Oh yes, the western states all pursued real legalization ie legalization of the existing industry. enabling those folks to produce real cannabis legally. Trudie's faux legalization actually hyper criminalizes the existing industry with draconian 14 year prison sentences (murderers don't get 14 years in Canada remember) while handing over a legal monopoly of very low quality product to certain key ex police chiefs and Liberal party insiders.The Liberals have always had a very corrupt, banana republic style of governance and Trudie continues in that tradition.
Man....I really had no idea it was that fucked up. I had a way incorrect vision of the BC bud situation. In my mind, BC = O G Kind Bud Capital of North America.
Thanks for the information, and you too

Texas is pretty draconian as well. People get some harsh sentences here for pot charges. It’s gotten better, and both cops and judges have some freedom to make things better or worse, but some crazy shit still happens. Austin decriminalized under 2 oz, but that’s just a city ordinance (ie step outside of the ETJ and rules are different), and it only applies to flower. Edibles or concentrate = automatic felony. A felony charge because of a silly little vape pen would completely fuck my career/business as I maintain TX professional license for the kind of work I do (a felony would be reported and I would have to go before a board to determine if I lose my license). That’s a situation I must avoid, but it’s unreasonable IMO
I don’t have immediate plans, but if weed is ever legal here, it will be years from now and I will likely have moved on to greener pastures
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