Because, having been in a similar situation a couple times, I know what you see and hear isn’t necessarily what is going down in real time. Being able to sit back with about $2k worth of audio in my computer and listen to the incoming shots from the concert floor, I can comfortably say that it’s coming from one location. Knowing what little we know about Stephen, he was not some trained assassin that could perfectly synchronize shots with another shooter to mask them. It will take more than some YouTube “experts” and strobe lights to convince me otherwise. I’m not going too personal on here, but I was employed for a time with a security company that operated in Iraq after my discharge from the Army and also law enforcement until 2011, so I have enough experience to be comfortable in my assessment. A hunter that was at the concert and a guy that goes to a shooting range can’t change my mind. Undeniable proof can and I’m not seeing that.