Breaking.. multiple dead in Paris

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Leigh @Leigh, this is a jihad for them, its all about religion for them, come on man

Ok for real now, I'm done
No it's not. For sure, some Muslims are jihading but it's not true for all of them. Japan isn't getting targetted.

Well, I'm going to at least try to drop out of this conversation before I get told I'm a racist because I dislike Islam and its followers*

*Does not include Kurds, they are pretty bad ass and awesome
I dislike Islam. I do struggle to reconcile my disgust at religious texts with my friendship with religious individuals. I mean, these people must believe I deserve to burn in hell yet some of my best friends are religious. I try to rationalise it by telling myself that anyone who believes that nonsense can't be taking it literally and the ones I like must be ignoring the hateful stuff. I'm probably wrong and I understand your view.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
No it's not. For sure, some Muslims are jihading but it's not true for all of them. Japan isn't getting targetted.

I dislike Islam. I do struggle to reconcile my disgust at religious texts with my friendship with religious individuals. I mean, these people must believe I deserve to burn in hell yet some of my best friends are religious. I try to rationalise it by telling myself that anyone who believes that nonsense can't be taking it literally and the ones I like must be ignoring the hateful stuff. I'm probably wrong and I understand your view.
Oct 24, 2015
I will be stocking up in ammo and probally get a new rifle. Where i live there is a alot if somamilans, some are cool but some get pumped up off shit like this. I think ISIS is in the US already. Don't think our government will react till it's to late. Didn't want it to come to this but it seems its coming to ahead. Thanksgiving Christmas around the corner to much opportunity for them to act opon. We all need to be vigilante and not act on rage, but be ready from what may come.


Nov 3, 2015
Fuck that you deal with people like this with stength and with aggressiveness they will not stop till everyone is dead except them and you want to cry narrow mindedness ok pal you go and see how much these people think of you when they want you dead and come back and tell us we are being narrow minded for wanting to put an end to all this shit once and for all. This is our world not theirs and we can't keep letting them do shit like this. Opposite sides of the coin? Really? give me a fucking break.

On a side note I'm glad and I hope your friend in France are ok, go ask them how they feel about what I said after what happened.
I know exactly how they feel, and they certainly do not feel like you. Have you ever been to Europe anyhow? I'm just gonna break it to you: Muslims are a part of every major European city. And most of these people hate this shit as much as anybody. Many of them are even just Muslims on paper, as there are so many Christians on paper, or just moderates. That everybody is a Quran-thumper as there are crazy Bible-thumper in America - more so than anywhere else, I might add - is a myth. And religion/culture gets mixed all over the place anyhow. Do I even need to mention the different sects?
This is no easy problem with an easy solution.

For me to tell one of my Turkish friends to go and clean up all of that would be the same than for him to tell me to go kill Dick Cheney. I am from Berlin, Germany btw. and of course have nothing to do with Dick Cheney. So what the fuck. And don't even try to tell me that the US foreign policy has nothing to do with this mess as a whole.
So in the eyes of the terrorists, I am responsible because I did not stop Dick Cheney and his lackeys, and we are all westerners... easy! And in your eyes, every Muslim is responsible because they did not stop some rogue shitfucks from somewhere they never been to. Cool.

Did anybody tell me to be ashamed of myself or my culture, when that crazy Norwegian killer Breivik pulled his stunt? Neither did anybody ask Christians to do anything in reaction to that.

What about your mass-shootings? How many people die there on a regular basis? Should we just KILL ALL OF YOU, or better yet, should you do it yourself? Your system breeds mass-shooters! Something drastic has to be done!
See how easy that works? Of course that’s a retarded and narrow-minded argument.

It is our world, and theirs too. All of ours.
What if you were born in small Syrian village? Ever thought about that? It is so easy to live a fucking comfortable life with next to no worries, and then be condescending telling those poor souls what they do wrong. So fleeing as a refugee to get away from that shit and not associating with ISIS or bring more children into the caliphate is not enough? You probably look down on them too.

I have nothing against aggressive and swift action when appropriate, terrorists have to be stopped.
I also completely agree that Islam as a whole needs a reformation. There are problems. Many, in fact. But these hyperbolic arguments are not going to help that.

