General 14 students, 1 teacher dead following mass school shooting in Texas

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Happens after every one of these shootings. Media highlights the whole thing and copycats galore.
We moments of silence for student suicides because it brings more student suicides. We need to stop this circus as well.
Yep, for sure.

Also very much in favour of not publishing the killer's name more than once in any article, and generally avoiding personalising the killer. Don't run lots of photos, don't lionise them.

Perhaps the only thing that Trump did that I thought was an improvement on any other President, was after the Manchester bombings at the Arianna Grande concert he made a statement where he called the bombers "evil losers" and added "I won't call them monsters because they'd like that term. They'd think that's a great name."

That, IMO, was spot on and blazed a path that other leaders should follow. Call them "the shooter" or "the gunman" in news articles. Auntie Cindy had it right when she swore never to utter Tarrant's name in public, but calling them "evil losers" is far better than calling them racists or white supremacists or terrorists or monsters or whatever. Having the President refer to them as an evil monster, a lot of them would love that. Calling them an evil little loser and failure in life? Not so much.



For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Correct, but legal adults magically exist at 18, so while parents may not like it, an 18 yr old can make their own decisions. Parents are suppose to use those 18 years to set their kids up for success when they go out into the real world. That hasn't changed. Babying them for longer doesn't help them.
Mine is going to college. He is under my wing for 3 more years.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Yep. Because I am still parenting.
My point is that you're suggesting a co-signer from a perspective of responsibility in case kids are psychos, but really you're advocating for it just because. For the record, I'm fine with you telling your kid "Because I said so." but let's not dress it up as something it isn't.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
My point is that you're suggesting a co-signer from a perspective of responsibility in case kids are psychos, but really you're advocating for it just because. For the record, I'm fine with you telling your kid "Because I said so." but let's not dress it up as something it isn't.
You don’t know me. Obviously.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Yep, for sure.

Also very much in favour of not publishing the killer's name more than once in any article, and generally avoiding personalising the killer. Don't run lots of photos, don't lionise them.

Perhaps the only thing that Trump did that I thought was an improvement on any other President, was after the Manchester bombings at the Arianna Grande concert he made a statement where he called the bombers "evil losers" and added "I won't call them monsters because they'd like that term. They'd think that's a great name."

That, IMO, was spot on and blazed a path that other leaders should follow. Call them "the shooter" or "the gunman" in news articles. Auntie Cindy had it right when she swore never to utter Tarrant's name in public, but calling them "evil losers" is far better than calling them racists or white supremacists or terrorists or monsters or whatever.

Yep, I would say don't mention them by name at all, and don't give them constant media coverage. Let it be known that what they did is horrible, then focus on the victims and their families, then report on the consequences for the criminal. End of story. Stop making them famous.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Mine is going to college. He is under my wing for 3 more years.
Umm, maybe yours goes to a school nearby and lives with you. Otherwise, you likely don't know what is going on under your wing. I didn't tell my parents about the shit I did at college, and I don't know anyone who did.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't at least attempt to make rules to be followed under your roof. I'm saying once they are 18 and living on their own, they'll make their own decisions. You only get to like it or not. Regarding guns or otherwise.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Yep, I would say don't mention them by name at all, and don't give them constant media coverage. Let it be known that what they did is horrible, then focus on the victims and their families, then report on the consequences for the criminal. End of story. Stop making them famous.
I never care about hearing about the victims, because they are just random people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I died in a mass shooting, I don't expect any total stranger to give any kind of a fuck that I make dinosaur dioramas and have filled my entire house with colourful light bulbs. :smile:

Don't mind seeing more of what their life is like post-massacre, but that's not really too feasible. And they don't really process the consequences anyway, so it's of limited use. Some of them are legit, genuine cold blooded psychopaths anyway who are incapable of ever feeling guilt or remorse or empathy to start with, of course. I don't think there's really any way to communicate to future Payton Gendrons just how totally fucked that guy's entire life is now, and what a nightmare every single day of the rest of his life is going to be, and everything he's missing out on, and how long he's going to be in there for.



First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
I never care about hearing about the victims, because they are just random people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I died in a mass shooting, I don't expect any total stranger to give any kind of a fuck that I make dinosaur dioramas and have filled my entire house with colourful light bulbs. :smile:

Don't mind seeing more of what their life is like post-massacre, but that's not really too feasible. And they don't really process the consequences anyway, so it's of limited use. Some of them are legit, genuine cold blooded psychopaths anyway who are incapable of ever feeling guilt or remorse or empathy to start with, of course. I don't think there's really any way to communicate to future Payton Gendrons just how totally fucked that guy's entire life is now, and what a nightmare every single day of the rest of his life is going to be, and everything he's missing out on, and how long he's going to be in there for.

