General Bud Light Gets Woke

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
doritos are dog shit anyways . i havent bought any in 20 years


Dec 15, 2018
doritos are dog shit anyways . i havent bought any in 20 years
Is everyone's choice of chip in Canadia the all dressed ones?

They are basically cancer triangles they got MSG too iirc. I had to quit eating them when I got diagnosed with high blood pressure.
You on meds or nah? I'm more scared of Diabeetus than high blood pressure but sucks having either one...



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Is everyone's choice of chip in Canadia the all dressed ones?

You on meds or nah? I'm more scared of Diabeetus than high blood pressure but sucks having either one...

nah ..all dressed are pretty good but i dont think they are a number 1 best seller . they are probably on par with sour cream and onion or ketchup in sales . we are getting all these new gay Indian chips up here too now


Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Is everyone's choice of chip in Canadia the all dressed ones?

You on meds or nah? I'm more scared of Diabeetus than high blood pressure but sucks having either one...

Yeah I take pills for high BP but diet and proper sleep does more than the pills do to lower it and cardio too. I don't have diabetes I got tested for it like 4 times.


Dec 15, 2018
One half assed social media check is going to cost doritos billions of dollars. The damage is done
I don't know why these Goofs roll the dice while trying to find the biggest freakshow to promote their products. The fake n gay media gobble it up with "You go girl, slay queen, clapped back, so brave etc" propaganda to pump them up...

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I don't know why these Goofs roll the dice while trying to find the biggest freakshow to promote their products. The fake n gay media gobble it up with "You go girl, slay queen, clapped back, so brave etc" propaganda to pump them up...
What is messed up is the millionaire execs wont really feel the impact too much of their bad decisions it will be like the 20,000 warehouse workers they fire After they start losing money. Mulvaney is still rich AF but some regular joe at bud light no longer has a job to feed his family after the lay offs.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
they just keep pushing this sick satanic sodomite shit on us . balenciaga, bud light, doritos all in about a 2 year span . you know they will find another scum of the earth zipper tits devil worshiper and make them a spokesperson as soon as this dies used to be all subliminal suggestion in advertising but now they do it right out in the open and in your face


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Who vets these people.
Vetting? Shit, they WANT them as their spokespeople, to push this satanic shit on the public. The better question is, who's behind all of it? Who's pulling the strings. It starts and ends with Israel, in my opinion.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i am pretty sure they vet them to find the worst person humanly possible and hope they fly under the radar


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Just to be clear. I dont mean the Jewish people, at all. I'm talking Israeli Govt & Mossad, who have massive control of our politicians (via bribery and blackmail), and the Jewish media moguls that have been running the media, Hollywood, and music industry for decades.


Feb 2, 2016
Just to be clear. I dont mean the Jewish people, at all. I'm talking Israeli Govt & Mossad, who have massive control of our politicians (via bribery and blackmail), and the Jewish media moguls that have been running the media, Hollywood, and music industry for decades.
I believe it’s “us“ using them to do our dirty work to be honest but I see your point.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I buy the little packs when I go camping. They are excellent fire starters.
Fuck eating that shit.
For the first time in about 4 years I had a Bud Light last week. I thought of you with every sip.
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