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  1. Dat Pre-HollyHolm Ronda $

    Would You Upload Your Brain to a Computer to Achieve Immortality?

    If you could upload your brain to a computer and achieve immortality would you do it? My Personal Answer: Fuck Yes. Bring it on! Google's Ray Kurzeil believes we will achieve the capability to upload our minds to computers and achieve immortality within 10-15 years. There are various...

    General 2800 of Humas government documents found on Weiners computer

    Judicial Watch: State Department Reveals 2,800 Huma Abedin Government Documents on Weiner’s Laptop - Judicial Watch
  3. SoupCan

    General computer aids

    I keep on getting this shit redirect when browsing google chrome which is annoying AF because I have adblocker and all that it even happens when Im using my phone to..... I blame that kids for giving the computer aids but I think my wife sees through that shit and now its from tranny porn help
  4. K

    Sci/Tech Opinions wanted on two Computer Desks

    long shot that anyone has one of these, but any opinions on these two would be appreciated in case im not brainstorming any other concern besides the one below (key feature is ability to adjust them between sitting and standing desks) the second one is much cheaper, but i am struggling to find...
  5. kneeblock

    Listen Radiohead OK Computer turns 20

    Jesus I'm old. Still one of the most fantastic albums start to finish of the last 20 years. Can I get an Amen?
  6. Yuki Nakai's Eye

    General Easiest way to transfer files from computer to iPhone

    Without having to use iTunes? Free ways preferably
  7. pattitude

    Anyone else having problems with BitDefender?

    It keeps glitching on me when my laptop goes into stand-by mode. I then have to manually re-start it. I used to use AVG, but I switched to BD quite a while ago and was happy with it for a long time. Any suggestions?