Here’s a good article that described his day to day life. Please ignore the source. I can vouch for the info provided first hand.
Vegas shooter’s rampage came from a place central to his lifestyle: A casino
Once Steve had so much comps acrued at the Atlantis in Reno that he flew the whole family (at least 10 people) to Reno to use them up. We had so many comps that we couldn’t possibly spend it all. We all came home with bottles of Johnny Walker Blue (I still have some of it left and will probably never finish it now). The comps paid for a snow mobile excursion through the mountains. Multiple spa treatments. Unlimited food. At one point Steve told us we weren’t using them up enough (he did like using up every free comp he could get. Waste not want not sort of mentality). All the while he seemed so fucking happy that his family was enjoying the luxuries and benefits of his life style even for just a 4-5 day trip.
Sorry fellas but the reality of losing our family member is totaling battling what he did in our heads and hearts. We just can’t fathom it. I can see him saying fuck you to a casino that cuts off his comps but I can’t see the jump to what he did. It’s just not making sense to us yet. To everyone I suppose but the media will eventually paint a palatable (read: inaccurate) picture so folks can find some closure or reason for this. I don’t know if we (the family) will ever know though and that’s just as fucking tough to swallow.
Then I think of the people he killed and hurt. Their families and loved ones and holy shit that hurts right in the feels.
God dammit uncle Steve. Why did you have to go fucking crazy and do this shit. It’s not your thing man. Why involve anyone else? Especially innocent people?!
We all live under the idea that when you’re too tired to keep pushing the rock up the hill, it’s ok to call it quits. That’s a Paddock way of looking at their lives. But what’s not making sense is involving other people. People that on any given occasion he would have been down there with, along side Marilou, enjoying the music.