Shit has to be done, but its not to kill all, it can't be, or we all will have lost.
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I will be stocking up in ammo and probally get a new rifle. Where i live there is a alot if somamilans, some are cool but some get pumped up off shit like this. I think ISIS is in the US already. Don't think our government will react till it's to late. Didn't want it to come to this but it seems its coming to ahead. Thanksgiving Christmas around the corner to much opportunity for them to act opon. We all need to be vigilante and not act on rage, but be ready from what may come.
Laid them all out last night, oiled them, cycled them a few times, and loaded them.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I will be stocking up in ammo and probally get a new rifle. Where i live there is a alot if somamilans, some are cool but some get pumped up off shit like this. I think ISIS is in the US already. Don't think our government will react till it's to late. Didn't want it to come to this but it seems its coming to ahead. Thanksgiving Christmas around the corner to much opportunity for them to act opon. We all need to be vigilante and not act on rage, but be ready from what may come.
If you live your life in fear, terrorists have accomplished their goal. That of course if assuming we don't find out this was just a group of teenagers who'd had enough of being picked on.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
No it's not. For sure, some Muslims are jihading but it's not true for all of them. Japan isn't getting targetted.

I dislike Islam. I do struggle to reconcile my disgust at religious texts with my friendship with religious individuals. I mean, these people must believe I deserve to burn in hell yet some of my best friends are religious. I try to rationalise it by telling myself that anyone who believes that nonsense can't be taking it literally and the ones I like must be ignoring the hateful stuff. I'm probably wrong and I understand your view.
I'm in the same boat dude.
Same boat.


can't Re Member
Oct 28, 2015
Just want to say how refreshing it is to read a sensitive thread like this one and hear such valid points made. points that are emotionally charged and come from real people. hats off to you all for contributing and keeping the race hate and trolling out of it.

Discussion is the beginning to the solution for any problem.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Just want to say how refreshing it is to read a sensitive thread like this one and hear such valid points made. points that are emotionally charged and come from real people. hats off to you all for contributing and keeping the race hate and trolling out of it.

Discussion is the beginning to the solution for any problem.
Muslims aren't a race....its an ideology, just want to point that out


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
If you live your life in fear, terrorists have accomplished their goal. That of course if assuming we don't find out this was just a group of teenagers who'd had enough of being picked on.
I think there is a difference of living your life scared and being prepared. Unfortunately this shit is happening and I'd rather have a gun and not need it and need one and not have it. Those assholes that tried to shoot up the Mohammed drawing contest were like 30ish min from my house, its too close for comfort.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
Watched the news. Feeling bummed down and pissed. The whole gamut of emotions.

The cat is out of the bag.
Isis has claimed responsibility for the attacks.
Some expert on the radio mentioned that this is a string of successful/failed attacks with the same M.O.
Heavily armed guy guns down people in public place a la Mumbai.

First there was this guy merah shooting some Jewish kids and soldiers out of their barracks.

Charlie hebdo attacks. Guys had obvious military/tactical training. Also the kosher supermarket assault around the same time.

Another attack, failed. Guy was about to walk into a cathedral during mass. Luckily this fucko shot himself in the foot otherwise a massacre was about to unfold.

The train attack that was foiled by the three Americans.

The guy arrested in September as mentioned in the vice article.

*also* on Thursday the Germans intercepted a car whose trunk was filled with heavy guns and explosives. Direction? France.

Friday. We all know what happened. 'For Syria' and 'Allah auakbar' was screamed in the concert venue.

All those events prove the existence of a network with serious logistical support/means. For example, the cathedral shooter admitted during interrogations that he received a message telling him to pick up a car, go to said church and perform his assignment. The car was filled with ak's and explosives.

The timing and the places chosen for Friday's attacks show that they have also a form of intelligence service. They scouted those places. The timing and the symbols chosen were no accidents.

It's war or I don't know what this is.
Isis has to be taken seriously a la Putin I'm afraid. But please drop the false flag stuff.

