Good news:He’s gonna release them after he’s finished getting the wall built.
Government says Mexico border wall prototypes complete
Good news:He’s gonna release them after he’s finished getting the wall built.
2 comments on this.They have been parading bush jr around lately and the press is just loving it.nevermind that while in office the press and late night talk shows made bush out to be a buffoon now they want his 2 cents on trumps presidency.oddly enough the only living president who isnt waiting to throw donald under the bus is jimmy carter
Sounds like damge control IMHO.JFK Assassination Records - 2017 Additional Documents Release
Behind the scenes: President Donald Trump wanted more of the documents related to President John F. Kennedy's assassination released. But when the final requests from government agencies hit his desk on Thursday, there wasn't enough time to go through the hundreds of records the agencies wanted to keep secret, two US officials said.
As the deadline ticked away, Trump was confronted with a choice: release all of the 3,100 records without any redactions, or accept the redactions of intelligence and law enforcement agencies and release 2,800 of those documents.
He agreed to the second option -- but was miffed.
From a White House official: "He was unhappy with the level of redactions," as Trump believed the agencies were "not meeting the spirit of the law."
The JFK assassination files: Live updates - CNNPolitics
Examples of Trump fighting the deep state? curious... I don’t see it.^ do you think maybe Trump WANTS to release the truth? But is being blocked?
I know you subscribe to the 'Establishment Trojan Horse' scenario, but there sure seems to be a pattern of Trump challenging/attacking the Deep State, then coming up empty or going back on his promises.
Either he is/was genuinely trying to take them down/expose them, or this is all a genius/muti-leveled mindfuck to control/lead the 'opposition'
^ That's what I said; there are no examples, just his rhetoric:Examples of Trump fighting the deep state? curious... I don’t see it.
we see his crusade against "fake news" differently. It rang very hollow to me & sounded more like an attack on negative coverage. I don't remember him saying anything about FOX creating the Rod Wheeler story or half the stuff Alex Jones/Roger Stone would make up. he usually promoted/tweeted it. IMO, his calling any & all negative coverage "fake news" may have retarded any honest conversation we could have had re: biased and/or fake media. I can't consider anyone who promotes Infowars & Alex Jones' "amazing reputation" as any kind of authority on what is or is not fake & honestly question their judgement/intelligence/honestly.^ That's what I said; there are no examples, just his rhetoric:
He talks of 'Fake News' and lies being told by media (this still seems like a serious challenge to the establishment, but like I said could be a ruse too)... he talks of 'Crooked Hillary' and DNC crimes, he talks of 'taking the country back', all the establishment openly hates on him constantly etc etc
His whole campaign was that of challenging a deep-state-esque left wing power structure, I think that's why so many support him to be honest. What other president has the whole MSM world hated so much? Now he says he's gonna open the JFK vault, etc
gotta (somewhat) disagree there as well. IMO, his rhetoric wasn't even that 'anti-establishment:" expand the NSA & their mass surveillance programs, reauthorize the Patriot Act, bring torture back & execute Snowden the "traitor", rebuild the "depleted" military, "bomb the shit out of 'em" & "take the oil", deregulate the banks, bring back the police state as the "law & order" candidate, freedom of speech is "foolish", less transparency, etc, etc.He certainly behaves under the guise of a rogue challenge to the establishment, but as you pointed out we've seen nothing of significance so far.
So is he being blocked at every turn a-la JFK? Or is this whole hating on Trump some grand charade to lead us all into the next step, whatever that may be?
IMO, his rhetoric wasn't even that 'anti-establishment:" expand the NSA & their mass surveillance programs, reauthorize the Patriot Act, bring torture back & execute Snowden the "traitor", rebuild the "depleted" military, "bomb the shit out of 'em" & "take the oil", deregulate the banks, bring back the police state as the "law & order" candidate, freedom of speech is "foolish", less transparency, etc, etc.
his "foreign policy advisors" & potential cabinet members (even before he was elected) were the worst of the worst IMO. there was nothing anti-establishment about them.
nope, no can deny. there was definitely a Trump vs. MSM narrative & I do believe he was sincerely going after them. I just think it had more to do with their negative coverage of him than a crusade for honesty in media. A LOT of the "fake news" this election also came from his camp. I agree that CNN goes out of their way to attack him, but it amazes me sometimes how they focus on the most trivial things (typos, shoes, ice cream scoops, twitter, etc) instead of the real issues that everyone might have a legit problem with (advocating mass surveillance, disregard for free speech/expression, spending a year calling Cruz & Hillary the "wall st candidates" then filling treasury with people like Mnuchin & Cohen, hawkish foreign policy, undeclared/proxy wars & arms deals, the renewed "war on drugs", etc).You are awesome, Daglord. Love it.
This is accurate:
[quoteaglord]IMO, his rhetoric wasn't even that 'anti-establishment:" expand the NSA & their mass surveillance programs, reauthorize the Patriot Act, bring torture back & execute Snowden the "traitor", rebuild the "depleted" military, "bomb the shit out of 'em" & "take the oil", deregulate the banks, bring back the police state as the "law & order" candidate, freedom of speech is "foolish", less transparency, etc, etc.
his "foreign policy advisors" & potential cabinet members (even before he was elected) were the worst of the worst IMO. there was nothing anti-establishment about them.
But can you deny there there definitely a narrative of Trump vs the MSM/liberal population? The whole Trump vs the Media is really thick, no? Its really pumped up, I think its just a divide and rule game and lawdy it's working, lol
I have to keep reminding myself that what I envision as 'anti-establishment' is probably quite different than what other people think this would look like. I'm still waiting for someone to just totally blow the lid off everything, but I guess that's a bit unrealistic lol
If this soap-opera of Trump discrediting mainstream news and smashing CNN etc is all a ruse, its a mean one lol because that part of this whole shitshow has been quite enjoyable at least for me. I've always considered the monopoly Big News Corporations have on public/global opinion and info to be the #1 problem with the whole fuckin world, they are just a firewall between us and the ruling class. When Trump started smashing that like no president has ever done I was pretty excited, I saw that as definitely anti-establishment. But like I said if this is all scripted shit its getting beyond y capacity to keep up, lol maybe that's the plan. I couldn't follow the plotline of Inception, either lol
I think you're right.^ good point about MSM making drama about little stuff, but being right on board for the big stuff. That's why I suspect something about this is fake in itself, lol
Like I said, this has hit Inception-levels of deception lol
Enock is not human, didn't you know that? He only manifests into a form able to forum from time to time, then he's out again somewhere in the ether, reptiles can't get to himSurprised enock hasn't made a claim in here yet.
Reptiles probably killed him for getting too close
BERLIN: “Well, now, the final area of my investigation relates to charges that the CIA was in some way conspiratorially involved with the assassination of President Kennedy. During the time of the Warren Commission, you were Deputy Director of Plans, is that correct?
HELMS: “I believe so.”
BERLIN: “Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or agent…”^ so they are looking for new info, but sticking with the Lee Harvey Oswald story at the same time?
Sounds like some Nat Geo special with 'new evidence on 9/11' lol
“The thing I am concerned about, and so is (deputy attorney general) Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin” - FBI director Hoover.
We all know that the last of the JFK assassination records are due to be declassified in October. And we even know what the government says it’s hiding from us. But do you know the story that the CIA is trying to plant in the public consciousness about what is going to be “revealed” in these documents?
Agreed. He was most likely the "backup"....Oswald was a patsy imo 100% A very interesting patsy but still a patsy.
Went completely against protocol^ that's a great bit!!
the guards being told to abandon the car, and all like WTF?