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  1. K

    Society Big primary election tonight (California senator)

    Team alison all the way. She is exactly the type of person i want in office And if she goes head to head with the crony capitalism biotch,she'll win and set a very good precedent for future candidates denying corporate pac donations
  2. Blubba Jenkins

    Election results - Ben Fowlkes, Pres., Ariel Helwani, VP (MMA Journalists Association)

    President- Ben Fowlkes Vice President- Ariel Helwani Secretary- Josh Gross Treasurer- Marc Raimondi At-Large Officers- Mike Chiappetta Dave Doyle Jeff Wagenheim View: https://twitter.com/MartyDa1MnParty/status/984639912598167555
  3. Zeph

    Society Revealed: Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap polit

    An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News reveals how Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across the world. Bosses were filmed talking about using bribes, ex-spies, fake IDs and sex workers. View: https://youtu.be/mpbeOCKZFfQ Senior executives at Cambridge Analytica – the...
  4. M

    Society Democrat Wins Special Election in Pennsylvania (Trump Country)

    This is surely a sign of things to come. Looks like people have gotten tired of an inept President who thinks trade wars are easy to win and who is gonna get embarrassed by a bloated North Korean half his age. A Democrat has declared victory after a cliffhanger Pennsylvania election for a...
  5. M

    Society If Hillary Had Won the Election...

    - All the racist Confederate statues would have been taken down by now. - Heather Heyer might still be alive. - North Korea wouldn't be launching a rocket or testing another nuke every other week. - Innocent people never would have been denied entry to the US on a baseless claim. - Her...
  6. Enock-O-Lypse Now!

    General Suckerberg *Watch* How to manipulate the outcome of an Election.

    Facebook, the All Seeing Eye of Big Brother...the outlet where users voluntarily give up all their personal information for the exchange of receiving a few likes. In the near future, possibly 2020 - more likely 2024, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg will be running for President of the...
  7. Team Bisping

    General UK General Election - Poll

    Who did you vote for and why? I voted Labour, I'm fucking fed up living in an 'austerity' society with tax cuts to the uber rich. I'm fed up with the NHS and all our services being underfunded. I'm fed up that public sector workers not having a pay rise in 5 years. I'm fed up with losing 20,000...
  8. Zeph

    Society UK Politics - Brexit Boogaloo

    When the snap election was called these were the yougov poll results. Here's the latest. View: https://twitter.com/britainelects/status/867848021182173185 Labour closing a 20 point gap to 5 points.
  9. kneeblock

    Society Macron campaign hacked. Claims Russian interference in French election

    Less than two days before the high stakes French presidential election Sunday, the campaign of Emmanuel Macron said it had been the target of a massive hack. Current President Francois Hollande has promised that the hack will not go without a response. Speaking with AFP, Hollande said, "We knew...
  10. yuki2054

    General election in great britain

    theresa may the prime minister of great britain has called a general election, three years early?! WTF
  11. jason73

    General 'Black Hitler' to stand for election for far-right party in Finland

    Joao Bruno Putulukeso will stand for election under the slogan 'love is the weapon of victory' Joao Bruno Putulukeso will stand for the ultra-nationalist True Finns party (also known as simply The Finns) in an attempt to moderate its uncompromising image. Putulukeso, who came to Finland from...
  12. Porkchop

    Hilarious Documentary on 2016 US Election

    NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE Two German journalists come to America to learn more about the American election and they find themselves caught up in the election fever. Definitely worth the 46 minutes of your day.
  13. S

    Joss Whedon is at it again

    I think this is the third video he's done for the election but they've all been pretty funny.
  14. TheContinentalOp

    Cornel West's take on Sanders vs Clinton

    One of the great minds of our generation, Cornel West, breaks down the democratic battle of Clinton vs. Sanders. Statecraft vs Soulcraft By Cornel West February 18, 2016 The presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders is unique in American history. Never before has there been such a popular...