Aannnnd another: Shooting at TN movie theater

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Kind of after the horse has bolted.
But can/should you do it before? 9r should we let people be adults, live their lives, and punish them/invade their privacy after they have done something stupid/commit a crime?


Jun 23, 2015
That goes into invasion of privacy, especially if you don't have legal trouble due to drinking.
I don't really care. Since moving to the US I've noticed what a terrible problem it is. I can count on one hand the amount of people here I know who DON'T drink and drive. It's just seen as normal behaviour.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I don't really care. Since moving to the US I've noticed what a terrible problem it is. I can count on one hand the amount of people here I know who DON'T drink and drive. It's just seen as normal behaviour.
There's a difference ebetween having a few beers and driving and being shit housed and driving. Sounds like you might be hanging around the wrong people.


borojunior's Master at Arms
Jul 21, 2015
If there are no guns to be had, people would be stabbing each other with kitchen knives. Ban the knives. Well, baseball bats work pretty well too. Guns dont kill people. People kill people. And they will keep killing people.

Is mental illness higher in America then other countries? It wouldn't surprise me. Chemical dependence, food preservatives, and excessive stress are all contributing factors, and I assume they are higher here then other countries.

Does the rest of the world view American's like we are on a murderous rampage to kill each other and take over the world? God I fucking hope so. That is gangster as fuck.

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
Does the rest of the world view American's like we are on a murderous rampage to kill each other and take over the world? God I fucking hope so. That is gangster as fuck.
we should let the world know dr.dre is our president. straight outta compton, bitchez.


Apr 18, 2015
But can/should you do it before? 9r should we let people be adults, live their lives, and punish them/invade their privacy after they have done something stupid/commit a crime?
It's not punishment to build a breathalyzer into an ignition. The problem is the innacuracy of breathalyzers. But if someone slammed down 3 shots, there is literally no reason they can't wait an hour or take a taxi if they're in such a hurry.

Overall what I'd prefer is outright banning of driving in favor of full automation of vehicles, but we're probably at least 50 years from that based on current cost and fail rates of driverless cars. Doing so could substantially cut vehicular homicide, diminish pollution and increase productivity as lost time due to traffic jams costs over $100 billion a year.

But getting people to give up their cars in the US would be much harder than getting them to give up their guns.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It's not punishment to build a breathalyzer into an ignition. The problem is the innacuracy of breathalyzers. But if someone slammed down 3 shots, there is literally no reason they can't wait an hour or take a taxi if they're in such a hurry.

Overall what I'd prefer is outright banning of driving in favor of full automation of vehicles, but we're probably at least 50 years from that based on current cost and fail rates of driverless cars. Doing so could substantially cut vehicular homicide, diminish pollution and increase productivity as lost time due to traffic jams costs over $100 billion a year.

But getting people to give up their cars in the US would be much harder than getting them to give up their guns.
Your fucking crazy if you think I'm putting more monitoring into my life than it already has with current technology. You're also fucking crazy if you think I'm going to give up slamming the gas pedal of a 400+ HP car to let a car drive me around like Miss Daisy.

We have gotten away from survival of the finest and imo it's what's causing more and more idiots to be born and procreate. We can't and shouldn't nerf the world, it makes us weak as individuals and as a society.


Apr 18, 2015
Your fucking crazy if you think I'm putting more monitoring into my life than it already has with current technology. You're also fucking crazy if you think I'm going to give up slamming the gas pedal of a 400+ HP car to let a car drive me around like Miss Daisy.

We have gotten away from survival of the finest and imo it's what's causing more and more idiots to be born and procreate. We can't and shouldn't nerf the world, it makes us weak as individuals and as a society.
Survival of the fittest ended over 100,000 years ago when we used our earliest technology. Whether it's mud huts, flint spears, irrigation systems, iphones, cars, guns, GMOs, airplanes or this forum, there is nothing "natural" about our existence. We live in the artificial world now for better AND worse. We may as well push further. There's no valor in nature.


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Survival of the fittest ended over 100,000 years ago when we used our earliest technology. Whether it's mud huts, flint spears, irrigation systems, iphones, cars, guns, GMOs, airplanes or this forum, there is nothing "natural" about our existence. We live in the artificial world now for better AND worse. We may as well push further. There's no valor in nature.
I disagree, I believe a lot of it is natural and part of our evolution.
Feb 28, 2015
If only evolution actually did happen that fast, we'd not be dying of a multitude of man-made diseases, etc and we'd prob also have wings and weapons/tools for hands, etc.


