Won't work out. Westeros isn't progressive enough to accept a gay man as king.I TOLD YOU ALL THAT THE KING IN THE NORTH IS NOT A GOD DAMN BASTARD.
@Priziesthorse kneel before your king
Who do you predict comes back alive?That is one hell of an all star team they put together to go north of the wall
jon,tormund ,the hound ,and gendry.jorah dies trying to be a heroWho do you predict comes back alive?
Besides King Jon obviously.
Yeah I was thinking Jorah dies as well. No room for Mr Friendzone in the great war.jon,tormund ,the hound ,and gendry.jorah dies trying to be a hero
Or she kills Sansa with the dagger because Little finger drove a wedge between them. Meanwhile Bran is all "Arya, you looked so beautiful murdering our sister."Littlefinger trying to play Arya, but it won't work.
With or without Bran's help, I predict Arya kills the spineless piece if shit in the next two episodes.
She'll probably take someone's face in order to do it.
It's a fucking warhammer fuckface!Gendry uses a great axe (and not a sword), just like his father did.
It's the letter Cercie made Salsa write to Robb back in season one. Littlecreeper made sure to play it off to Arya like Salsa wanted it hiddenThe letter Arya "found":
Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert’s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King’s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.
Jon, Tormund, The Hound and Gendry I think for sure.Who do you predict comes back alive?
Besides King Jon obviously.
It was confirmation of a belief I've held in my heart for a very long time.How did you like Gillys discovery of Rhaegars marriage being annulled so he could marry another? (Lyanna Stark, Jon's mother)
Yeah, I caught that after seeing what the letter said.It's the letter Cercie made Salsa write to Robb back in season one. Littlecreeper made sure to play it off to Arya like Salsa wanted it hidden
Or she kills Sansa with the dagger because Little finger drove a wedge between them. Meanwhile Bran is all "Arya, you looked so beautiful murdering our sister."
I Fucking hope so. Hope she guts that fucking turd. Maybe bran will snap out of one of his daydreams and tell the girls that Baelish is the reason Neds dead.In the preview for the next episode Arya is saying "you're scared, aren't you?"
I don't think she's talking to Sansa. I think she's talking to Littlefinger.
I'm not 100% sold on that. But I am glad Samwise is now lord of his house. Good for him.Dany had to kill the Tarlys. There was no other way.