I'm gonna read Hitchen's about islamo-fascism. Seems relevant again.
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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think there is a difference of living your life scared and being prepared. Unfortunately this shit is happening and I'd rather have a gun and not need it and need one and not have it. Those assholes that tried to shoot up the Mohammed drawing contest were like 30ish min from my house, its too close for comfort.
I agree. There's a huge difference. You're not someone I'm referring too. My firearms are also kept in good working order because hey, you never know. I spend a lot of time practicing their proper use so I know them inside and out. In a stressful situation, I have a pretty good idea of how I'll react because I've spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours handling them. When someone is being reactionary (like going out an buying guns and ammo because something has just happened) that person is acting entirely out of fear, and in a stressful situation is more likely to do harm than good.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Just want to say how refreshing it is to read a sensitive thread like this one and hear such valid points made. points that are emotionally charged and come from real people. hats off to you all for contributing and keeping the race hate and trolling out of it.

Discussion is the beginning to the solution for any problem.
Agreed sir. Respectful debate even though there is difference of opinion, is better than silence.


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
I think there is a difference of living your life scared and being prepared. Unfortunately this shit is happening and I'd rather have a gun and not need it and need one and not have it. Those assholes that tried to shoot up the Mohammed drawing contest were like 30ish min from my house, its too close for comfort.
I'm pretty isolated up here. The mexicans up here don't pull crazy stuff like what happened. But I always have my shit cocked, locked and ready to rock. ;)


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
I've spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours handling them.
Yeah me too. I have been handling firearms since I was a kid. Its amazing how some people handle and use them. I've seen people do stuff wrong that's learned in a basic gun safety class. If I have to say watch your muzzle I'm not hunting with you. Hell, I've seen self-proclaimed expierienced hunters that couldn't even aim properly. People think you buy a gun and have it ready and it's all good. You need to know basic things first and then get to know it until it's an extension of yourself. That way your the safest you can possibly be, and deadliest at the same time.


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
I don't buy the "Muslims are no more extreme than other cultures" line. They absolutely are in 2015. Maybe not centuries ago when Christians and other zealots killed in the name of religion, but that's how it is now.

I haven't read the thread much, so if this point has been addressed, feel free to point me to any responses.

I just have a hard time accepting that every middle east extremist is somehow being unfairly misrepresented among the pool of violent religious zealots of all religions. That seems to be one of those kumbaya type of responses people make to not sound bigoted. I think we need to grow some balls and call things what they are, not what we hope they should be. If brown people frokm the middle east show a disproportionately higher number of terroists incidents than those of other cultures (not saying they do, but for the sake of argument let's say that's true), then they should absolutely be profiled in the name of security. That's another issue I think the PC crowd can't seem to grasp, the rationalization of profiling. If there's no factual basis for profiling a specific group of people then they shouldn't be profiled, likewise if there is a factual basis for profiling certain people more than others, they should be profiled. Public safety > the freedom not to get thoroughly searched.
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Leigh @Leigh
BeardOfKnowledge @JohnyHendricksBeard
Belgium makes three arrests linked to Paris attacks | Fox News

Earlier, police officials said they found a Syrian passport on the body of a suicide bomber at another site targeted in the assaults, the Paris soccer stadium where three were killed. The other victims were killed in bursts of gunfire at restaurants in two popular Paris neighborhoods.

Molins said the attacker with the Syrian passport was not known to French intelligence services.

A Greek official said that terrorist crossed into the European Union through the Greek island of Leros in October, a transit point for Syrian refugees fleeing their war-torn country.
Can I jump to conclusions yet?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I would never jump to conclusions. Its unscientific. What conclusions are you drawing?
Earlier in the thread I stated "Let the refugees in they said" and I believe you and BeardOfKnowledge @JohnyHendricksBeard said oh that hasnt happened. Its all home grown, dont jump to conclusions...

And now we have this

Holder of Syrian passport found near Paris gunman passed through Greece| Reuters
The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night's attacks in Paris passed through Greece in October, a Greek minister said.

"The holder of the passport passed through the island of Leros on Oct. 3, 2015, where he was identified according to EU rules," Greece's deputy minister in charge of police, Nikos Toskas, said in a statement.

Toskas did not know if the Syrian passport had been checked by other countries through which the holder might have passed on his way to France.

A Greek police source said the passport's owner was a young man who had arrived in Leros on a small vessel from Turkey with a group of 69 refugees and had his fingerprints taken by Greek officials.
I've been saying this shit is coming, and was told I was bigoted, irrational, etc....and now its beginning. I think a lot of people are really underestimating these groups and how quickly they adapt. Of course they are going to slip people in with the refugee's or try to "turn" refugees.