Just ordered the 1st book. A coworker convinced me to give the books a try so I'm gonna dive in.
When the Lord of The Rings movie came out I couldn't wait 2 years for the next movie so I read the books, so I'm kinda feeling like that now.
Wanted to order this set
https://img0.etsystatic.com/031/0/6555132/il_570xN.598901532_pben.jpg but didn't want to drop $425 on it because I need money for beer so I just ordered a regular hardcover.
just a heads up, book 1 is fairly similar to season 1. but dont give up. books 2 and 3 are incredible. they add a lot of depth to what you've seen in the show
and books 4 and 5 are largely different from the show. so it's like getting a second show in your head
*shows have tools books dont, like a musical score to set the mood of a scene. but the ASOIAF books have a major tool that the show doesnt, namely, a look inside their heads. you might look at some characters differently after learning what they are thinking in certain scenes. jaime is a prime example
anyway, enjoy!! and if you like them, i highly recommend robin hobbe's farseer trilogy. its bout a bastard with a connection to animals, specifically a wolf =)