Bryce Mitchell loves Hitler

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Yeah see. You know you were talking shit.

Rich ? That's funny.
We actually went up the Hudson river into the great Lakes and down the Mississippi.
I don't know if there's any kind of archive but we were on TV and the local newspaper in a petersbrough. The mayor )(who we met , a woman ) gave us a game called petersbrough. Which was essentially the exact same as monopoly but with their local streets. Loved it. Played it all the way across the pacific ocean. Our yaught was called Bungee.

I'm not sure I'm the one coming off self righteous between the two of us here. But I'll own it. I probably do come off that way. Speaking for myself I have a very visceral repulsion to anyone who is saying the same old stupid shit that's been repeated over and over again by the same stupid fuckheads that just can't stop lying constantly about pretty much everything all the time. These same stupid fucks that insist on getting the vaccine and getting boosted 40 times and global warming is going to kill us all and believe and push every single lie that the media and government push constantly. Oh mah terrorism. What about the WMD's ? The anthrax hoax . The bullshit coup that started Ukraine. The russia russia hoax . Not to mention every other war we've been involved with. The sinking of the luscitania, pearl harbour. Selling the ww2 weapons to Asia which kicked off the Korean war . The golf of tonkin. Then you have the coup in Iran along with the other 80+ colour revolutions the cia were involved with that's whitewashed from history.
All this stupid stupid shit people believe at the time and just accept it and repeat it. Now we're just expected to believe those same fucking idiots when they say " hitler killed 6 million Jews in the holocaust " as some kind of social proof.
" oh blah blah, I read a lot of books about it and our education system is the one that told the truth and got it right ". Bullshit.

Do me a favour and name just one example of when the media and government came together and pushed something that wasn't a fucking lie. Just give me one example either historically or currently.
I bet you can't do it.
Yet I'm supposed to believe the 6 million bullshit, which has been pushed just about more than any other thing.

Thats probably why I come off self righteous. Because the side you're arguing for is about 0- 8000 in their track record.
So maybe it's you that needs to learn some humility and get the fuck off your high horse.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i cant fucking stand ariel . he is the ultimate culture vulture . he has never trained, never fought , has nothing to do with any aspect of the sport but he has weasled his way in to a media position .


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
i cant fucking stand ariel . he is the ultimate culture vulture . he has never trained, never fought , has nothing to do with any aspect of the sport but he has weasled his way in to a media position .
Its still funny to me that Dana kicked him out.

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Ariel had the golden goose and he killed it by announcing Brock.

He could have gone to Dana and said, "Hey, I got this info. I'll break it seconds after you announce it and REALLY get the word out."

But he had to douche it all up and "break it" like it meant something to scoop the UFC on it's own announcement.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I think I'm that guy that doesn't give a shit whatever term that is
Why does anybody give a shit lol