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  1. yuki2054

    General Check out my new rap song...

    Hey lovely people. I know how much you like my threads, so here's a new one. What is your highest grade, or a conventional martial art. And do you feel you deserve this? Also have you ever been attacked in the street, and if so, how did you react? For me, i'm a yellow belt, at least i was when...
  2. Severianb

    IMG/GIF Karate Hottie update in the spirit of Viagra conservation.

    It's been a good couple of weeks, that all I can say. Seems Michelle went all out for Fight Week, with photoshoots and sexy outfits. Put away those blue pills. http://i.imgur.com/d4rx9cr.gifv (whoever is in charge of programming TMMAC needs to upgrade the size gifs can be...
  3. Rambo John J

    Bas Rutten's Karate Combat: Inception

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6325&v=niBKCuqPgLY starts at 42:37 or so this shit is entertaining love the fighting surface and the setting Plus Bas is free styling on the mic, and that is always fun

    Coast 2 Coast Combat Hour April 24th (Phoenix Carnevale promoting Karate Combat)

    We will be live tomorrow Night April 24th at 9PM EST/6PM PST with special guest Phoenix Carnevale. She is probably best known here as the cageside reported for AXS TV. But she is also a dedicated Martial Artist, she has experience in Karate, Western Boxing, Muay Thai and most recently Brazilian...
  5. C

    VID Karate Combat (new promotion)

    You guys like Ganryujima, right? The promotion with moat fights and style vs style like the old days of the UFC? Well, here's another new unorthodox promotion, called Karate Combat. I just found out about it today from an email from Fite TV. ▷ Karate Combat: Genesis Official Free Replay...
  6. MovinOn

    VID Lyoto couldn't do it better! Karate KO

    Holeeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiit!!
  7. Rambo John J

    General So you wanna be a Karate Man?

    View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BcfkBtfH1n7/
  8. 1

    General Karate master chops coconuts

    View: https://youtu.be/q-4EfIWeqVM
  9. 1

    General Karate P.I Pt 1

    View: https://youtu.be/FEaRoEidnA8
  10. SongExotic2

    *PICS* of karate hottie naked!!!

    Anyone got any?
  11. Wild

    VID Karate Hottie is not only beautiful, but hilarous

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etrvGRwR_QU
  12. Wild

    Thug Rose, Karate Hottie

    What's next for these two? Still dont think Rose is ready for Joanna. Where does Karate Hottie drop down to? Who should these two fight next?
  13. KataKing


    Someone @ TMMAC recently posted a thread about what is the best style of traditional martial arts for MMA. No takers posted... really. MMA is "centric" to MMA, is the answer. I think a better approach is not about just selecting or evaluating style of traditional martial arts... the better...
  14. KataKing

    VID UFC 205: Everything Wonderboy did Wrong in 2 1/2 Minutes

    I've got a bunch of karate-based threads here... I ramble on & on. Well, that's because traditional karate is built upon a slew, a hierarchy of martial principles. I will, admit, all that is hard to get over the internet. There's always something called a traditional martial arts school...
  15. KataKing

    VID Bas Rutten-Woodley-Wonderboy II versus My Coaching Advice

    Well folks, Woodley derailed the Wonderboy Hype-Train. Wonderboy learned a lot from his Matt Brown loss. Story is though,,, not enough. And it's not better adaptation to MMA that sunk the Stephen Thompson ship... it's kickboxing vs. traditional karate on his part. Below is Bas Rutten's take...
  16. KataKing

    IMG/GIF Why Wonderboy is a LOSER...MSG that is....

    Martial Artists Agree, Wonderboy Lost the MSG Woodley Fight... What the Hell Happened to the "Mastery of Distance...." Here, in a nutshell was what happened... Actually, though, we have to be truthful. Officially, Wonderboy fought Woodley to a draw. Not a unanimous one, I might add. And...
  17. KataKing

    IMG/GIF Why Wonderboy Will Lose to Woodley & Woodley Will Too...

    UFC 205 is days away. Conor McGregor is the Big Headline. So I thought I'd adopt Conor to advance the proposition in my thread title how Wonderboy will lose. My proposition that Wonderboy will lose is not really my position. Honestly, I'm not smart enough or in direct contact enough with...
  18. KataKing

    IMG/GIF WONDERBOY'S TOP 10 SKILLS...Woodley & Co. Don't Forget

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, my 1-Step Sparring Karate Thread got only 2 votes. Not surprising given the depth of understanding it takes to get what karate tradition is all...