Breaking.. multiple dead in Paris

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Jan 28, 2015
Some posters in here are really out of line imho.

Fuck that narrow-minded, extremist crap, you are doing the exact same thing the supporters of terrorists do, how can you be so blind?
You are opposite sides of the same coin.

I'm just glad that I was able to reach all my friends that are currently in France.
Fuck that you deal with people like this with stength and with aggressiveness they will not stop till everyone is dead except them and you want to cry narrow mindedness ok pal you go and see how much these people think of you when they want you dead and come back and tell us we are being narrow minded for wanting to put an end to all this shit once and for all. This is our world not theirs and we can't keep letting them do shit like this. Opposite sides of the coin? Really? give me a fucking break.

On a side note I'm glad and I hope your friend in France are ok, go ask them how they feel about what I said after what happened.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
That's ok I don't give a shit about being banned here I will do whatever I want and say whatever I want based on certain situations. My life will continue happily, being banned here doesn't change a fucking thing
OK. That's your choice but your racism isn't welcome here.


Jan 28, 2015
OK. That's your choice but your racism isn't welcome here.
I'm not racist at all I tell it how it is. Could be Muslim, Korean, white, black, red, green I don't care whoever is doing fucked up shit and ruining our world will get that response from me. My best friend since I was in 7th grade is Muslim and we have had these talks and I say all this shit to him and you know what he says

Bro it's hard to argue after all that has happened. Also I'm not necessarily saying kill them all but as I said something has to be done on a grand scale to stop this.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Fuck that you deal with people like this with stength and with aggressiveness they will not stop till everyone is dead except them and you want to cry narrow mindedness ok pal you go and see how much these people think of you when they want you dead and come back and tell us we are being narrow minded for wanting to put an end to all this shit once and for all. This is our world not theirs and we can't keep letting them do shit like this. Opposite sides of the coin? Really? give me a fucking break.
This is a false dichotomy. Those responsible should absolutely be dealt with harshly.

The narrow mindedness comes from tarring innocent people with the same brush and advocating their murder. And also from thinking that no one else in the world is capable of the same despicable acts, including US and UK governments.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
I'm not racist at all I tell it how it is. Could be Muslim, Korean, white, black, red, green I don't care whoever is doing fucked up shit and ruining our world will get that response from me. My best friend since I was in 7th grade is Muslim and we have had these talks and I say all this shit to him and you know what he says

Bro it's hard to argue after all that has happened. Also I'm not necessarily saying kill them all but as I said something has to be done on a grand scale to stop this.
"Slant eyed" and "rag heads" are racist terms that you have used. You DID say to kill them all. We all agree this was a tragedy and that something should be done. We don't need to resort to dark ages mob mentality


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
It's definitely not opposite sides of the same coin. Last I checked we haven't been strapping bombs to ourselves and blowing people up while they eat dinner.
I'd consider the advocation of the murder of innocent people to be up there.


Jan 28, 2015
"Slant eyed" and "rag heads" are racist terms that you have used. You DID say to kill them all. We all agree this was a tragedy and that something should be done. We don't need to resort to dark ages mob mentality
Are you sure we don't? What would you suggest we do with these people after they have shown no remorse, no stopping, and that they will go to no end to ensure WE are all dead and they can rule.

I didn't mean to say kill them all if I did I don't remember saying that because I dont believe they should all be dead I know there are innocents out there but again something very crazy and out of the ordinary needs to be done.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'd consider the advocation of the murder of innocent people to be up there.
I think it goes back to actions speak louder than words. But I understand where you're coming from.
Me saying "I want to kill @leigh,he's a bloody tally whacked and wanker"
And me blowing my self up or mowing down everyone at a concert is practically the same thing.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
The world is growing tired of Islam.

It may seem like the OG and a couple guys on here are outraged by the shit caused by Islamic Extremists but check out twitter... millions are growing tired of the attacks. It dosnt help when fellow 'moderate' muslims turn a blind eye to it or detach themselves from it when they share the same doctrine as the extremists. They need to weed out the crazies themselves, not stay silent. Otherwise, they are apart of the problem.
Agreed. No longer can they stand by and watch their religion being dragged through the mud.

Outrage in Mecca over a cartoon! People trampled, people stabbed, a cartoonist chased with an axe, people gunned down at Ebdo!

But whenever something like this happens, there is not such outrage, there's a few country leader that voice there regrets, others say (for the thousands time) "it's not about Islam", but that is it. It is not surprising that the fuse that has been lit, will come close to the gunpowder. It will happen. Where are the wailing thousands, the burning flags, the trampling of their brothers, when they watch their denomination being dragged through the dirt, if this is what they claim is happening? Because it is not. It is written in scripture that it shall be so. Look the other way few good people, look away.


Nov 3, 2015
It's definitely not opposite sides of the same coin. Last I checked we haven't been strapping bombs to ourselves and blowing people up while they eat dinner.
I said supporters.
Somebody did say to kill them all and there was no doubt he meant all Muslims and Arabs with that.

So yeah, opposite sides of the same coin.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Are you sure we don't? What would you suggest we do with these people after they have shown no remorse, no stopping, and that they will go to no end to ensure WE are all dead and they can rule.

I didn't mean to say kill them all if I did I don't remember saying that because I dont believe they should all be dead I know there are innocents out there but again something very crazy and out of the ordinary needs to be done.
I think its a very complex situation. It certainly isn't, "Muslims want to kill non Muslims and get 70 virgins, herp derp"

Finding those actually responsible would be a good start. The people who are genuinely guilty, whether it be physical involvement or part of the conspiracy to commit the atrocities.

