Bryce Mitchell loves Hitler

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Active Member
Jan 17, 2018
Hitler tried to make jews leave at first and they refused. So he killed them.Patton said we fought on the wrong side.
Now trillions of dollars wasted and israel still begging for a handout. America should stop giving aid to anyone.
But Trump still shoveling it in to the jews.
"hey lets rebuild something israel destroyed with our own money then give it to them" derp derp
Trumps the man but I dont see his rationale for this.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 31, 2015
Hitler tried to make jews leave at first and they refused. So he killed them.Patton said we fought on the wrong side.
Now trillions of dollars wasted and israel still begging for a handout. America should stop giving aid to anyone.
But Trump still shoveling it in to the jews.
"hey lets rebuild something israel destroyed with our own money then give it to them" derp derp
Trumps the man but I dont see his rationale for this.
"United States needs Isreal, Isreal doesn't need the US." -Nikki Haley
If you read back in this thread they discussed how the US strong-armed a bunch of countries into voting for Isreal's inception in the UN vote.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2018
"United States needs Isreal, Isreal doesn't need the US." -Nikki Haley
If you read back in this thread they discussed how the US strong-armed a bunch of countries into voting for Isreal's inception in the UN vote.
America doesnt need israel. The leeches would be broke and overrun if not for America.............but they are gods chosen people.
Let god give them money and fight their battles then. Jews have always needed help they are weak but think they are mightier than anyone.
I lived In Miami and a bunch came down to my hotel/apartment for pass over.They took over the place and looked down their noses at everyone there. I didnt have a problem with them until that so I started doing research and jews suck.
Just think if we hadnt given them their own country how much money and lives would be saved.