Apr 18, 2015
I disagree, I believe a lot of it is natural and part of our evolution.
That would necessitate a significant moving of the goalposts in the definition of evolution. Natural selection is just that. Selection of genetic traits that favor survival. Earth exists and in order for species to survive and thrive on it, they had to have certain characteristics that allowed them to endure.

We can debate that cognition, a propensity to socialization and opposable thumbs were part of that selection process, but once we got to that point, the natural world ceased to have as much meaning.

What we grapple with today is artificial selection. We have built a civilization that runs on things like gas and electricity and our harnessing of these resources has nothing to do with nature. Evolution isn't intentional and so at this point we can argue it's more or less over. The artificial selection we indulge in at present is our next evolutionary step and it will only be achieved through technological means.

To be reduced to struggling merely against the planet is nihilistic in nature and not reflective of the fact that we have an SUV on Mars and a hi def camera circling Pluto. We've split the atom and discovered why matter has mass. I wouldn't say we've mastered nature, but we've done more than enough to make it mostly irrelevant.


Jun 23, 2015
There's a difference ebetween having a few beers and driving and being shit housed and driving. Sounds like you might be hanging around the wrong people.
I would ordinarily agree, but I spent 35 years in the UK compared to 18 months in VA and the whole ethos is different. Totally. I've spent a fuckload of time with many different walks of life. Drinking and driving in VA is just a I'm looked at weird for actually using my legs to walk to/from a bar for 20 minutes.


Jun 23, 2015
And "hanging around the wrong people" doesn't cut it. At all. It's a completely different social thing. It's acceptable here.


Jun 23, 2015
There's a difference ebetween having a few beers and driving and being shit housed and driving. Sounds like you might be hanging around the wrong people.
Going back to this. I've had people come over last year for a soccer Cup Final. We had a nice day, but they still bundled their kids into the car after a 6 pack and a glass of wine.

It's not who I'm hanging out with, it's normal VA life.

Seriously, I've done it. I'm not having a pop, I'm just saying if it were regulated it'd be really fucking good.


Jun 23, 2015
Going back to this. I've had people come over last year for a soccer Cup Final. We had a nice day, but they still bundled their kids into the car after a 6 pack and a glass of wine.

It's not who I'm hanging out with, it's normal VA life.

Seriously, I've done it. I'm not having a pop, I'm just saying if it were regulated it'd be really fucking good.
Whaen I say "done it" I've had a couple, not with kids in the car. Ahaha.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
And "hanging around the wrong people" doesn't cut it. At all. It's a completely different social thing. It's acceptable here.
No one I hangout with thinks drinking and driving is ok. No decent human that I've met does.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
That would necessitate a significant moving of the goalposts in the definition of evolution. Natural selection is just that. Selection of genetic traits that favor survival. Earth exists and in order for species to survive and thrive on it, they had to have certain characteristics that allowed them to endure.

We can debate that cognition, a propensity to socialization and opposable thumbs were part of that selection process, but once we got to that point, the natural world ceased to have as much meaning.

What we grapple with today is artificial selection. We have built a civilization that runs on things like gas and electricity and our harnessing of these resources has nothing to do with nature. Evolution isn't intentional and so at this point we can argue it's more or less over. The artificial selection we indulge in at present is our next evolutionary step and it will only be achieved through technological means.

To be reduced to struggling merely against the planet is nihilistic in nature and not reflective of the fact that we have an SUV on Mars and a hi def camera circling Pluto. We've split the atom and discovered why matter has mass. I wouldn't say we've mastered nature, but we've done more than enough to make it mostly irrelevant.
Fair enough, you bring up great points


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Going back to this. I've had people come over last year for a soccer Cup Final. We had a nice day, but they still bundled their kids into the car after a 6 pack and a glass of wine.

It's not who I'm hanging out with, it's normal VA life.

Seriously, I've done it. I'm not having a pop, I'm just saying if it were regulated it'd be really fucking good.
That's irresponsible as fuck


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
I don't really care. Since moving to the US I've noticed what a terrible problem it is. I can count on one hand the amount of people here I know who DON'T drink and drive. It's just seen as normal behaviour.
thats pretty crazy. Do you live in some rural area where theres only a few cars on the road at any given time so drinking driving deaths are rare? i'd imagine if there's lots of cars there would be so many accidents and deaths. Bizarre culture they've created there. They could not only kill themselves, but innocent people out on the town in their car or people just walking around.

Aren't the cops on to this too?