On a wider scale, I think the West (mainly the US and to a smaller extent, the UK) should cut out their illegal military actions in the Middle East.

I also think we need to educate people out of religion. It's a prehistoric ideology to believe in magic and superstition.

In the UK, we have laws that restrict hate speech. I'd like to see those enforced against militant Islamists (and other religious teaching). Surely if you teach people/children that not believing in your god will mean you get tortured for eternity, that's religion based hate speech.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Agreed. No longer can they stand by and watch their religion being dragged through the mud.

Outrage in Mecca over a cartoon! People trampled, people stabbed, a cartoonist chased with an axe, people gunned down at Ebdo!

But whenever something like this happens, there is not such outrage, there's a few country leader that voice there regrets, others say (for the thousands time) "it's not about Islam", but that is it. It is not surprising that the fuse that has been lit, will come close to the gunpowder. It will happen. Where are the wailing thousands, the burning flags, the trampling of their brothers, when they watch their denomination being dragged through the dirt, if this is what they claim is happening? Because it is not. It is written in scripture that it shall be so. Look the other way few good people, look away.
You're right that some vocal Muslims display a telling silence when stuff like this happens but that doesn't apply to all Muslims. Most of the Muslims I know just try to keep their heads down and avoid Islamaphobia.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
What is the 17 year old Muslim kid who works in his dad's kebab shop supposed to do to weed out ISIS?

What do you do to weed out the bad representatives of atheism/your religion?
Oh this is about fairness? This has never been about fairness. No matter what the 17 year old does, this will come to him, as it came to the 130 plus death people in Paris. That may be a naieve argument at this point.

As long as Atheist don't strap bombs on themsleves to include others in their plight, I think nothing needs to be done. What are they going to do, give a sermon about the benefits of Kale? Stoned monkey theory? Arguments against these brutal acts are becoming weaker with every tragedy that happens, but I applaud you for trying.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Oh this is about fairness? This has never been about fairness. No matter what the 17 year old does, this will come to him, as it came to the 130 plus death people in Paris. That may be a naieve argument at this point.

As long as Atheist don't strap bombs on themsleves to include others in their plight, I think nothing needs to be done. What are they going to do, give a sermon about the benefits of Kale? Stoned monkey theory? Arguments against these brutal acts are becoming weaker with every tragedy that happens, but I applaud you for trying.
That's a whole load of wtf that I don't even want to give a response to.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
You're right that some vocal Muslims display a telling silence when stuff like this happens but that doesn't apply to all Muslims. Most of the Muslims I know just try to keep their heads down and avoid Islamaphobia.
Because those moderates will have to be willing to speak out against the Quran. I have sympathy for those being stuck in such a predicamnet, but they will suffer the concequences as the war machine's engines are warming up again. Like we seen after 911. That is tragedy for all of us.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Because you may not be able to.
Of course I can. It's just banal. But OK, let's give it a quick go.

What will come to the 17 year old? Nothing. He will continue to keep his religion to himself and live his life.

Some atheists commit crimes. By not calling them out, you are being hypocritical. Not all Muslim terrorism is committed in the name of Islam, some is in response to Western involvement in the Middle East. I'm certainly not excusing them, simply pointing out your hypocrisy.

I haven't made an argument against the brutal attacks. I am against them though. Your comment was nonsensical.
Last edited:


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Of course I can. It's just banal. But OK, let's give it a quick go.

What will come to the 17 year old? Nothing. He will continue to keep his religion to himself and live his life.

Some atheists commit crimes. By not calling them out, you are being hypocritical. Not all Muslim terrorism is commuted in the name of Islam, some is in response to Western involvement in the Middke East. I'm certainly not excusing them, simply pointing out your hypocrisy.

I haven't made an argument against the brutal attacks. I am against them though. Your comment was nonsensical.
do athiests commit crimes in the name of athiesm, such as mowing down 100 people at a concert? Their ideology is so intertwined with this war for them, when they attack us for our involvement in things it all ties to religion. We, you included Leigh @Leigh, are infidels, and that's the bottom line for them. Infidels need to be wiped off the map.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
do athiests commit crimes in the name of athiesm, such as mowing down 100 people at a concert?
I don't think that's relevant. Was this committed in the name of Islam?

The Muslims that murdered British soldier Lee Rugby did not do so in the name if Islam, they did it because of the UK's military actions in the Middle East, yet these are the actions that people are asking Muslims to decry.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I don't think that's relevant. Was this committed in the name of Islam?

The Muslims that murdered British soldier Lee Rugby did not do so in the name if Islam, they did it because of the UK's military actions in the Middle East, yet these are the actions that people are asking Muslims to decry.
Leigh @Leigh its all one in the same to them my man


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Well, I'm going to at least try to drop out of this conversation before I get told I'm a racist because I dislike Islam and its followers*

*Does not include Kurds, they are pretty bad ass and awesome


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Of course I can. It's just banal. But OK, let's give it a quick go.

What will come to the 17 year old? Nothing. He will continue to keep his religion to himself and live his life.

Some atheists commit crimes. By not calling them out, you are being hypocritical. Not all Muslim terrorism is committed in the name of Islam, some is in response to Western involvement in the Middle East. I'm certainly not excusing them, simply pointing out your hypocrisy.

I haven't made an argument against the brutal attacks. I am against them though. Your comment was nonsensical.
Fair enough, it may not make sense to you, but it does to me. Next time an atheist steals a bag of chips, I'll post my grievances on facebook.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
OK you can make that (incorrect) judgement but then let's be consistent and apply that reasoning uniformly.
Leigh @Leigh, this is a jihad for them, its all about religion for them, come on man

Ok for real now, I'm done