Aannnnd another: Shooting at TN movie theater

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Jun 23, 2015
And I'll see about the cops, I'm actually going to a Citizen's Police Academy for a 13 week course at the end of the month. I'll ask the question, but they're hardly going to say it's deemed acceptable so that's probably a lost cause.
Feb 28, 2015
As irony would have it, early Saturday morning as I was volunteering for our neighborhood street fair, I was a first hand witness to some crazy shit involving so many guns I couldn't even count. Honestly, I hate even being around them, gives me anxiety and the events on Saturday just amplified that. No bueno. Something's gotta give, this is too crazy anymore.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
As irony would have it, early Saturday morning as I was volunteering for our neighborhood street fair, I was a first hand witness to some crazy shit involving so many guns I couldn't even count. Honestly, I hate even being around them, gives me anxiety and the events on Saturday just amplified that. No bueno. Something's gotta give, this is too crazy anymore.
Do tell?
Feb 28, 2015
I was directing traffic at one end because the barriers hadn't been set up in that one last spot yet. There's a house right at that intersection in between 2 buildings with a history of nonsense. It was only 6:45am though. But all of a sudden, I see an unmarked car go down the alley behind the house and then 2 people come running out and down the street. Another cop car showed up a block down and intercepted a 3rd person walking (didn't see where they had come from), 2 more cops show up there.

Then all of a sudden, about 5 cop cars come from random directions speeding all around basically a 2 block radius from where I was standing. It was chaotic. One by one, the cops were rounding up a total of 5 different individuals that had been running through the area that the cops eventually had surrounded, ocassionally I'd see one of them run between some houses, etc. Finally, about 10 or so cop cars surrounded the half block right in front of me, they were taking positions around the various buildings and homes, guns drawn, a few had large rifles and one started making announcements on the loud speaker. They were trying to catch the last suspect, the one who apparently had a weapon and had pulled it on a neighbor earlier when they were seen trying to break into his garage.

This whole time I have traffic picking up as the morning progressed and trying to divert them now another block out since the original detour led them right to the street the cops were on, so myself and another volunteer moved the signs to redirect the cars. And then we had vendors coming to start setting up but couldn't let them in, one drove past us anyways and the cops pulled their guns on them since they sped right into the mix (dumbasses.) It was chaotic to say the least. I didn't want to be anywhere near it. From where I was standing I could see far too many guns and was worried that if dude decided to take off in my direction, those guns could start swinging around and be pointed my way and I was in the open, nowhere to really go, nothing to hide behind.

After about an hour, they were able to get the guy without anything serious happening, it appeared he had been holed up in one of the houses and since he had done so at 7am, I assume the people were inside, hence why the police surrounded the area and didn't force their way in right off the bat. Took about an hour until the stand off of sorts was over. The fair still happened and we had about 10k people so still a successful day but you know, that's more stress than I would like to have at this point in my life. And certainly not happy that kind of shit went down in my neighborhood, literally 4 blocks from my house :|


borojunior's Master at Arms
Jul 21, 2015
Damn girl. Thats some shit. I'm glad your alright and everything turned out okay. What state are your in?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
fuckkkkkkkkkkkk that, I wouldnt want to be around that many cops with guns either.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Neither sounds familiar but this is a pretty small city so i'll keep an eye out, haha
Buff will have stupid flaming skulls on his forearms. If you see him punch him in the face for me, call him mumsy, and give him a hug for me if you ever run across him.


Jun 23, 2015
me too, small world. well we're stationed in norfolk but i live in VA beach. i don't drive drunk. you should hang around me.
No way! I was at a beach house in Sandbrige on Sunday, it was soooooo nice. And we joined here on the same day. Weird.