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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Russia Threatens Repercussions If Trump Signs New Sanctions Into Law: Various Russian officials threatened consequences for the US if President Trump sign new Russian sanctions into law, passed yesterday by the House. Vladimir Dzhabarov, deputy chairman of the international affairs committee in Russia's upper house, said that the country has prepared "economic and political measures that will be adopted if the Senate and Trump support the bill.” Konstantin Kosachyov, chairman of the international affairs committee of the upper house, warned of a "painful" response.


Jun 23, 2015
Please correct me if I'm wrong, in this case I'd love to be.

Did he just fire 15,000 transgender people from the military?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Anthony Scaramucci Could Earn Millions From Investment Firm: Financial disclosures show that White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci earned millions of dollars from SkyBridge Capital, his investment firm, due to his ownership stake. Scaramucci no longer works for the company, but still holds his stake in the company, which is currently being sold to a Chinese conglomerate. The sale is currently under investigation under suspicion that it may threaten national security. If the sale goes through, it will earn Scaramucci millions.

Over Twitter, Scaramucci lashed out over the report, calling it a "leak" and a "felony". Scaramucci seemed to suggest that the he believed Chief of Staff Reince Priubus was to blame, including his Twitter handle in a now deleted tweet saying he was going to contact the FBI to investigate. Scaramucci now says it was to note that senior officials like Reince will be investigating the leaks.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
U.S. House gives Donald Trump funds to begin border wall construction

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved a $68 billion increase in military spending next year with legislation that also provides money to start construction of President Donald Trump’s Mexican border wall.

The bill increased spending on the U.S. capability to defend itself from foreign missile attacks amid growing concerns about North Korea’s increasing capacity to hit the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile after it successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile in July.

The money for the wall is dwarfed by the $658.1 billion the bill would provide for the Defense Department, an increase of $68.1 billion above the fiscal year 2017 enacted level and $18.4 billion above Trump’s budget request.

The House voted 235-192 for the fiscal 2018 spending bill that would provide $1.6 billion for initial construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, which was a centerpiece of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Senator John McCain deals hammer blow to Donald Trump's bid to dismantle Obamacare

After a night of high suspense in the US Capitol, the extraordinarily tense vote came down to the wire, with Republican Senator John McCain, only recently diagnosed with brain cancer, casting the deciding vote against the legislation.

Mr Trump wasted no time getting on Twitter to decry the outcome.

"3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!" he tweeted.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
President Trump Names New Chief Of Staff Over Twitter:
On Friday afternoon, President Trump tweeted that he had named John Kelly, the current Secretary Of Homeland Security, the new Chief of Staff. It's been widely reported that Trump was considering replacing Reince Priebus, and was reported earlier today that Trump was eyeing Kelly for the position.