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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
the correct way to smoke it is as hot as possible as a regular lighter doesnt get it hot enough and as you said, fucks with the alkaloids etc..., so I am thinking a dedicated bho dab rig for opium is the way to go if I smoke it.

I have no problem with doing the milking to get the latex. I read online somewhere you can take the stem and pod after cutting and drying and doing a butane purge like you do to get BHO....I wonder if that would work as well.
hot knife it with a blow torch
Apr 3, 2015
I have had too many glasses of wine right now to tell the story but my friend Dan was a really fucked up character with bi-polar...or something fucked. he was a wacko. I havent talked to him since that day and it was 13 years ago.


Man on the silver mountain
Dec 1, 2015
Just ate a brownie my budee made. Let's see how good it is!! Apparently he didn't decarb but made the butter in a slow cooker. Good enough??
Apr 3, 2015
5 Worst Places To Smoke Weed

1. Singapore

While Singapore is a stunning visual metropolis, as a Cannabis user, think of it more like Disneyland with the death penalty. The statute’s penal provisions for drug possession are practically medieval, providing for long terms of imprisonment (10 years), caning, and capital punishment for even relatively small amounts of marijuana.So if you ever go to the tiny island city – state, forget about weed. They’re not screwing around. Even if you somehow sniff out some green stuff, it’ll be the schwaggiest garbage you’ve ever stuffed into your lungs. Just say no.

Apr 3, 2015
2. China

China executes thousands of people every year. A few hundred of those executions stem from trafficking drugs like heroin, meth, and weed. The quality of bud may have improved in recent years, but China is still a third-world country in terms of product. Are you really going to risk prison or worse for some mids? China’s drugs laws are the toughest in the world, calling for a mandatory death penalty in the case of trafficking more than 7 oz. of marijuana.
Apr 3, 2015
3. UAE

Common trend here: the death penalty. In 2012, a British man and a Syrian man, aged 21 and 19 respectively, were sentenced to death for allegedly trying to sell an undercover around 20 grams of bud. Smoking can carry a heavy prison sentence, too. So if you smell marijuana, walk in the opposite direction until you find a fire-hose you can use to sterilize any part of your body that may have come into contact with it. British tourist Keith Brown was sentenced to four years in prison after Dubai customs officers found a 0.003g trace of cannabis stuck to his shoe. It could happen to you.
Apr 3, 2015
4. South Korea

If you have THC in your system while in South Korea, you could be in deep shit. The presence of THC in urine or hair is enough to put you behind bars for at least a few months. If you’re a Korean citizen, you can be jailed and fined for smoking even while you’re outside the country. Crown J, a Korean rapper, received eight months in prison plus fines for lighting up in the US. This, believe it or not, is completely backward to North Korea, the military, dictator run state has NO RULES regarding marijuana.
Apr 3, 2015
5. Syria

Syria’s not exactly a place you want to be right now for reasons that far supersede issues of marijuana legality and punishment. Still, we’d be remiss not to include it on this list. Before war broke out, marijuana infractions of any level could carry sentences of up to life in prison. War has increased tensions surrounding the drug, as locals who had begun growing plants as a means of supporting local economies affected by the war have faced violent, sometimes lethal drug raids.

I imagine Syria wasn’t on your bucket list of places to visit unless you are a war enthusiast. But the other four countries are very much tourist attractions, so stay safe out there.
Apr 3, 2015
Kalashnikova update!

so things are going swimmingly. its coming on the week 3 of budding and it looks good. here are some pics.

this was taken 6 days ago when I guyed out all the main branches to allow more light.

these were taken about 15 minutes ago. it grew a shit ton in the last 6 days

when I was guying it out last week I must have been a bit too harsh with it and the stem split some. so I had to take a heavy duty twist tie and re-enforce that bitch. the dowel sticks I put in the last week of veg for growth and stability. the stem is about 4" high and about as thick as a nickel.


Man on the silver mountain
Dec 1, 2015
British tourist Keith Brown was sentenced to four years in prison after Dubai customs officers found a 0.003g trace of cannabis stuck to his shoe. It could happen to you.
And there goes the last bit of temptation to ever go there. Theres always gonna be SOME. be it in pocket lint, back pack crumbs, whatever lmao


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
The shit is in the jar a week now and I'm underway, jesus it's been a long few weeks.