse all elements of the Primary Years Programme (PYP)...”
“The learner profile provides a long-term vision of education. It is a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of schools and teachers, uniting them in a common purpose. The attributes and descriptors of the learner profile define the type of learner the IBO
hopes to develop through its programmes.” "