Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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Oct 20, 2015
What about Hodor? Remember when my SN was Hodor is bae? I have no clue what that was about.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Aryas sword fight was entertaining as well. Not sure what old ginger had up her ass while watching though.
Sansa feels inadequate. As she said in an earlier episode she feels like she has to rely on herself for protection, however, she's got no fighting skills of her own. She's constantly felt like she is at the mercy of other people around her, and has never had any power to truly defend herself. To see her sister has become what she wishes she could be must have been very shocking.


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Sansa feels inadequate. As she said in an earlier episode she feels like she has to rely on herself for protection, however, she's got no fighting skills of her own. She's constantly felt like she is at the mercy of other people around her, and has never had any power to truly defend herself. To see her sister has become what she wishes she could be must have been very shocking.
Maybe she should do something other than act all huffy about it. Stop standing around looking down on people and learn to fight.

member 3289

Sansa feels inadequate. As she said in an earlier episode she feels like she has to rely on herself for protection, however, she's got no fighting skills of her own. She's constantly felt like she is at the mercy of other people around her, and has never had any power to truly defend herself. To see her sister has become what she wishes she could be must have been very shocking.
Arya would have cut Ramsey's throat from ear to ear and then worn his face for a year if he had ever tried to rape her.


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
Best episode of the season, one of the top 10 ever. The reunions! The feels! The action! Finally, we see the dragon at war, after building up to it for like 6 seasons.

Dany is clearly being set up to be the villain, though.

member 3289

An ex of mine had a cat named Arya. Is Arya cool in the show?
She is a ruthless assassin who enjoys killing people (but she only kills bad people).

Arya is the small girl in this (practice/training) fight. The big bull dyke is thought of to be one of the best fighters in the show, and Arya clowns her:


In addition to Arya's obvious sword skill and speed/quickness, most people will underestimate her, which gives her the element of surprise.

Finally, she's acquired this magical power in which she can fully transform into any person she's killed (she skins the dead person's face and then wears it, and through some unexplained magic spell that transforms her).

She is probably the single most dangerous human in the entire show right now.


Apr 25, 2016
if sansa's "vulnerabilities" lead her to fall for some littlefinger treachery bullshit im going to be salty.

if theon gets another chance at redemption and ends up being one of the heroes im going to be very salty.

but most of all i'm already salty because even tho i have read several attempts to explain it i still dont understand how hodor was hodor long before he ever ho'ded the dor...

member 3289

if sansa's "vulnerabilities" lead her to fall for some littlefinger treachery bullshit im going to be salty.
No chance imo. The line to Bran about Littlefinger not being a generous man and blah blah shows, to me at least, that she has his entire game figured out.

I honestly think he's going to die some time in these last three episodes of the season. Sansa knows he's a snake, Arya the ninja hates him, and Bran can see everything Littlefinger has ever done to fuck the Starks (and other people) over.

if theon gets another chance at redemption and ends up being one of the heroes im going to be very salty.
Theon and Jorah Mormont are two characters who are still on the show but no one really knows why.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Bran put Littlefinger on notice
Confuses me. He definitely tested him by asking if whose dagger it wss (and he knows that LF knows it wss roberts), and he mentioned tje chaos ladder

But bran is not really bran, so I feEl like he won't interpret LFs actions as a personal attack to his family since he's not really a stark anymore

I wouldn't be surprised if he does nothing and sandor exposes LF

And I also wouldn't be surprised if he's for seen his own death at the hands of arya with thay dagger

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Sansa feels inadequate. As she said in an earlier episode she feels like she has to rely on herself for protection, however, she's got no fighting skills of her own. She's constantly felt like she is at the mercy of other people around her, and has never had any power to truly defend herself. To see her sister has become what she wishes she could be must have been very shocking.
I don't think sansa has any desire tobe a swordsmen. Se just wants to be a lady

Id bet her concern ib episode 4 is bc she's wondering why arya has a kill list, what bran called out arya for at the crossroads (killing those lannister men), and how the heck arya is so good at swordplay.... the last time she saw hex she wss a lil girl. SO sansa is extremely confused and worried

Just my take tho. Could be off

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
if sansa's "vulnerabilities" lead her to fall for some littlefinger treachery bullshit im going to be salty.

if theon gets another chance at redemption and ends up being one of the heroes im going to be very salty.

but most of all i'm already salty because even tho i have read several attempts to explain it i still dont understand how hodor was hodor long before he ever ho'ded the dor...
Bran wss in a vision with hodor in the past while simultaneously skinchanging hodor in the present. So bran had control of hodor mind

And meera wss screaming "hold the door". So comatose bran subconsciously hears that and sent that signal to the present hodor to hold the door while simultaneously staring at old hodor. So it caused some sort of feedback loop


Apr 25, 2016
Bran wss in a vision with hodor in the past while simultaneously skinchanging hodor in the present. So bran had control of hodor mind

And meera wss screaming "hold the door". So comatose bran subconsciously hears that and sent that signal to the present hodor to hold the door while simultaneously staring at old hodor. So it caused some sort of feedback loop
right but in the present hodor had already been called hodor for years before he ever made it to the holding the door part right? or am i missing something?


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
right but in the present hodor had already been called hodor for years before he ever made it to the holding the door part right? or am i missing something?
Yes, because he repeated Hodor over and over ever since that happened in the past.He was called by his given name of Wylis before that.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
wish the chick didn't need to ride the dragons

cmon a 77,000lb dragon doesn't need someone telling them how to burn the F out of shit and fu up some bitch ass mouthbreathers

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
right but in the present hodor had already been called hodor for years before he ever made it to the holding the door part right? or am i missing something?
yeah, bran didnt time travel back to the past per se. bran was always part of the past. time is an illusion to limitted human minds

so bascally, bran exists in that vision when hodor is a kid, even tho bran hasnt been born yet. its abstract