Fucking hell man..I'm glad it worked out for you at least, but wow what a fucking nightmare.I've taken a few hits in my days, but that's probably the worst. Around 40 stitches and I lost 4.5 litres of blood, medics were in shock that I wasn't only alive but fucking conscious trying to get them to take me home to rest up lol.
I'd love to go to Burma, hear only good things, other than my tribal friends who fled. Different for a white guy though. I wouldn't go to China, don't like Chinese mainland tourists, loud, rude and dirtyBangkok is fucking great, wouldn't live anywhere else no matter if I had the money or not.
Both of those places are where friends from uni are located I took them to Greece (that's where I'm from) and they've been trying to get me to go for tiiiime.
I've heard great things about Bangkok, its definitely on my radar.. my cousin worked there for a bit and showed me some pictures and it just looks magical!