General Anyone had to mow their grass yet?

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Apr 18, 2015
Why do white guys mow lawns like it's a sport? I hate warm weather because these dorks in my current neighborhood are out there from 8 am to sundown every Saturday and Sunday. No clue why anyone thinks having such a perfectly manicured lawn is desirable. Is it to make up for hair loss?


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Why do white guys mow lawns like it's a sport? I hate warm weather because these dorks in my current neighborhood are out there from 8 am to sundown every Saturday and Sunday. No clue why anyone thinks having such a perfectly manicured lawn is desirable. Is it to make up for hair loss?
I'm not sure. I think there's some kind of peer pressure or something. I've been trying to figure out a good xeriscaping That also let's my yard be functional. Just letting it overgrow would remove an area for me to play with my dogs and probably wouldn't attract as many wild animals that I enjoy looking at.
But I am with you that I wish we would all go back to the ground cover yards of 50 years ago. Just have lots of clover and things like that which require less maintenance, less water and protect the soil better.


Apr 18, 2015
I'm not sure. I think there's some kind of peer pressure or something. I've been trying to figure out a good xeriscaping That also let's my yard be functional. Just letting it overgrow would remove an area for me to play with my dogs and probably wouldn't attract as many wild animals that I enjoy looking at.
But I am with you that I wish we would all go back to the ground cover yards of 50 years ago. Just have lots of clover and things like that which require less maintenance, less water and protect the soil better.
I just don't understand why they do it weekly, not every 3 weeks.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
I just don't understand why they do it weekly, not every 3 weeks.
A properly maintained healthy yard will easily require mowing. Weekly. Regular mowing is like regular pruning. You get a healthier, more lush plant not to mention the uniformity after each fresh mow.


Apr 18, 2015
A properly maintained healthy yard will easily require mowing. Weekly. Regular mowing is like regular pruning. You get a healthier, more lush plant not to mention the uniformity after each fresh mow.
I grew up mowing grass and believe this is propaganda from big landscaping.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
A properly maintained healthy yard will easily require mowing. Weekly. Regular mowing is like regular pruning. You get a healthier, more lush plant not to mention the uniformity after each fresh mow.

It isn't the natural cycle of grass though, it is in fact anti-nature, it is the clearly the white man living vicariously thru his grass/plant.

I find it extremely disgusting and self righteous...not to mention pathetic

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Once it gets too high, pack a lunch, put the headphones on and see you tomorrow


Dec 15, 2018
Why do white guys mow lawns like it's a sport? I hate warm weather because these dorks in my current neighborhood are out there from 8 am to sundown every Saturday and Sunday. No clue why anyone thinks having such a perfectly manicured lawn is desirable. Is it to make up for hair loss?
This made me laugh more than it should've. I love these type of observations and I see no foul because it holds some truths. Like asking why do Mexicans park their cars on their lawns or why are Asians always working on their cars in the driveway...


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Multiple times.

But around here we can’t water it without restrictions most of the summer so it will be dried out and dead for the season by mid June.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Still haven't had to mow. But I'm starting to get patches that have outgrown other parts of the lawn. That drives me crazy.

We're in the 60s all week with some rain Wednesday. I'm sure I'll be out there mowing on Sunday starting at roughly 4:10 PM.