General Has there ever been a bigger clownshow than this Trump presidency?

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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Joe is one of my mentors these days. Look it up. I'm working on his Delorean as we speak.
I see a laugh rating. I'm serious. Pop culture stuff like that Kickstarter is a powerful mind share getter.

"The left sucks at memeing" is only sort of a joke. Like modern political cartoons, meming matters. And a ludicrous crowd sourced cartoon about Biden as time traveling hero will be a huge online move for meme culture if it is done right.

I'm working on his Delorean as we speak.

Thought it was a transam
Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway


Apr 18, 2015
I see a laugh rating. I'm serious. Pop culture stuff like that Kickstarter is a powerful mind share getter.

"The left sucks at memeing" is only sort of a joke. Like modern political cartoons, meming matters. And a ludicrous crowd sourced cartoon about Biden as time traveling hero will be a huge online move for meme culture if it is done right.

Thought it was a transam
Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway
Sorry bro but the left owns at memeing.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Sorry bro but the left owns at memeing.

I'll not take that bait and point out the current memed president... ;)
Because it doesn't change my original point which I truly see things like said crowd sourced theme as a legit political strategy, as good or better than any campaign commerical.

Biden has come back in time to fight the arch nemesis Trump? The memes are at the ready, if they do the series the right way, to create ludicrous and catchy offshoots.

Biden himself is a combination of intelligent and befuddled old man by media exposure already -- not that it's accurate or not, but Bidenbro only worked due to his many political gaffs. And it made him more accessible and likeable.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Ideologically, if we were in that time period the trumpies here would be the people calling Lincoln a nutjob, buffoon, fascist.
To be fair, Lincoln wasn't really the calm, cool and collected type.

He was known to LOSE HIS HEAD on occasion!
