Half of this coming Sunday's episode will be a battle scene, if that's any consolation.

Is this the episode where Jaime dies? Or Grey Worm?
I was curious where Jaime/Bronn/Randyll were marching to after they left Highgarden...were they off to set a trap for the Unsullied? or marching back to King's Landing?
If they go back to King's Landing, I see really strong parallels between "The Queen's Justice" and the way the Mad King killed Brandon and Rickard Stark...and IIRC Jaime told Ned that killing the Mad King felt like justice after watching the way Brandon/Rickard were tortured/killed.
I think the clash between Cersi and Jaime is finally coming, because Jaime didn't do anything to Olenna after she admitted to poisoning his son...she even seemed to enjoy twisting the knife in Jaime's heart. But he just stood there, and let her die a painless death. It makes me think that the schism between he and Cersi is larger than any love they shared previously.
This means Jaime dies, probably at the hands of Euron or The Mountain.