I think seeing how it affects people drives home the idea that the whole event was a horrible thing therefore it shouldn't be repeated by copycats.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think seeing how it affects people drives home the idea that the whole event was a horrible thing therefore it shouldn't be repeated by copycats.
It's not a new idea to give the killers minimal coverage, but for some reason media does it anyways. The loan exception I can think of was the New Zealand guy. To this day I couldn't pretend to actually know his name unless I see it printed.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
If it was specified as a non-relative, then it absolutely would have stopped James Holmes, Seung-hui Cho, Nikolas Cruz, and Salvador Ramos from getting guns. None of them stood a chance of getting anyone who knew them to vouch for them as an owner of an AR-15 - all 3 of them were simply far too clearly and obviously seriously mentally ill, and far too socially isolated to clear that hurdle.

And that would mean that none of us had ever heard of the VTech massacre, the Batman shooter, Parkland or Uvalde. Over 90 people were murdered by just those 4.

You know what's ridiculous? Whining that people aren't giving enough attention to right wing grifters bleating about rap music and video games in 2022 as a pathetic attempt to deflect away from the guns. ?


You know they couldn't find a hobo to give $200 for a signature?

You know they couldn't have stolen a firearm?

You know they couldn't have used a more deadly means of attacking unsuspecting people?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I think seeing how it affects people drives home the idea that the whole event was a horrible thing therefore it shouldn't be repeated by copycats.
Yeah, but problem is that doesn't have any impact on the people who are most at risk of committing these crimes. I really struggle with empathy outside of close friends and my partner. I'm definitively not a psychopath, but I have almost zero empathy for strangers. I get annoyed at the coverage of the victim's life stories - it sounds harsh, but I don't care about them and I don't view them as newsworthy whatsoever, outside of the fact that they're part of the latest body count. And I'm a million miles away from actually being the type of socially isolated, incel loser who would try to create meaning to his pathetic waste of a life by doing something like this. ?



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Every one of these threads talks about responsible gun owners being taught that guns are tools and how to behave safely. They use guns from the early days. They view themselves as not dangerous, despite owning a lot of potentially dangerous tools. The tools can't hurt anybody and they're not going to hurt anybody because they've been taught safety. They teach their kids the same gun safety and to respect it and that it's not a toy and that it's serious business. You don't pull it out to threaten, only defense and only shoot to kill, always try to de-escalate first,etc, etc etc. This entire philosophy of gun safety and brow beating kids that this isn't a cool badass Rambo movie thing but something that could really put your ass in jail and that you really don't want to use this gun in defense if you can help it.
All of this works to make safe gun owners.

Apparently unless we require it for others.
you're confusing a worldview of firearms and liberty with passing a gun safety course.

I've done both, and can tell the difference.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021

You know they couldn't find a hobo to give $200 for a signature?
Hobo's gonna pass an interview?

And Cho at least was not at the level where he would have been able to do that. He didn't have the social skills.

You know they couldn't have stolen a firearm?
From where?

One of the millions and millions of irresponsible gun owners who leave their unsecured firearms just sitting around the house for anyone to steal?

You know they couldn't have used a more deadly means of attacking unsuspecting people?



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Hobo's gonna pass an interview?
yes. now tell me who's going to administer the interview and what the interview will consist of...point is, even the Sandy Hook killer was able to get his Mom to buy him a gun. Your safeguard will cost of lot of money and stop no one with even the slightest bit of motivation.
From where?

One of the millions and millions of irresponsible gun owners who leave their unsecured firearms just sitting around the house for anyone to steal?
or from one of the millions of criminals who have them despite the current restrictions on firearm ownership. Probably easier to steal from criminals because they don't report the firearm theft. Probably the solution is to restore firearm rights to all persons who don't have histories of violent crime.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
But subsequent laws do. If someone is of legal age to purchase a gun, it is legal for said person to purchase said gun. There isn't a red flag there.

Either you're of age, or you're not.

If I'm allowed to have a collection of 10 AR-15s as a wealthy 55 year old, then I'm allowed to have that same collection as a spoiled 18 year old.



First 1025
Oct 18, 2015

Either you're of age, or you're not.

If I'm allowed to have a collection of 10 AR-15s as a wealthy 55 year old, then I'm allowed to have that same collection as a spoiled 18 year old.

Many 18 yr olds are not spoiled. If that is how their parents choose to raise them, that is on them. Others shouldn't lose their rights because of bad parenting.