Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Half of this coming Sunday's episode will be a battle scene, if that's any consolation.

Is this the episode where Jaime dies? Or Grey Worm?

I was curious where Jaime/Bronn/Randyll were marching to after they left Highgarden...were they off to set a trap for the Unsullied? or marching back to King's Landing?

If they go back to King's Landing, I see really strong parallels between "The Queen's Justice" and the way the Mad King killed Brandon and Rickard Stark...and IIRC Jaime told Ned that killing the Mad King felt like justice after watching the way Brandon/Rickard were tortured/killed.

I think the clash between Cersi and Jaime is finally coming, because Jaime didn't do anything to Olenna after she admitted to poisoning his son...she even seemed to enjoy twisting the knife in Jaime's heart. But he just stood there, and let her die a painless death. It makes me think that the schism between he and Cersi is larger than any love they shared previously.

This means Jaime dies, probably at the hands of Euron or The Mountain.

member 3289


Is this the episode where Jaime dies? Or Grey Worm?

I was curious where Jaime/Bronn/Randyll were marching to after they left Highgarden...were they off to set a trap for the Unsullied? or marching back to King's Landing?
The plan is to take Highgarden's gold back to King's Landing in order to pay off their debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
The plan is to take Highgarden's gold back to King's Landing in order to pay off their debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos.
Ahhhh....that makes sense. I saw the shot of the gold-laden wagon on the preview, but I thought it was the gold they had pulled out of Castley Rock. Forgive my lack of knowledge, but would it be faster to march or sail from Highgarden to King's Landing. I'd think marching, but not by much...a march is 3 MPH, a ship sails at 5 MPH, but a ship sails 24/ a march would cover 25 miles per day, and sailing would cover 100 (assuming fair seas and prevailing winds) per day.

But it seems really far to go around the south end of Westeros from Highgarden to King's Landing.

member 3289

Ahhhh....that makes sense. I saw the shot of the gold-laden wagon on the preview, but I thought it was the gold they had pulled out of Castley Rock. Forgive my lack of knowledge, but would it be faster to march or sail from Highgarden to King's Landing. I'd think marching, but not by much...a march is 3 MPH, a ship sails at 5 MPH, but a ship sails 24/ a march would cover 25 miles per day, and sailing would cover 100 (assuming fair seas and prevailing winds) per day.

But it seems really far to go around the south end of Westeros from Highgarden to King's Landing.
From the map I posted on the previous page:

1 = land route (they would actually follow the Kingsroad but I didn't wanna draw over that)

2 = sea route

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Ahhhh....that makes sense. I saw the shot of the gold-laden wagon on the preview, but I thought it was the gold they had pulled out of Castley Rock. Forgive my lack of knowledge, but would it be faster to march or sail from Highgarden to King's Landing. I'd think marching, but not by much...a march is 3 MPH, a ship sails at 5 MPH, but a ship sails 24/ a march would cover 25 miles per day, and sailing would cover 100 (assuming fair seas and prevailing winds) per day.

But it seems really far to go around the south end of Westeros from Highgarden to King's Landing.
To the beSt of my knowledge, kings landing doesn't really have a fLeet at this point outside eiron greyjoy, who was tied up sailing around an d after greyworn

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
From the map I posted on the previous page:

1 = land route (they would actually follow the Kingsroad but I didn't wanna draw over that)

2 = sea route
Also keep in mind danys location. I'm surprised euron was able to sail out of blackwater bay without her noticing him since dragonstone is an island rigjt there. She should be doing surveillance instead of sitting for months at a time inside th3 castle at dragonstone

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Chief @Chief also, any time someone like old nan or osha (the wildling girl) talk, pay attention. I've read the booKS probably 10 times by now, and this last time through I finally stopped thinking they were bonkers (like everyone in th3 tory does) and now I'm reflecting on their dialogue which seem to be huge clues into cool mysteries like th white walker origins, the "old gods," and other supernatural crapola like magic and dragons


4070 = Legend
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Chief @Chief also, any time someone like old nan or osha (the wildling girl) talk, pay attention. I've read the booKS probably 10 times by now, and this last time through I finally stopped thinking they were bonkers (like everyone in th3 tory does) and now I'm reflecting on their dialogue which seem to be huge clues into cool mysteries like th white walker origins, the "old gods," and other supernatural crapola like magic and dragons
Good advice.

I'm pretty excited actually. Its been so long since I've been immersed in a long book series. The story stays with you all day for weeks. It really puts you in another state of mind.

I was an avid reader pre-digital age, but haven't been able to stop binging tv series long enough to concentrate on reading.

Like I mentioned earlier The Lord of the Rings was a fantastic immersive experience and I think the last book I've read that really transported me like that was Neal Stephenson's Anathem almost 10 years ago.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Good advice.

I'm pretty excited actually. Its been so long since I've been immersed in a long book series. The story stays with you all day for weeks. It really puts you in another state of mind.

I was an avid reader pre-digital age, but haven't been able to stop binging tv series long enough to concentrate on reading.

Like I mentioned earlier The Lord of the Rings was a fantastic immersive experience and I think the last book I've read that really transported me like that was Neal Stephenson's Anathem almost 10 years ago.
I hadn't read ficficon since 2001. After seaosn 3 or 4, I found out they were based in books, read them 2 or 3 times. Then began reading non stop. Now I do a book a week. I wish I had spent years reading instead of prancing around dance floors smashed lol

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
There's alot of fantasy I like better, just an fyi... I just read first book and half of shannara chronicles and it feels just like LOTR

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
That looks like it would be a good book. I wasn't feeling the show's execition, but liked the story.
I'm enjoying it, but there ar3 tons of fantasy I'd read before that. Mistborn. Stormlight. Farseer trilogy. Drizzt. First law. Other salvation stuff like cleric quintet or sell swords quartet. Age of fire. Kingkiller chronicles

I'm really only reading them because I I'm bought them awhile ago lol. I actually rally dig the show. It's a little twilighted up compared to the books. But the cast is gorgeous. And it's wayyyy better than I was expecting from an mtv show. Seaosn 3 will be spike iirc.

I'm in the middle of a third watch of it right now. Stopped after ep 6 bc I want to get thru book 2 first

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of excited for season 2 lol


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Arya gonna be back in winterfell this episode. Dany gonna fuck shit up with Drogo.


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Apparently GRRM says this is what the iron throne should basically look like